Pablo Maiso, Lorena deEcheverría Garín, IracheRius-Rocabert, SergioLuján, LluísGarcin, DominiqueAndrés Cara, Damián deNistal Villán, EstanislaoReina Arias, Ramsés2024-06-062024-06-062020De Pablo-Maiso, L., Echeverría, I., Rius-Rocabert, S., Luján, L., Garcin, D., De Andrés, D., Nistal-Villán, E., Reina, R. (2020) Sendai virus, a strong inducer of anti-lentiviral state in ovine cells. Vaccines, 8(2). ruminant lentiviruses (SRLVs) are widely spread in the ovine and caprine populations, causing an incurable disease aecting animal health and production. Vaccine development is hindered owing to the high genetic heterogeneity of lentiviruses and the selection of T-cell and antibody escape mutants, requiring antigen delivery optimization. Sendai virus (SeV) is a respiratory paramyxovirus in mice that has been recognized as a potent inducer of innate immune responses in several species, including mouse and human. The aim of this study was to stimulate an innate antiviral response in ovine cells and evaluate the potential inhibitory eect upon small ruminant lentivirus (SRLV) infections. Ovine alveolar macrophages (AMs), blood-derived macrophages (BDMs), and skin fibroblasts (OSFs) were stimulated through infection with SeV encoding green fluorescent protein (GFP). SeV eciently infected ovine cells, inducing an antiviral state in AM from SRLV naturally-infected animals, as well as in in vitro SRLV-infected BDM and OSF from non-infected animals. Supernatants from SeV-infected AM induced an antiviral state when transferred to fresh cells challenged with SRLV. Similar to SRLV, infectivity of an HIV-1-GFP lentiviral vector was also restricted in ovine cells infected with SeV. In myeloid cells, an M1-like proinflammatory polarization was observed together with an APOBEC3Z1 induction, among other lentiviral restriction factors. Our observations may boost new approximations in ameliorating the SRLV burden by stimulation of the innate immune response using SeV-based vaccine vectors.application/pdfspa© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license.Small ruminant lentivirusSendai virusInnate immunityInterferonAPOBEC3Sendai virus, a strong inducer of anti-lentiviral state in ovine cellsArtículo / Artikulua2024-06-06Acceso abierto / Sarbide irekiainfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess