Jones, Julia A.Wei, XiaohuaNoordwijk, Meine vanCreed, Irena F.Gush, MarkEllison, DavidBlanco Vaca, Juan AntonioBishop, KevinMcNulty, Steven G.Archer, Emma2018-08-202018-08-202018978-3-902762-95-51016-3263 chapter aims to clarify the effects that changing climate and quantity, quality and pattern of tree cover in forests have on the way water becomes available for human use and ecosystem integrity. To do this, the chapter synthesises current understanding of implications for local and global hydrology of current and anticipated changes to forests and tree cover.application/pdfengWater managementForest landscapeClimate changeForest landscape hydrology in a "new normal" era of climate and land use changeCapĂ­tulo de libro / Liburuen kapituluaAcceso abierto / Sarbide irekiainfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess