Santiago Arriazu, DavidTamayo-Domínguez, AdriánGómez Laso, Miguel ÁngelLopetegui Beregaña, José MaríaFernández-González, José ManuelMartínez, RamónArregui Padilla, Iván2024-01-222024-01-222023Santiago, D., Tamayo-Domínguez, A., Laso, M. A. G., Lopetegui, T., Fernández-González, J.-M, Martínez, R., Arregui, I. (2023) Diseño robusto de filtros paso-banda de banda W en tecnología Gap Waveguide impresos en 3D. En Landesa, L., Serna A. (Dirs.), URSI 2023: Libro de actas, XXXVIII, Simposio Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio, Cáceres 13-15 septiembre 2023 (pp. 1-4). URSI Universidad de Extremadura978-84-09-53230-8 3D-printed bandpass filter for the W-band is proposed in this work. The use of the higher-order TE10n modes in groove gap waveguide (GGW) technology is analyzed and shown to ease the manufacturing requirements. The design example is a 5th-order Chebyshev filter at 94 GHz, which is easily fabricated by stereolithographic (SLA) 3D-printing (an additive manufacturing technique). The filter is silver coated once it is printed. Excellent measured performance is reported. The combination of higher-order modes, GGW technology and SLA 3D-printing seems to be a promising way of fabricating filters in W-band for high-capacity high data-rate communication systems.application/pdfspaDiseño robusto de filtros paso-banda de banda W en tecnología Gap Waveguide impresos en 3DContribución a congreso / Biltzarrerako ekarpena2024-01-22Acceso abierto / Sarbide irekiainfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess