Estimating unemployment in very small areas

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Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya-IDESCAT
Acceso abierto / Sarbide irekia
Artículo / Artikulua
Versión aceptada / Onetsi den bertsioa

Project identifier


In the last few years, European countries have shown a deep interest in applying small area techniques to produce reliable estimates at county level. However, the specificity of every European country and the heterogeneity of the available auxiliary information, make the use of a common methodology a very difficult task. In this study, the performance of several design-based, model-assisted, and model-based estimators using different auxiliary information for estimating unemployment at small area level is analyzed. The results are illustrated with data from Navarre, an autonomous region located at the north of Spain and divided into seven small areas. After discussing pros and cons of the different alternatives, a composite estimator is chosen, because of its good trade-off between bias and variance. Several methods for estimating the prediction error of the proposed estimator are also provided.


Finite population, Prediction theory, Labour Force Survey, Weights, Bias


Estadística e Investigación Operativa / Estatistika eta Ikerketa Operatiboa



Doctorate program

Editor version

Funding entities

This research has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education (project MTM2005-00511) and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MTM2008-03085).

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