Small wind turbine

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Vélez Castellano, Didier


Acceso abierto / Sarbide irekia
Trabajo Fin de Máster / Master Amaierako Lana

Project identifier


The main objective is to develop a project on installing a small wind turbine at the University of Glyndwr in Wrexham Wales. Today are immersed in a world seeking clean energy for reduce greenhouse gases because this problem is becoming a global reality. So installing a small wind turbine at the university would provide large quantity of clean energy to supply a workshop and also reduce the expulsion of CO2 into the atmosphere. The main characteristic of the turbine under consideration is the permanent magnet alternator that incorporates, whose rotor is coupled to the main axis of the machine without using an intermediate for the coupling, making this type of wind turbines an attractive solution in concerns regarding costs since it simplifies design and reduces maintenance costs. The disadvantage of this type of machine is performance that present. Since all energy of wind cannot transform into electric power and also there are a number of mechanical and electrical losses. So will be do a report on the weather conditions trough by a wind study done at the University of Glyndwr and calculate how much energy we can generate with the small wind turbines. Finally is showed that for this university the install a small wind turbine is profitable long period also would be a good subject of study for students and teachers, such as seeking greater energy efficiency, increased performance of the turbine and so on.


Turbinas de viento, Wind turbines


Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica / Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa eta Elektronikoa


Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales y de Telecomunicación / Telekomunikazio eta Industria Ingeniarien Goi Mailako Eskola Teknikoa / Glyndwr University Wrexham (Reino Unido)


Ingeniería Técnica Industrial, Industria Ingeniaritza Teknikoa

Doctorate program

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Funding entities

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