Effectiveness of a telephone prevention programme on the recurrence of suicidal behaviour. One-year follow-up

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Goñi-Sarriés, Adriana



Acceso abierto / Sarbide irekia
Artículo / Artikulua
Versión publicada / Argitaratu den bertsioa

Project identifier


People who have attempted suicide are considered a risk population for repeating the behaviour. Therapeutic interventions, such as telephone follow-up programmes (TFPs), are promising but more evidence for its efficacy is needed. In this multicentre, open, ex-post-facto, pre/post, one year prospective study, a previous cohort discharged from the emergency department for a suicide attempt (SA) and given routine treatment (n=207) was compared with a similar group who received the same intervention plus a structured TFP of six calls (n=203). At one year of follow-up, the efficacy of the TFP at preventing SA was assessed. A total of 53.2% (n=108) of the patients finished the TFP. A total of 20.3% (n=42) of the routine treatment group and 23.6% (n=48) of the TFP group reattempted at least once in the follow-up period (χ2=0.7;df=1;p=.412). However, in both groups, different subsamples of patients who presented extreme risk of SA at follow-up (0-57%) were identified. In the TFP group, the recurrence of suicidal behaviour was lower in patients admitted after the index attempt and in those who had more severe psychopathological symptoms, but not in the other profiles. Thus, this study has identified a specific profile of patients who could benefit from a brief-contact intervention.


Suicide attempt, Telephone follow-up, Psychiatric emergencies, Index attempt


Ciencias de la Salud / Osasun Zientziak



Doctorate program

Editor version

Funding entities

This study was supported in part, by a grant (Resolución 3036/2014) from the Departamento de Salud del Gobierno de Navarra and by the Award “Federico Soto a la investigación sobre el suicidio 2019” from Fundación Colegio de Médicos de Navarra.

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