An inverse finite element approach to characterize the mechanical properties of hydrogels

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Ocáriz Aguirre, Xabier


Acceso abierto / Sarbide irekia
Trabajo Fin de Máster / Master Amaierako Lana

Project identifier


The aim of this thesis is to achieve and to obtain a rheological characterization of hydrogels by means of the finite element method, the parameters which define the biofilm model that has been implemented in ABAQUS software by Ehret. The idea of characterizing hydrogels comes from the rheological test that have been carried out in the biotechnology institute (ibvt), specifically in the Master Thesis of Daria Kaptsan. His work is focused in establishing the hydrogel as a biofilm model. Biofilms have the EPS matrix character as gel and show similar reversible deformation as hydrogels. The effect of divalent cations such as Mg and Ca was checked on the gel strength. Finally they immobilized Pseudomonas Putida KT2440 cells inside the gel to simulate the biofilm behaviour under mechanical stress.


Hidrogeles, Método de elementos finitos, Biopelículas


Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica / Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa eta Elektronikoa


Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales y de Telecomunicación / Telekomunikazio eta Industria Ingeniarien Goi Mailako Eskola Teknikoa / Technische Universität Braunschweig (Alemania)


Ingeniería Industrial, Industria Ingeniaritza

Doctorate program

Editor version

Funding entities

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