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  • PublicationOpen Access
    Ectopic expression of the AtCDF1 transcription factor in potato enhances tuber starch and amino acid contents and yield under open field conditions
    (Frontiers Media, 2023) Carrillo, Laura; Baroja Fernández, Edurne; Renau Morata, Begoña; Muñoz Pérez, Francisco José; Canales, Javier; Ciordia, Sergio; Yang, Lu; Sánchez López, Ángela María; Nebauer, Sergio G.; Ceballos, Mar G.; Vicente-Carbajosa, Jesús; Molina, Rosa V.; Pozueta Romero, Javier; Medina, Joaquín; IdAB. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología / Agrobioteknologiako Institutua
    Introduction: cycling Dof transcription factors (CDFs) have been involved in different aspects of plant growth and development. In Arabidopsis and tomato, one member of this family (CDF1) has recently been associated with the regulation of primary metabolism and abiotic stress responses, but their roles in crop production under open field conditions remain unknown. Methods: in this study, we compared the growth, and tuber yield and composition of plants ectopically expressing the CDF1 gene from Arabidopsis under the control of the 35S promoter with wild-type (WT) potato plants cultured in growth chamber and open field conditions. Results: in growth chambers, the 35S::AtCDF1 plants showed a greater tuber yield than the WT by increasing the biomass partition for tuber development. Under field conditions, the ectopic expression of CDF1 also promoted the sink strength of the tubers, since 35S::AtCDF1 plants exhibited significant increases in tuber size and weight resulting in higher tuber yield. A metabolomic analysis revealed that tubers of 35S::AtCDF1 plants cultured under open field conditions accumulated higher levels of glucose, starch and amino acids than WT tubers. A comparative proteomic analysis of tubers of 35S::AtCDF1 and WT plants cultured under open field conditions revealed that these changes can be accounted for changes in the expression of proteins involved in energy production and different aspects of C and N metabolism. Discussion: The results from this study advance our collective understanding of the role of CDFs and are of great interest for the purposes of improving the yield and breeding of crop plants.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Cell-free microbial culture filtrates as candidate biostimulants to enhance plant growth and yield and activate soil- and plant-associated beneficial microbiota
    (Frontiers Media, 2022) León Morcillo, Rafael Jorge; Baroja Fernández, Edurne; López-Serrano, Lidia; Leal-López, Jesús; Muñoz Pérez, Francisco José; Bahaji, Abdellatif; Férez-Gómez, Alberto; Pozueta Romero, Javier; IdAB. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología / Agrobioteknologiako Institutua
    In this work we compiled information on current and emerging microbial-based fertilization practices, especially the use of cell-free microbial culture filtrates (CFs), to promote plant growth, yield and stress tolerance, and their effects on plant-associated beneficial microbiota. In addition, we identified limitations to bring microbial CFs to the market as biostimulants. In nature, plants act as metaorganisms, hosting microorganisms that communicate with the plants by exchanging semiochemicals through the phytosphere. Such symbiotic interactions are of high importance not only for plant yield and quality, but also for functioning of the soil microbiota. One environmentally sustainable practice to increasing crop productivity and/or protecting plants from (a)biotic stresses while reducing the excessive and inappropriate application of agrochemicals is based on the use of inoculants of beneficial microorganisms. However, this technology has a number of limitations, including inconsistencies in the field, specific growth requirements and host compatibility. Beneficial microorganisms release diffusible substances that promote plant growth and enhance yield and stress tolerance. Recently, evidence has been provided that this capacity also extends to phytopathogens. Consistently, soil application of microbial cell-free culture filtrates (CFs) has been found to promote growth and enhance the yield of horticultural crops. Recent studies have shown that the response of plants to soil application of microbial CFs is associated with strong proliferation of the resident beneficial soil microbiota. Therefore, the use of microbial CFs to enhance both crop yield and stress tolerance, and to activate beneficial soil microbiota could be a safe, efficient and environmentally friendly approach to minimize shortfalls related to the technology of microbial inoculation. In this review, we compile information on microbial CFs and the main constituents (especially volatile compounds) that promote plant growth, yield and stress tolerance, and their effects on plant-associated beneficial microbiota. In addition, we identify challenges and limitations for their use as biostimulants to bring them to the market and we propose remedial actions and give suggestions for future work.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Estimating peanut and soybean photosynthetic traits using leaf spectral reflectance and advance regression models
    (Springer, 2022) Buchaillot, María Luisa; Soba Hidalgo, David; Shu, Tianchu; Liu, Juan; Aranjuelo Michelena, Iker; Araus, José Luis; Runion, G. Brett; Prior, Stephen A.; Kefauver, Shawn C.; Sanz Sáez, Álvaro; IdAB. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología / Agrobioteknologiako Institutua
    One proposed key strategy for increasing potential crop stability and yield centers on exploitation of genotypic variability in photosynthetic capacity through precise high-throughput phenotyping techniques. Photosynthetic parameters, such as the maximum rate of Rubisco catalyzed carboxylation (Vc,max) and maximum electron transport rate supporting RuBP regeneration (Jmax), have been identified as key targets for improvement. The primary techniques for measuring these physiological parameters are very time-consuming. However, these parameters could be estimated using rapid and non-destructive leaf spectroscopy techniques. This study compared four different advanced regression models (PLS, BR, ARDR, and LASSO) to estimate Vc,max and Jmax based on leaf reflectance spectra measured with an ASD FieldSpec4. Two leguminous species were tested under different controlled environmental conditions: (1) peanut under different water regimes at normal atmospheric conditions and (2) soybean under high [CO2] and high night temperature. Model sensitivities were assessed for each crop and treatment separately and in combination to identify strengths and weaknesses of each modeling approach. Regardless of regression model, robust predictions were achieved for Vc,max (R2 = 0.70) and Jmax (R2 = 0.50). Field spectroscopy shows promising results for estimating spatial and temporal variations in photosynthetic capacity based on leaf and canopy spectral properties.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Holm oak decline is determined by shifts in fine root phenotypic plasticity in response to belowground stress
    (Wiley, 2022) Encinas-Valero, Manuel; Esteban Terradillos, Raquel; Hereş, Ana-Maria; Vivas, María; Fakhet, Dorra; Aranjuelo Michelena, Iker; Solla, Alejandro; Moreno, Gerardo; Curiel Yuste, Jorge; IdAB. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología / Agrobioteknologiako Institutua
    Climate change and pathogen outbreaks are the two major causes of decline in Mediterranean holm oak trees (Quercus ilex L. subsp. ballota (Desf.) Samp.). Crown-level changes in response to these stressful conditions have been widely documented but the responses of the root systems remain unexplored. The effects of environmental stress over roots and its potential role during the declining process need to be evaluated. We aimed to study how key morphological and architectural root parameters and nonstructural carbohydrates of roots are affected along a holm oak health gradient (i.e. within healthy, susceptible and declining trees). Holm oaks with different health statuses had different soil resource-uptake strategies. While healthy and susceptible trees showed a conservative resource-uptake strategy independently of soil nutrient availability, declining trees optimized soil resource acquisition by increasing the phenotypic plasticity of their fine root system. This increase in fine root phenotypic plasticity in declining holm oaks represents an energy-consuming strategy promoted to cope with the stress and at the expense of foliage maintenance. Our study describes a potential feedback loop resulting from strong unprecedented belowground stress that ultimately may lead to poor adaptation and tree death in the Spanish dehesa.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Evaluation of the anti-nitrative effect of plant antioxidants using a cowpea Fe-superoxide dismutase as a target
    (Elsevier, 2014) Urarte Rodríguez, Estíbaliz; Asensio, Aarón C.; Tellechea Malda, Edurne; Pires, Laura; Morán Juez, José Fernando; IdAB. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología / Agrobioteknologiako Institutua; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa; Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako Gobernua
    Nitric oxide cytotoxicity arises from its rapid conversion to peroxynitrite (ONOO) in the presence of superoxide, provoking functional changes in proteins by nitration of tyrosine residues. The physiological significance of this post-translational modification is associated to tissue injury in animals, but has not beenyet clarified in plants. The objective of this study was to establish new approaches that could help to understand ONOOreactivity in plants. A recombinant Fe-superoxide dismutase from cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.), rVuFeSOD, was the target of the ONOO-generator SIN-1, and the anti-nitrative effect of plant antioxidants and haemoglobins was tested in vitro. Nitration on rVuFeSOD was evaluated immunochemically or as the loss of its enzymatic activity. This assay proved to be useful to test a variety of plant compounds for anti-nitrative capacity. Experimental data confirmed that rice (Oryza sativa L.) haemoglobin-1 (rOsHbI) and cowpea leghaemoglobin-2 exerted a protective function against ONOOby diminishing nitration on rVuFeSOD. Both plant haemoglobins were nitrated by SIN-1. The chelator desferrioxamine suppressed nitration in rOsHbI, indicating that Fe plays a key role in the reaction. The removal of the haem moiety in rOsHbI importantly suppressed nitration, evidencing that this reaction may be self-catalyzed. Among small antioxidants, ascorbate remarkably decreased nitration in all tests. The phenolic compounds caffeic acid, gallic acid, pyrogallol, 4-hydroxybenzoic acid and the f lavonoid gossypin also diminished tyrosine nitration and protected rVuFeSOD to different extents. It is concluded that small plant antioxidants, especially ascorbate, and haemoglobins may well play key roles in ONOOhomeostasis in vivo.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Enhanced yield of pepper plants promoted by soil application of volatiles from cell-free fungal culture filtrates is associated with activation of the beneficial soil microbiota
    (Frontiers Media, 2021) Baroja Fernández, Edurne; Almagro Zabalza, Goizeder; Sánchez López, Ángela María; Bahaji, Abdellatif; Gámez Arcas, Samuel; Diego, Nuria de; Dolezal, Karel; Muñoz Pérez, Francisco José; Climent Sanz, Eric; Pozueta Romero, Javier; IdAB. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología / Agrobioteknologiako Institutua; Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako Gobernua
    Plants communicate with microorganisms by exchanging chemical signals throughout the phytosphere. Such interactions are important not only for plant productivity and fitness, but also for terrestrial ecosystem functioning. It is known that beneficial microorganisms emit diffusible substances including volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that promote growth. Consistently, soil application of cell-free culture filtrates (CF) of beneficial soil and plant-associated microorganisms enhances plant growth and yield. However, how this treatment acts in plants and whether it alters the resident soil microbiota, are largely unknown. In this work we characterized the responses of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) plants cultured under both greenhouse and open field conditions and of soil microbiota to soil application of CFs of beneficial and phytopathogenic fungi. To evaluate the contribution of VOCs occurring in the CFs to these responses, we characterized the responses of plants and of soil microbiota to application of distillates (DE) of the fungal CFs. CFs and their respective DEs contained the same potentially biogenic VOCs, and application of these extracts enhanced root growth and fruit yield, and altered the nutritional characteristics of fruits. High-throughput amplicon sequencing of bacterial 16S and fungal ITS rRNA genes of the soil microbiota revealed that the CF and DE treatments altered the microbial community compositions, and led to strong enrichment of the populations of the same beneficial bacterial and fungal taxa. Our findings show that CFs of both beneficial and phytopathogenic fungi can be used as biostimulants, and provide evidence that VOCs occurring in the fungal CFs act as mediators of the plants’ responses to soil application of fungal CFs through stimulation of the beneficial soil microbiota.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Hongos entomopatógenos: de la agricultura a la conservación del patrimonio histórico
    (Junta de Andalucía: Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico, 2018) Crespo Martín, Eva; Roncel Gil, Mercedes; Pérez-Castiñeira, José Román; Pérez Camacho, Inmaculada Concepción; Gallego Sánchez, Luis Miguel; Gámez Arcas, Samuel; Mozo Mulero, Marta; Nevado Berzosa, María Patricia; Soriano Bermúdez, Jesús José; Téllez Pueblas, Elan Alexis; Molina Heredia, Fernando Publio; IdAB. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología / Agrobioteknologiako Institutua
    Los métodos tradicionales utilizados en la conservación del patrimonio histórico incluyen principalmente el uso de insecticidas sintéticos, que presentan las desventajas de su toxicidad y de su falta de inocuidad sobre el sustrato a tratar. En este artículo se presenta una alternativa a estos métodos basada en el empleo de sustancias biocidas extraídas o provenientes de hongos entomopatógenos, como son Beauveria bassianay Metarhizium anisopliae. La presente propuesta incluye dos variantes no excluyentes como son el uso de conidios y la aplicación de geles con enzimas y toxinas provenientes de dichas especies. Esta metodología aporta ventajas con respecto a los métodos tradicionales, como la no toxicidad para el manipulador, la aplicabilidad a diferentes sustratos independientemente de su tamaño y localización, y su prácticamente nula reactividad frente al sustrato.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Coping with environmental eukaryotes; identification of Pseudomonas syringae genes during the interaction with alternative hosts or predators
    (MDPI, 2018) Dorati, Federico; Barrett, Glyn A.; Sánchez Contreras, María; Murillo Martínez, Jesús; Caballero Murillo, Primitivo; IdAB. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología / Agrobioteknologiako Institutua
    Understanding the molecular mechanisms underpinning the ecological success of plant pathogens is critical to develop strategies for controlling diseases and protecting crops. Recent observations have shown that plant pathogenic bacteria, particularly Pseudomonas, exist in a range of natural environments away from their natural plant host e.g., water courses, soil, non-host plants. This exposes them to a variety of eukaryotic predators such as nematodes, insects and amoebae present in the environment. Nematodes and amoeba in particular are bacterial predators while insect herbivores may act as indirect predators, ingesting bacteria on plant tissue. We therefore postulated that bacteria are probably under selective pressure to avoid or survive predation and have therefore developed appropriate coping mechanisms. We tested the hypothesis that plant pathogenic Pseudomonas syringae are able to cope with predation pressure and found that three pathovars show weak, but significant resistance or toxicity. To identify the gene systems that contribute to resistance or toxicity we applied a heterologous screening technique, called Rapid Virulence Annotation (RVA), for anti-predation and toxicity mechanisms. Three cosmid libraries for P. syringae pv. aesculi, pv. tomato and pv. phaseolicola, of approximately 2000 cosmids each, were screened in the susceptible/non-toxic bacterium Escherichia coli against nematode, amoebae and an insect. A number of potential conserved and unique genes were identified which included genes encoding haemolysins, biofilm formation, motility and adhesion. These data provide the first multi-pathovar comparative insight to how plant pathogens cope with different predation pressures and infection of an insect gut and provide a foundation for further study into the function of selected genes and their role in ecological success.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Modulation of Haemophilus influenzae interaction with hydrophobic molecules by the VacJ/MlaA lipoprotein impacts strongly on its interplay with the airways
    (Springer, 2018) Fernández Calvet, Ariadna; Rodríguez Arce, Irene; Almagro Zabalza, Goizeder; Moleres Apilluelo, Javier; Caballero Coronado, Lucía; Garmendia García, Juncal; IdAB. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología / Agrobioteknologiako Institutua; Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako Gobernua, 03/2016; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa
    Airway infection by nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) associates to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) exacerbation and asthma neutrophilic airway inflammation. Lipids are key inflammatory mediators in these disease conditions and consequently, NTHi may encounter free fatty acids during airway persistence. However, molecular information on the interplay NTHi-free fatty acids is limited, and we lack evidence on the importance of such interaction to infection. Maintenance of the outer membrane lipid asymmetry may play an essential role in NTHi barrier function and interaction with hydrophobic molecules. VacJ/MlaA-MlaBCDEF prevents phospholipid accumulation at the bacterial surface, being the only system involved in maintaining membrane asymmetry identified in NTHi. We assessed the relationship among the NTHi VacJ/MlaA outer membrane lipoprotein, bacterial and exogenous fatty acids, and respiratory infection. The vacJ/mlaA gene inactivation increased NTHi fatty acid and phospholipid global content and fatty acyl specific species, which in turn increased bacterial susceptibility to hydrophobic antimicrobials, decreased NTHi epithelial infection, and increased clearance during pulmonary infection in mice with both normal lung function and emphysema, maybe related to their shared lung fatty acid profiles. Altogether, we provide evidence for VacJ/MlaA as a key bacterial factor modulating NTHi survival at the human airway upon exposure to hydrophobic molecules.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Multidrug resistant Salmonella enterica isolated from conventional pig farms using antimicrobial agents in preventative medicine programmes
    (Elsevier, 2018) Cameron Veasa, Karla; Fraile, Lorenzo; Nappa, Sebastian; Garrido González, Victoria; Grilló Dolset, María Jesús; IdAB. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología / Agrobioteknologiako Institutua; Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako Gobernua, IIQ14064.RI1
    A longitudinal study was conducted to investigate the presence of multidrug antimicrobial resistance (multi-AR) in Salmonella enterica in pigs reared under conventional preventative medicine programmes in Spain and the possible association of multi-AR with ceftiofur or tulathromycin treatment during the pre-weaning period. Groups of 7-day-old piglets were treated by intramuscular injection with ceftiofur on four farms (n = 40 piglets per farm) and with tulathromycin on another four farms (n = 40 piglets per farm). A control group of untreated piglets (n = 30 per farm) was present on each farm. Faecal swabs were collected for S. enterica culture prior to treatment, at 2, 7 and 180 days post-treatment, and at slaughter. Minimal inhibitory concentrations of 14 antimicrobial agents, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and detection of resistance genes representing five families of antimicrobial agents were performed. Plasmids carrying cephalosporin resistant (CR) genes were characterised. Sixty-six S. enterica isolates were recovered from five of eight farms. Forty-seven isolates were multi-AR and four contained blaCTX-M genes harboured in conjugative plasmids of the IncI1 family; three of these isolates were recovered before treatment with ceftiofur. The most frequent AR genes detected were tet(A) (51/66, 77%), sul1 (17/66, 26%); tet(B) (15/66, 23%) and qnrB (10/66, 15%). A direct relation between the use of ceftiofur in these conditions and the occurrence of CR S. enterica was not established. However, multi-AR was common, especially for ampicillin, streptomycin, sulphonamides and tetracycline. These antibiotics are used frequently in veterinary medicine in Spain and, therefore, should be used sparingly to minimise the spread of multi-AR.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Physiological performance of transplastomic tobacco plants overexpressing aquaporin AQP1 in chloroplast membranes
    (Oxford University Press, 2018) Fernández San Millán, Alicia; Aranjuelo Michelena, Iker; Ancín Rípodas, María; Larraya Reta, Luis María; Farrán Blanch, Inmaculada; Veramendi Charola, Jon; Agronomia, Bioteknologia eta Elikadura; Agronomía, Biotecnología y Alimentación; IdAB. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología / Agrobioteknologiako Institutua
    The leaf mesophyll CO2 conductance and the concentration of CO2 within the chloroplast are major factors affecting photosynthetic performance. Previous studies have shown that the aquaporin NtAQP1 (which localizes to the plasma membrane and chloroplast inner envelope membrane) is involved in CO2 permeability in the chloroplast. Levels of NtAQP1 in plants genetically engineered to overexpress the protein correlated positively with leaf mesophyll CO2 conductance and photosynthetic rate. In these studies, the nuclear transformation method used led to changes in NtAQP1 levels in the plasma membrane and the chloroplast inner envelope membrane. In the present work, NtAQP1 levels were increased up to 16-fold in the chloroplast membranes alone by the overexpression of NtAQP1 from the plastid genome. Despite the high NtAQP1 levels achieved, transplastomic plants showed lower photosynthetic rates than wild-type plants. This result was associated with lower Rubisco maximum carboxylation rate and ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate regeneration. Transplastomic plants showed reduced mesophyll CO2 conductance but no changes in chloroplast CO2 concentration. The absence of differences in chloroplast CO2 concentration was associated with the lower CO2 fixation activity of the transplastomic plants. These findings suggest that non-functional pores of recombinant NtAQP1 may be produced in the chloroplast inner envelope membrane.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Global assessment of small RNAs reveals a non-coding transcript involved in biofilm formation and attachment in Acinetobacter baumannii ATCC 17978
    (Public Library of Science, 2017) Álvarez Fraga, Laura; Rumbo Feal, Soraya; Pérez, Astrid; Gómez, Manuel J.; Valle Turrillas, Jaione; IdAB. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología / Agrobioteknologiako Institutua
    Many strains of Acinetobacter baumannii have been described as being able to form biofilm. Small non-coding RNAs (sRNAs) control gene expression in many regulatory circuits in bacteria. The aim of the present work was to provide a global description of the sRNAs produced both by planktonic and biofilm-associated (sessile) cells of A. baumannii ATCC 17978, and to compare the corresponding gene expression profiles to identify sRNAs molecules associated to biofilm formation and virulence. sRNA was extracted from both planktonic and sessile cells and reverse transcribed. cDNA was subjected to 454-pyrosequencing using the GS-FLX Titanium chemistry. The global analysis of the small RNA transcriptome revealed different sRNA expression patterns in planktonic and biofilm associated cells, with some of the transcripts only expressed or repressed in sessile bacteria. A total of 255 sRNAs were detected, with 185 of them differentially expressed in the different types of cells. A total of 9 sRNAs were expressed only in biofilm cells, while the expression of other 21 coding regions were repressed only in biofilm cells. Strikingly, the expression level of the sRNA 13573 was 120 times higher in biofilms than in planktonic cells, an observation that prompted us to further investigate the biological role of this non-coding transcript. Analyses of an isogenic mutant and over-expressing strains revealed that the sRNA 13573 gene is involved in biofilm formation and attachment to A549 human alveolar epithelial cells. The present work serves as a basis for future studies examining the complex regulatory network that regulate biofilm biogenesis and attachment to eukaryotic cells in A. baumannii ATCC 17978.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Elevated CO2 improved the growth of a double nitrate reductase defective mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana: the importance of maintaining a high energy status
    (Elsevier, 2017) Jáuregui Mosquera, Iván; Aparicio Tejo, Pedro María; Baroja Fernández, Edurne; Ávila, Concepción; Aranjuelo Michelena, Iker; Natura Ingurunearen Zientziak; Ciencias del Medio Natural; IdAB. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología / Agrobioteknologiako Institutua
    Impairments in leaf nitrogen (N) assimilation in C3 plants have been identified as processes conditioning photosynthesis under elevated [CO2], especially when N is supplied as nitrate. Leaf N status is usually improved under ammonium nutrition and elevated [CO2]. However, ammonium fertilization is usually accompanied by the appearance of oxidative stress symptoms, which constrains plant development. To understand how the limitations of direct fertilization with ammonium (growth reduction attributed to ammonium toxicity) can be overcome, the effects of elevated [CO2] (800 ppm) exposure were studied in the Arabidopsis thaliana double nitrate reductase defective mutant, nia1-1/chl3-5 (which preferentially assimilates ammonium as its nitrogen source). Analysis of the physiology, metabolites and gene expression was carried out in roots and shoot organs. Our study clearly showed that elevated [CO2] improved the inhibited phenotype of the nitrate reductase double mutant. Both the photosynthetic rates and the leaf N content of the NR mutant under elevated CO2 were similar to wild type plants. The growth of the nitrate reductase mutant was linked to its ability to overcome ammonium-associated photoinhibition processes at 800 ppm [CO2]. More specifically: (i) the capacity of NR mutants to equilibrate energy availability, as reflected by the electron transport equilibrium reached (photosynthesis, photorespiration and respiration), (ii) as well as by the upregulation of genes involved in stress tolerance were identified as the processes involved in the improved performance of NR mutants.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    N-glycomic and microscopic subcellular localization analyses of NPP1, 2 and 6 strongly indicate that trans-Golgi compartments participate in the Golgi to plastid traffic of nucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterases in rice
    (Oxford University Press, 2016) Kaneko, Kentaro; Takamatsu, Takeshi; Inomata, Takuya; Oikawa, Kazusato; Pozueta Romero, Javier; IdAB. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología / Agrobioteknologiako Institutua; Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako Gobernua, IIQ14067.RI1
    Nucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterases (NPPs) are widely distributed N-glycosylated enzymes that catalyze the hydrolytic breakdown of numerous nucleotides and nucleotide sugars. In many plant species, NPPs are encoded by a small multigene family, which in rice are referred to NPP1–NPP6. Although recent investigations showed that N-glycosylated NPP1 is transported from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)–Golgi system to the chloroplast through the secretory pathway in rice cells, information on N-glycan composition and subcellular localization of other NPPs is still lacking. Computer-assisted analyses of the amino acid sequences deduced from different Oryza sativa NPP-encoding cDNAs predicted all NPPs to be secretory glycoproteins. Confocal fluorescence microscopy observation of cells expressing NPP2 and NPP6 fused with green fluorescent protein (GFP) revealed that NPP2 and NPP6 are plastidial proteins. Plastid targeting of NPP2–GFP and NPP6–GFP was prevented by brefeldin A and by the expression of ARF1(Q71L), a dominant negative mutant of ADP-ribosylation factor 1 that arrests the ER to Golgi traffic, indicating that NPP2 and NPP6 are transported from the ER–Golgi to the plastidial compartment. Confocal laser scanning microscopy and high-pressure frozen/freeze-substituted electron microscopy analyses of transgenic rice cells ectopically expressing the trans-Golgi marker sialyltransferase fused with GFP showed the occurrence of contact of Golgi-derived membrane vesicles with cargo and subsequent absorption into plastids. Sensitive and high-throughput glycoblotting/mass spectrometric analyses showed that complex-type and paucimannosidic-type glycans with fucose and xylose residues occupy approximately 80% of total glycans of NPP1, NPP2 and NPP6. The overall data strongly indicate that the trans-Golgi compartments participate in the Golgi to plastid trafficking and targeting mechanism of NPPs.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Baculovirus-induced climbing behavior favors intraspecific necrophagy and efficient disease transmission in Spodoptera exigua
    (Public Library of Science, 2015) Rebolledo, Dulce; Lasa, Rodrigo; Guevara, Roger; Murillo Pérez, Rosa; Williams, Trevor; IdAB. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología / Agrobioteknologiako Institutua
    Shortly prior to death, many species of Lepidoptera infected with nucleopolyhedrovirus climb upwards on the host plant. This results in improved dissemination of viral occlusion bodies over plant foliage and an increased probability of transmission to healthy conspecific larvae. Following applications of Spodoptera exigua multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus for control of Spodoptera exigua on greenhouse-grown sweet pepper crops, necrophagy was observed by healthy S. exigua larvae that fed on virus-killed conspecifics. We examined whether this risky behavior was induced by olfactory or phagostimulant compounds associated with infected cadavers. Laboratory choice tests and olfactometer studies, involving infected and non-infected cadavers placed on spinach leaf discs, revealed no evidence for greater attraction of healthy larvae to virus-killed over non-infected cadavers. Physical contact or feeding on infected cadavers resulted in a very high incidence of transmission (82–93% lethal disease). Observations on the behavior of S. exigua larvae on pepper plants revealed that infected insects died on the uppermost 10% of foliage and closer to the plant stem than healthy conspecifics of the same stage, which we considered clear evidence of baculovirus-induced climbing behavior. Healthy larvae that subsequently foraged on the plant were more frequently observed closer to the infected than the non-infected cadaver. Healthy larvae also encountered and fed on infected cadavers significantly more frequently and more rapidly than larvae that fed on non-infected cadavers. Intraspecific necrophagy on infected cadavers invariably resulted in virus transmission and death of the necrophagous insect. We conclude that, in addition to improving the dissemination of virus particles over plant foliage, baculovirus-induced climbing behavior increases the incidence of intraspecific necrophagy in S. exigua, which is the most efficient mechanism of transmission of this lethal pathogen.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Nitric oxide induces the alternative oxidase pathway in Arabidopsis seedlings deprived of inorganic phosphate
    (Oxford University Press, 2015) Royo Castillejo, Beatriz; Morán Juez, José Fernando; Ratcliffe, R. George; Gupta, Kapuganti J.; IdAB. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología / Agrobioteknologiako Institutua
    Phosphate starvation compromises electron flow through the cytochrome pathway of the mitochondrial electron transport chain, and plants commonly respond to phosphate deprivation by increasing flow through the alternative oxidase (AOX). To test whether this response is linked to the increase in nitric oxide (NO) production that also increases under phosphate starvation, Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings were grown for 15 d on media containing either 0 or 1mM inorganic phosphate. The effects of the phosphate supply on growth, the production of NO, respiration, the AOX level and the production of superoxide were compared for wild-type (WT) seedlings and the nitrate reductase double mutant nia. Phosphate deprivation increased NO production in WT roots, and the AOX level and the capacity of the alternative pathway to consume electrons in WT seedlings; whereas the same treatment failed to stimulate NO production and AOX expression in the nia mutant, and the plants had an altered growth phenotype. The NO donor S-nitrosoglutathione rescued the growth phenotype of the nia mutants under phosphate deprivation to some extent, and it also increased the respiratory capacity of AOX. It is concluded that NO is required for the induction of the AOX pathway when seedlings are grown under phosphate-limiting conditions.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Diagnosing infection with small ruminant lentiviruses of genotypes A and B by combining synthetic peptides in ELISA
    (Elsevier, 2015) Sanjosé, Leticia; Crespo Otano, Helena; Glaría Ezquer, Idoia; Andrés Cara, Damián de; Reina Arias, Ramsés; IdAB. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología / Agrobioteknologiako Institutua; Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako Gobernua; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa
    The major challenges in diagnosing small ruminant lentivirus (SRLV) infection include early detection and genotyping of strains of epidemiological interest. A longitudinal study was carried out in Rasa Aragonesa sheep experimentally infected with viral strains of genotypes A or B from Spanish neurological and arthritic SRLV outbreaks, respectively. Sera were tested with two commercial ELISAs, three based on specific peptides and a novel combined peptide ELISA. Three different PCR assays were used to further assess infection status. The kinetics of anti-viral antibody responses were variable, with early diagnosis dependent on the type of ELISA used. Peptide epitopes of SRLV genotypes A and B combined in the same ELISA well enhanced the overall detection rate, whereas single peptides were useful for genotyping the infecting strain (A vs. B). The results of the study suggest that a combined peptide ELISA can be used for serological diagnosis of SRLV infection, with single peptide ELISAs useful for subsequent serotyping.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Characterization of multiple SPS knockout mutants reveals redundant functions of the four Arabidopsis sucrose phosphate synthase isoforms in plant viability, and strongly indicates that enhanced respiration and accelerated starch turnover can alleviate the blockage of sucrose biosynthesis
    (Elsevier, 2015) Bahaji, Abdellatif; Baroja Fernández, Edurne; Ricarte Bermejo, Adriana; Sánchez López, Ángela María; Muñoz Pérez, Francisco José; Baslam, Marouane; Almagro Zabalza, Goizeder; Sesma Pascual, María Teresa; Pozueta Romero, Javier; IdAB. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología / Agrobioteknologiako Institutua; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa
    We characterized multiple knock-out mutants of the four Arabidopsis sucrose phosphate synthase (SPSA1, SPSA2, SPSB and SPSC) isoforms. Despite their reduced SPS activity, spsa1/spsa2, spsa1/spsb, spsa2/spsb, spsa2/spsc, spsb/spsc, spsa1/spsa2/spsb and spsa2/spsb/spsc mutants displayed wild type (WT) vegetative and reproductive morphology, and showed WT photosynthetic capacity and respiration. In contrast, growth of rosettes, flowers and siliques of the spsa1/spsc and spsa1/spsa2/spsc mutants was reduced compared with WT plants. Furthermore, these plants displayed a high dark respiration phenotype. spsa1/spsb/spsc and spsa1/spsa2/spsb/spsc seeds poorly germinated and produced aberrant and sterile plants. Leaves of all viable sps mutants, except spsa1/spsc and spsa1/spsa2/spsc, accumulated WT levels of nonstructural carbohydrates. spsa1/spsc leaves possessed high levels of metabolic intermediates and activities of enzymes of the glycolytic and tricarboxylic acid cycle pathways, and accumulated high levels of metabolic intermediates of the nocturnal starch-to-sucrose conversion process, even under continuous light conditions. Results presented in this work show that SPS is essential for plant viability, reveal redundant functions of the four SPS isoforms in processes that are important for plant growth and nonstructural carbohydrate metabolism, and strongly indicate that accelerated starch turnover and enhanced respiration can alleviate the blockage of sucrose biosynthesis in spsa1/spsc leaves.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Influence of crop load on the expression patterns of starch metabolism genes in alternate-bearing citrus trees
    (Elsevier, 2014) Nebauer, Sergio G.; Renau Morata, Begoña; Lluch, Yolanda; Baroja Fernández, Edurne; Pozueta Romero, Javier; IdAB. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología / Agrobioteknologiako Institutua
    The fruit is the main sink organ in Citrus and captures almost all available photoassimilates during its development. Consequently, carbohydrate partitioning and starch content depend on the crop load of Citrus trees. Nevertheless, little is known about the mechanisms controlling the starch metabolism at the tree level in relation to presence of fruit. The aim of this study was to find the relation between the seasonal variation of expression and activity of the genes involved in carbon metabolism and the partition and allocation of carbohydrates in ‘Salustiana’ sweet orange trees with different crop loads. Metabolisable carbohydrates, and the expression and activity of the enzymes involved in sucrose and starch metabolism, including sucrose transport, were determined during the year in the roots and leaves of 40-year-old trees bearing heavy crop loads ('on' trees) and trees with almost no fruits ('off' trees). Fruit altered photoassimilate partitioning in trees. Sucrose content tended to be constant in roots and leaves, and surplus fixed carbon is channeled to starch production. Differences between 'on' and 'off' trees in starch content can be explained by differences in ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPP) expression/activity and a-amylase activity which varies depending on crop load. The observed relation of AGPP and UGPP (UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase) is noteworthy and indicates a direct link between sucrose and starch synthesis. Furthermore, different roles for sucrose transporter SUT1 and SUT2 have been proposed. Variation in soluble sugars content cannot explain the differences in gene expression between the 'on' and 'off' trees. A still unknown signal from fruit should be responsible for this control.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Improving the short‑term efficiency of rock phosphate‑based fertilizers in pastures by using edaphic biostimulants
    (Springer, 2016) Fernández, L.; Baigorri, R.; Urrutia Vera, Olaia; Erro, J.; Aparicio Tejo, Pedro María; Yvin, J. C.; García Mina, José M.; IdAB. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología / Agrobioteknologiako Institutua; Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako Gobernua
    Background: The use of reactive rock phosphate (RP) in acidic soils as a phosphate (P) source for pastures and crops presents attractive economic advantages with respect to soluble phosphate. However, some studies have demonstrated that the short-term (1-year) efficiency of RP, compared with that of water-soluble P, is relatively poor. This fact penalizes not only the yield and quality of the earlier harvests, but even the whole final yield when the crop is affected by some abiotic or biotic stress at the beginning of the cycle. In the present study, we investigated the ability of new edaphic biostimulants to increase the short-term efficiency of RP-based fertilizer as a P source for pastures cultivated in acid soils. To this end, we have granulated rock phosphate with two edaphic biostimulants: tryptophan and a heteromolecular organic complex formed by humic acid and tryptophan through iron bridges, and compared their short-term P fertilizer efficacy with that of single superphosphate and rock phosphate. Results: Soil incubation studies showed that the heteromolecular complex humic acid–tryptophan and Tryptophan were able to increase soil CO2 production compared with native soil, rock phosphate, and superphosphate. Likewise, the presence of humic acid–tryptophan complex and Trp significantly increases plant-available phosphate compared with rock phosphate, up to levels similar to those of superphosphate. Plant (ray grass)–soil–pot studies showed that rock phosphate/(humic acid–tryptophan) formulation yielded values for both ray grass dry matter production and shoot P concentration, clearly higher than those of rock phosphate and rock phosphate/tryptophan. In addition, the results associated with rock phosphate/(humic acid–tryptophan) were similar to those for superphosphate, after 3 months of cultivation. Conclusions: Taken together, these results showed the suitability of the use of specific humic acid-based edaphic biostimulants to improve the short-term effect of rock phosphate fertilizers as a phosphate source for pastures cultivated in acid soils.