Giant direct and inverse magnetocaloric effect linked to the same forward martensitic transformation

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Springer Nature
Acceso abierto / Sarbide irekia
Artículo / Artikulua
Versión publicada / Argitaratu den bertsioa

Project identifier



Metamagnetic shape memory alloys have aroused considerable attraction as potential magnetic refrigerants due to the large inverse magnetocaloric effect associated to the magnetic-field-induction of a reverse martensitic transformation (martensite to austenite). In some of these alloys, the austenite phase can be retained on cooling under high magnetic fields, being the retained phase metastable after field removing. Here, we report a giant direct magnetocaloric effect linked to the anomalous forward martensitic transformation (austenite to martensite) that the retained austenite undergoes on heating. Under moderate fields of 10 kOe, an estimated adiabatic temperature change of 9 K has been obtained, which is (in absolute value) almost twice that obtained in the conventional transformation under higher applied fields. The observation of a different sign on the temperature change associated to the same austenite to martensite transformation depending on whether it occurs on heating (retained) or on cooling is attributed to the predominance of the magnetic or the vibrational entropy terms, respectively.



Giant direct magnetocaloric effect, Forward martensitic transformation, Austenite to martensite transformation


Fisika / Institute for Advanced Materials and Mathematics - INAMAT2 / Física



Doctorate program

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