Design, dimensioning and construction of the suspension of the IRT19 for the Formula Student season 2019

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Rivas Artazcoz, Adrián


Acceso abierto / Sarbide irekia
Trabajo Fin de Máster / Master Amaierako Lana

Project identifier


During the European Project Semester (EPS) a team of interdisciplinary students from different universities carry on a project together. The project took part with the Ignition Racing Team electric, the Formula Student team of the Hochschule Osnabrück. In particular, the work carried out during this Master’s Thesis deals with the suspension of the vehicle. In the first semester the design part took place with the Catia software. The suspension of the year 2017 was taken as a basis and the new requirements of this year were implemented, such as, the new geometry of the suspension, the new sensor of displacement and a system of adjustment of the pushrod. In the second semester the technical drawings were sent to the manufacturer and the commercial parts were bought and the building of the car was accomplished. In a parallel way, mechanical tests were performed to carbon fibre tubes for the dimensioning of the suspension. Tensile, compression and bending test were carried out to test four different CFK tube diameters. Stress-strain graphs, maximum deformation, strength and stress of the CFK tubes were calculated and compared with the solicitations of the suspension to choose the optimal solution for the suspension of the vehicle.



Suspensions, Vehicles, IRT19, Formula Student



Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales y de Telecomunicación / Telekomunikazio eta Industria Ingeniarien Goi Mailako Eskola Teknikoa / Fachhochschule Osnabrück (Alemania)


Máster Universitario en Ingeniería Industrial por la Universidad Pública de Navarra, Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoko Unibertsitate Masterra Industria Ingeniaritzan

Doctorate program

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