Effect of including whole linseed and vitamin E in the diet of young bulls slaughtered at two fat covers on the sensory quality of beef packaged in two different packaging systems

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Albertí, P.
Campo, María M.
Ripoll, Guillermo
Sañudo Astiz, Carlos



Acceso abierto / Sarbide irekia
Artículo / Artikulua
Versión aceptada / Onetsi den bertsioa

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Background: Forty-six Pirenaica young bulls, slaughtered at two levels of fatness (3 and 4 mm), were used to evaluate theeffect of the inclusion of 50 g kg−1 linseed alone or with 200 IU vitamin E kg−1 in the concentrate and of the meat packaging system (vacuum or modified atmosphere packaging (MAP)) on the beef sensory quality. Results: The inclusion of linseed or supplementation with vitamin E in the concentrate induced no significant differences in the main meat sensory scores and overall appraisal except under MAP, where small differences due to concentrate ingredients were found in juiciness and metallic flavor intensity. Extending the display time up to 4 or 8 days in high-oxygen MAP had detrimental effects on sensory attributes. Meat from animals with 4 mm fat cover depth were rated more tender and juicy, less fibrous and with a higher intensity of beef flavor and rancid odor than meat from 3 mm fat cover bulls when both samples were vacuum packaged. Conclusion: The inclusion of 50 g kg−1 linseed in the concentrate fed to bulls had no detrimental effect on the beef sensory quality. The vacuum-packaged meat of bulls slaughtered at 4 mm fat cover was rated higher on sensory analysis than that at3 mm fat cover.



Linseed, Fatty acid profile, Muscle color, Beef


Ciencias del Medio Natural / Natura Ingurunearen Zientziak



Doctorate program

Albertí, P., Campo, M.M., Beriain, M.J., Ripoll, G. and Sañudo, C. (2017), Effect of including whole linseed and vitamin E in the diet of young bulls slaughtered at two fat covers on the sensory quality of beef packaged in two different packaging systems. J. Sci. Food Agric., 97: 753-760. doi:10.1002/jsfa.7792

© 2016 Society of Chemical Industry

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