Daylight modeling in complex environments considering the angular distribution of sky luminance




Acceso abierto / Sarbide irekia
Tesis doctoral / Doktoretza tesia

Project identifier


The general objective of this thesis is the modeling of daylight in complex environments, such as cities. This requires precise knowledge, both geometric and photometric, of the environment and of the sources of radiation or illumination. For this reason, four partial objectives have been set:

  1. Modeling of irradiance and illuminance sources considering the effects of the complex environment.
  2. Modeling of luminous efficacy.
  3. Modeling of typical daylighting conditions.
  4. Development of an imaging system for fast and high spatial resolution measurement of luminance distribution in complex environments.The research carried out in order to achieve the aforementioned partial objectives have resulted in seven articles. These papers describe in detail the theoretical basis of the issues addressed, the experimental data acquisition systems used, the quality control procedures applied, the obtained results and the conclusions, which will be summarized as a whole as the relevant contributions of this thesis.



Sky luminance distribution, CIE standard sky, Luminous efficacy models, Daylight


Ingeniería / Ingeniaritza



Doctorate program

Programa de Doctorado en Tecnologías de las Comunicaciones, Bioingeniería y de las Energías Renovables (RD 99/2011)
Bioingeniaritzako eta Komunikazioen eta Energia Berriztagarrien Teknologietako Doktoretza Programa (ED 99/2011)

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