Person: Led Ramos, Santiago
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Led Ramos
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Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y de Comunicación
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Publication Open Access Analysis of bluetooth-based wireless sensor networks performance in hospital environments(MDPI, 2016) López Iturri, Peio; Led Ramos, Santiago; Aguirre Gallego, Erik; Azpilicueta Fernández de las Heras, Leyre; Serrano Arriezu, Luis Javier; Falcone Lanas, Francisco Javier; Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica; Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa eta ElektronikoaIn this work, a method to analyze the performance of Bluetooth-based Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) deployed within hospital environments is presented. Due to the complexity that this kind of scenarios exhibit in terms of radio propagation and coexistence with other wireless communication systems and other potential interference sources, the deployment of WSNs becomes a complex task which requires an in-depth radio planning analysis. For that purpose, simulation results obtained with the aid of an in-house developed 3D Ray Launching code are presented. The scenarios under analysis are located at the Hospital of Navarre Complex (HNC), in the city of Pamplona. As hospitals have a wide variety of scenarios, the analysis has been carried out in different zones such as Boxes, where different medical sensors based on Bluetooth communication protocol have been deployed. The simulation results obtained have been validated with measurements within the scenario under analysis, exhibiting Bluetooth-based WSNs performance within hospital environments in terms of coverage/capacity relations. The proposed methodology can aid in obtaining optimal network configuration and hence performance of Bluetooth-based WSNs within medical/health service provision environments.Publication Open Access Implementation of context aware e-health environments based on social sensor networks(MDPI, 2016) Aguirre Gallego, Erik; Led Ramos, Santiago; López Iturri, Peio; Azpilicueta Fernández de las Heras, Leyre; Serrano Arriezu, Luis Javier; Falcone Lanas, Francisco Javier; Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica; Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa eta Elektronikoa; Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako GobernuaIn this work, context aware scenarios applied to e-Health and m-Health in the framework of typical households (urban and rural) by means of deploying Social Sensors will be described. Interaction with end-users and social/medical staff is achieved using a multi-signal input/output device, capable of sensing and transmitting environmental, biomedical or activity signals and information with the aid of a combined Bluetooth and Mobile system platform. The devices, which play the role of Social Sensors, are implemented and tested in order to guarantee adequate service levels in terms of multiple signal processing tasks as well as robustness in relation with the use wireless transceivers and channel variability. Initial tests within a Living Lab environment have been performed in order to validate overall system operation. The results obtained show good acceptance of the proposed system both by end users as well as by medical and social staff, increasing interaction, reducing overall response time and social inclusion levels, with a compact and moderate cost solution that can readily be largely deployed.Publication Open Access Analysis and description of HOLTIN service provision for AECG monitoring in complex indoor environments(MDPI, 2013) Led Ramos, Santiago; Azpilicueta Fernández de las Heras, Leyre; Aguirre Gallego, Erik; Martínez de Espronceda Cámara, Miguel; Serrano Arriezu, Luis Javier; Falcone Lanas, Francisco Javier; Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica; Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa eta ElektronikoaIn this work, a novel ambulatory ECG monitoring device developed in-house called HOLTIN is analyzed when operating in complex indoor scenarios. The HOLTIN system is described, from the technological platform level to its functional model. In addition, by using in-house 3D ray launching simulation code, the wireless channel behavior, which enables ubiquitous operation, is performed. The effect of human body presence is taken into account by a novel simplified model embedded within the 3D Ray Launching code. Simulation as well as measurement results are presented, showing good agreement. These results may aid in the adequate deployment of this novel device to automate conventional medical processes, increasing the coverage radius and optimizing energy consumption.Publication Open Access Diseño, desarrollo y evaluación preliminar de un novedoso monitor de signos vitales llevable para vacunos(Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Perú), 2019) Quispe Bonilla, Max David; Poma Gutiérrez, Adolfo; Serrano Arriezu, Luis Javier; Led Ramos, Santiago; Quispe Peña, Edgar; Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa, Elektronikoaren eta Telekomunikazio Ingeniaritzaren; Institute of Smart Cities - ISC; Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y de ComunicaciónEl monitoreo de los diferentes signos vitales en vacunos tiene importancia desde el punto de vista productivo, sanitario y de bienestar animal; sin embargo, existen pocos equipos que tengan el potencial de uso a nivel de campo y que no sean invasivos. Por tal motivo se llevó a cabo el presente trabajo con la finalidad de diseñar, construir y evaluar el uso de un pequeño MOnitor de SIgnos VItales LLevable (MOSIVILLe), que sea capaz de capturar las señales vitales en vacunos bajo condiciones de campo. El diseño y desarrollo del MOSIVILLe se realizó en Lima, Perú, entre enero y octubre de 2017 y la evaluación en campo se realizó en Chota, Perú, utilizando 11 vaquillas entre noviembre de 2017 y febrero de 2018. Con el uso del MOSIVILLe se obtuvieron las señales vitales de vacunos, reconociéndose las ondas P, Q, R, S, T, complejo QRS e intervalo RR del electrocardiograma que condujeron a obtener la frecuencia cardiaca (FC). Adicionalmente, se obtuvo la temperatura de la piel (T°P) y la señal de ventilación con los picos de inhalación, exhalación, tiempo de inspiración y tiempo de espiración que determinan la frecuencia respiratoria (FR). El MOSIVILLe usado en vacunos en condiciones de campo permitió obtener una FC de 70.83±1.47, FR de 25.24±1.64 y una T°P de 31.52±0.40 (promedio ± error estándar), valores que se encuentran en concordancia con la literatura. Se concluye que el MOSIVILLe es una alternativa importante para obtener diversos signos vitales en vacunos bajo condiciones de campo.