Oguiza Tomé, José Antonio

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Oguiza Tomé

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José Antonio

Ciencias de la Salud





Search Results

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  • PublicationOpen Access
    Comparative genomics of Ceriporiopsis subvermispora and Phanerochaete chrysosporium provide insight into selective ligninolysis
    (National Academy of Sciences, 2012) Fernández Fueyo, Elena; Ruiz Dueñas, Francisco J.; Ferreira, Patricia; Floudas, Dimitrios; Lavín Trueba, José Luis; Oguiza Tomé, José Antonio; Pérez Garrido, María Gumersinda; Pisabarro de Lucas, Gerardo; Ramírez Nasto, Lucía; Santoyo Santos, Francisco; Producción Agraria; Nekazaritza Ekoizpena
    Efficient lignin depolymerization is unique to the wood decay basidiomycetes, collectively referred to as white rot fungi. Phanerochaete chrysosporium simultaneously degrades lignin and cellulose, whereas the closely related species, Ceriporiopsis subvermispora, also depolymerizes lignin but may do so with relatively little cellulose degradation. To investigate the basis for selective ligninolysis, we conducted comparative genome analysis of C. subvermispora and P. chrysosporium. Genes encoding manganese peroxidase numbered 13 and five in C. subvermispora and P. chrysosporium, respectively. In addition, the C. subvermispora genome contains at least seven genes predicted to encode laccases, whereas the P. chrysosporium genome contains none. We also observed expansion of the number of C. subvermispora desaturase-encoding genes putatively involved in lipid metabolism. Microarray-based transcriptome analysis showed substantial up-regulation of several desaturase and MnP genes in wood-containing medium. MS identified MnP proteins in C. subvermispora culture filtrates, but none in P. chrysosporium cultures. These results support the importance of MnP and a lignin degradation mechanism whereby cleavage of the dominant nonphenolic structures is mediated by lipid peroxidation products. Two C. subvermispora genes were predicted to encode peroxidases structurally similar to P. chrysosporium lignin peroxidase and, following heterologous expression in Escherichia coli, the enzymes were shown to oxidize high redox potential substrates, but not Mn2+. Apart from oxidative lignin degradation, we also examined cellulolytic and hemicellulolytic systems in both fungi. In summary, the C. subvermispora genetic inventory and expression patterns exhibit increased oxidoreductase potential and diminished cellulolytic capability relative to P. chrysosporium.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Highly expressed captured genes and cross-kingdom domains present in Helitrons create novel diversity in Pleurotus ostreatus and other fungi
    (BioMed Central, 2014) Castanera Andrés, Raúl; Pérez Garrido, María Gumersinda; López Varas, Leticia; Sancho, Rubén; Santoyo Santos, Francisco; Alfaro Sánchez, Manuel; Gabaldón Estevan, Juan Antonio; Pisabarro de Lucas, Gerardo; Oguiza Tomé, José Antonio; Ramírez Nasto, Lucía; Producción Agraria; Nekazaritza Ekoizpena; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa
    Background: Helitrons are class-II eukaryotic transposons that transpose via a rolling circle mechanism. Due to their ability to capture and mobilize gene fragments, they play an important role in the evolution of their host genomes. We have used a bioinformatics approach for the identification of helitrons in two Pleurotus ostreatus genomes using de novo detection and homology-based searching. We have analyzed the presence of helitron-captured genes as well as the expansion of helitron-specific helicases in fungi and performed a phylogenetic analysis of their conserved domains with other representative eukaryotic species. Results: Our results show the presence of two helitron families in P. ostreatus that disrupt gene colinearity and cause a lack of synteny between their genomes. Both putative autonomous and non-autonomous helitrons were transcriptionally active, and some of them carried highly expressed captured genes of unknown origin and function. In addition, both families contained eukaryotic, bacterial and viral domains within the helitron’s boundaries. A phylogenetic reconstruction of RepHel helicases using the Helitron-like and PIF1-like helicase conserved domains revealed a polyphyletic origin for eukaryotic helitrons. Conclusion: P. ostreatus helitrons display features similar to other eukaryotic helitrons and do not tend to capture host genes or gene fragments. The occurrence of genes probably captured from other hosts inside the helitrons boundaries pose the hypothesis that an ancient horizontal transfer mechanism could have taken place. The viral domains found in some of these genes and the polyphyletic origin of RepHel helicases in the eukaryotic kingdom suggests that virus could have played a role in a putative lateral transfer of helitrons within the eukaryotic kingdom. The high similarity of some helitrons, along with the transcriptional activity of its RepHel helicases indicates that these elements are still active in the genome of P. ostreatus.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Expansion of signal transduction pathways in fungi by extensive genome duplication
    (CellPress, 2016) Corrochano, Luis M.; Kuo, Alan; Marcet Houben, Marina; Oguiza Tomé, José Antonio; Pisabarro de Lucas, Gerardo; Producción Agraria; Nekazaritza Ekoizpena
    Plants and fungi use light and other signals to regulate development, growth, and metabolism. The fruiting bodies of the fungus Phycomyces blakesleeanus are single cells that react to environmental cues, including light, but the mechanisms are largely unknown [1]. The related fungus Mucor circinelloides is an opportunistic human pathogen that changes its mode of growth upon receipt of signals from the environment to facilitate pathogenesis [2]. Understanding how these organisms respond to environmental cues should provide insights into the mechanisms of sensory perception and signal transduction by a single eukaryotic cell, and their role in pathogenesis. We sequenced the genomes of P. blakesleeanus and M. circinelloides and show that they have been shaped by an extensive genome duplication or, most likely, a whole-genome duplication (WGD), which is rarely observed in fungi [3, 4, 5, 6]. We show that the genome duplication has expanded gene families, including those involved in signal transduction, and that duplicated genes have specialized, as evidenced by differences in their regulation by light. The transcriptional response to light varies with the developmental stage and is still observed in a photoreceptor mutant of P. blakesleeanus. A phototropic mutant of P. blakesleeanus with a heterozygous mutation in the photoreceptor gene madA demonstrates that photosensor dosage is important for the magnitude of signal transduction. We conclude that the genome duplication provided the means to improve signal transduction for enhanced perception of environmental signals. Our results will help to understand the role of genome dynamics in the evolution of sensory perception in eukaryotes.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Comparative and transcriptional analysis of the predicted secretome in the lignocellulose-degrading basidiomycete fungus Pleurotus ostreatus
    (Wiley, 2016) Alfaro Sánchez, Manuel; Castanera Andrés, Raúl; Lavín Trueba, José Luis; Oguiza Tomé, José Antonio; Ramírez Nasto, Lucía; Pisabarro de Lucas, Gerardo; Producción Agraria; Nekazaritza Ekoizpena; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa
    Fungi interact with their environment by secreting proteins to obtain nutrients, elicit responses and modify their surroundings. Because the set of proteins secreted by a fungus is related to its lifestyle, it should be possible to use it as a tool to predict fungal lifestyle. To test this hypothesis, we bioinformatically identified 538 and 554 secretable proteins in the monokaryotic strains PC9 and PC15 of the white rot basidiomycete Pleurotus ostreatus. Functional annotation revealed unknown functions (37.2%), glycosyl hydrolases (26.5%) and redox enzymes (11.5%) as the main groups in the two strains. When these results were combined with RNA‐seq analyses, we found that the relative importance of each group was different in different strains and culture conditions and the relevance of the unknown function proteins was enhanced. Only a few genes were actively expressed in a given culture condition in expanded multigene families, suggesting that family expansi on could increase adaptive opportunities rather than activity under a specific culture condition. Finally, we used the set of P. ostreatus secreted proteins as a query to search their counterparts in other fungal genomes and found that the secretome profiles cluster the tested basidiomycetes into lifestyle rather than phylogenetic groups.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    VerSeDa: vertebrate secretome database
    (Oxford University Press, 2017) Cortázar, Ana R.; Oguiza Tomé, José Antonio; Aransay, Ana M.; Lavín Trueba, José Luis; Producción Agraria; Nekazaritza Ekoizpena; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa
    Based on the current tools, de novo secretome (full set of proteins secreted by an organism) prediction is a time consuming bioinformatic task that requires a multifactorial analysis in order to obtain reliable in silico predictions. Hence, to accelerate this process and offer researchers a reliable repository where secretome information can be obtained for vertebrates and model organisms, we have developed VerSeDa (Vertebrate Secretome Database). This freely available database stores information about proteins that are predicted to be secreted through the classical and non-classical mechanisms, for the wide range of vertebrate species deposited at the NCBI, UCSC and ENSEMBL sites. To our knowledge, VerSeDa is the only state-of-the-art database designed to store secretome data from multiple vertebrate genomes, thus, saving an important amount of time spent in the prediction of protein features that can be retrieved from this repository directly.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Genome, transcriptome, and secretome analysis of wood decay fungus Postia placenta supports unique mechanisms of lignocellulose conversion
    (National Academy of Sciences, 2009) Martínez, Diego; Challacombe, Jean; Morgenstern, Ingo; Hibbett, David; Schmoll, Monika; Kubicek, Christian P.; Ferreira, Patricia; Pisabarro de Lucas, Gerardo; Lavín Trueba, José Luis; Oguiza Tomé, José Antonio; Producción Agraria; Nekazaritza Ekoizpena
    Brown-rot fungi such as Postia placenta are common inhabitants of forest ecosystems and are also largely responsible for the destructive decay of wooden structures. Rapid depolymerization of cellulose is a distinguishing feature of brown-rot, but the biochemical mechanisms and underlying genetics are poorly understood. Systematic examination of the P. placenta genome, transcriptome, and secretome revealed unique extracellular enzyme systems, including an unusual repertoire of extracellular glycoside hydrolases. Genes encoding exocellobiohydrolases and cellulose-binding domains, typical of cellulolytic microbes, are absent in this efficient cellulose-degrading fungus. When P. placenta was grown in medium containing cellulose as sole carbon source, transcripts corresponding to many hemicellulases and to a single putative β -1–4 endoglucanase were expressed at high levels relative to glucose-grown cultures. These transcript profiles were confirmed by direct identification of peptides by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Also upregulated during growth on cellulose medium were putative iron reductases, quinone reductase, and structurally divergent oxidases potentially involved in extracellular generation of Fe(II) and H2O2. These observations are consistent with a biodegradative role for Fenton chemistry in which Fe(II) and H2O2 react to form hydroxyl radicals, highly reactive oxidants capable of depolymerizing cellulose. The P. placenta genome resources provide unparalleled opportunities for investigating such unusual mechanisms of cellulose conversion. More broadly, the genome offers insight into the diversification of lignocellulose degrading mechanisms in fungi. Comparisons with the closely related white-rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium support an evolutionary shift from white-rot to brown-rot during which the capacity for efficient depolymerization of lignin was lost.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Secretomes of medically important fungi reflect morphological and phylogenetic diversity
    (Elsevier, 2020) Varona, Sarai; Lavín Trueba, José Luis; Oguiza Tomé, José Antonio; Institute for Multidisciplinary Research in Applied Biology - IMAB; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa
    Secretome represents a main target for understanding the mechanisms of fungal adaptation. In the present study, we focus on the secretomes of fungi associated with infections in humans and other mammals in order to explore relationships between the diverse morphological and phylogenetic groups. Almost all the mammalian pathogenic fungi analyzed have secretome sizes smaller than 1000 proteins and, secreted proteins comprise between 5% and 10% of the total proteome. As expected, the correlation pattern between the secretome size and the total proteome was similar to that described in previous secretome studies of fungi. With regard to the morphological groups, minimum secretome sizes of less than 250 secreted proteins and low values for the fraction of secreted proteins are shown in mammalian pathogenic fungi with reduced proteomes such as microsporidia, atypical fungi and some species of yeasts and yeast-like fungi (Malassezia). On the other hand, filamentous fungi have significantly more secreted proteins and the highest numbers are present in species of filamentous fungi that also are plant or insect pathogens (Fusarium verticilloides, Fusarium oxysporum and Basidiobolus meristosporus). With respect to phylogeny, there are also variations in secretome size across fungal subphyla: Microsporidia, Taphrinomycotina, Ustilagomycotina and Saccharomycotina contain small secretomes; whereas larger secretomes are found in Agaricomycotina, Pezizomycotina, Mucoromycotina and Entomophthoromycotina. Finally, principal component analysis (PCA) was conducted on the complete secretomes. The PCA results revealed that, in general, secretomes of fungi belonging to the same morphological group or subphyla cluster together. In conclusion, our results point out that in medically important fungi there is a relationship between the secretome and the morphological group or phylogenetic classification.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Genomics and transcriptomics characterization of genes expressed during postharvest at 4 degrees C by the edible basidiomycete Pleurotus ostreatus
    (Viguera Editores, S. L., 2011) Ramírez Nasto, Lucía; Oguiza Tomé, José Antonio; Pérez Garrido, María Gumersinda; Lavín Trueba, José Luis; Omarini, Alejandra; Santoyo Santos, Francisco; Alfaro Sánchez, Manuel; Castanera Andrés, Raúl; Parenti, Alejandra; Muguerza Domínguez, Elaia; Pisabarro de Lucas, Gerardo; Producción Agraria; Nekazaritza Ekoizpena
    Pleurotus ostreatus is an industrially cultivated basidiomycete with nutritional and environmental applications. Its genome, which was sequenced by the joint Genome Institute, has become a model for lignin degradation and for fungal genomics and transcriptomics studies. The complete P. ostreatus genome contains 35 Mbp organized in 11 chromosomes, and two different haploid genomes have been individually sequenced. In this work, genomics and transcriptomics approaches were employed in the study of P. ostreatus under different physiological conditions. Specifically, we analyzed a collection of expressed sequence tags (EST) obtained from cut fruit bodies that had been stored at 4 degrees C for 7 days (postharvest conditions). Studies of the 253 expressed clones that had been automatically and manually annotated provided a detailed picture of the life characteristics of the self-sustained fruit bodies. The results suggested a complex metabolism in which autophagy, RNA metabolism, and protein and carbohydrate turnover are increased. Genes involved in environment sensing and morphogenesis were expressed under these conditions. The data improve our understanding of the decay process in postharvest mushrooms and highlight the use of high-throughput techniques to construct models of living organisms subjected to different environmental conditions.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    LysM proteins in mammalian fungal pathogens
    (Elsevier, 2022) Oguiza Tomé, José Antonio; Institute for Multidisciplinary Research in Applied Biology - IMAB; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa
    The LysM domain is a highly conserved carbohydrate-binding module that recognizes polysaccharides containing N-acetylglucosamine residues. LysM domains are found in a wide variety of extracellular proteins and receptors from viruses, bacteria, fungi, plants and animals. LysM proteins are also present in many species of mammalian fungal pathogens, although a limited number of studies have focused on the expression and determination of their putative roles in the infection process. This review summarizes the current knowledge and recent studies on LysM proteins in the main morphological groups of fungal pathogens that cause infections in humans and other mammals. Recent advances towards understanding the biological functions of LysM proteins in infections of mammalian hosts and their use as potential targets in antifungal strategies are also discussed.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Comparative genomic analysis of two-component regulatory proteins in pseudomonas syringae
    (BioMed Central, 2007) Lavín Trueba, José Luis; Kiil, Kristoffer; Resano Aranibar, Ohiana; Ussery, David W.; Oguiza Tomé, José Antonio; Producción Agraria; Nekazaritza Ekoizpena
    Background: Pseudomonas syringae is a widespread bacterial plant pathogen, and strains of P. syringae may be assigned to different pathovars based on host specificity among different plant species. The genomes of P. syringae pv. syringae (Psy) B728a, pv. tomato (Pto) DC3000 and pv. phaseolicola (Pph) 1448A have been recently sequenced providing a major resource for comparative genomic analysis. A mechanism commonly found in bacteria for signal transduction is the two-component system (TCS), which typically consists of a sensor histidine kinase (HK) and a response regulator (RR). P. syringae requires a complex array of TCS proteins to cope with diverse plant hosts, host responses, and environmental conditions. Results: Based on the genomic data, pattern searches with Hidden Markov Model (HMM) profiles have been used to identify putative HKs and RRs. The genomes of Psy B728a, Pto DC3000 and Pph 1448A were found to contain a large number of genes encoding TCS proteins, and a core of complete TCS proteins were shared between these genomes: 30 putative TCS clusters, 11 orphan HKs, 33 orphan RRs, and 16 hybrid HKs. A close analysis of the distribution of genes encoding TCS proteins revealed important differences in TCS proteins among the three P. syringae pathovars. Conclusion: In this article we present a thorough analysis of the identification and distribution of TCS proteins among the sequenced genomes of P. syringae. We have identified differences in TCS proteins among the three P. syringae pathovars that may contribute to their diverse host ranges and association with plant hosts. The identification and analysis of the repertoire of TCS proteins in the genomes of P. syringae pathovars constitute a basis for future functional genomic studies of the signal transduction pathways in this important bacterial phytopathogen.