Gonzalo García, Ramón

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Gonzalo García

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Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y de Comunicación

ISC. Institute of Smart Cities





Search Results

Now showing 1 - 5 of 5
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Planar DNG superstrate for dipole antenna gain enhancement
    (2007) Sáenz Sáinz, Elena; Gonzalo García, Ramón; Ederra Urzainqui, Íñigo; Ikonen, Pekka; Tretyakov, Sergei A.; Maagt, Peter de; Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica; Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa eta Elektronikoa
    In this paper, a volumetric double-negative (DNG) superstrate based on grids of dipoles and wires for dipole antenna applications is proposed.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Enhancement of the power radiated by a dipole antenna at boresight by means of a left handed superstrate
    (IEEE, 2006) Sáenz Sáinz, Elena; Ederra Urzainqui, Íñigo; Gonzalo García, Ramón; Maagt, Peter de; Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica; Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa eta Elektronikoa
    In this paper a comparison between the measured radiation performances of a single dipole and a dipole with a left handed superstrate based on a finite periodic repetition of a unit cell is presented. First of all the return losses and resonant frequency of the dipole has been measured for different sizes of the superstrate, having a good impedance matching and a decrease in the resonant frequency as the number of cells increase. By using an anechoic chamber and a receiver horn antenna, the power transmitted at boresight has been measured for different frequencies, observing a filtering behaviour due to the resonant characteristic of the superstrate and an improvement of the power transmitted at the resonant frequency of around 3 dB. Comparing the H and E plane radiation patterns of a dipole and the dipole with superstrate, more symmetrical and directive radiation patterns can be observed. Finally, a comparison between the simulated and measured aperture efficiency is presented with a good agreement.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    High efficient dipole antennas by using left-handed superstrates
    (2004) Sáenz Sáinz, Elena; Gonzalo García, Ramón; Ederra Urzainqui, Íñigo; Maagt, Peter de; Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica; Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa eta Elektronikoa
    This paper deals with pass band properties of Left Handed Media (LHM) to enhance dipole antenna performances. The LHM properties have been used in order to make high directivity antennas with good return loss features. The LHM structure is used as superstrate and placed over a dipole antenna. This superstrate is determining the characteristics of radiation patterns. Simulations of different types of LHM configurations are presented. The improvements of the radiation and matching parameters for each configuration are presented. High efficient antennas are obtained with this technique.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Radiation performances of a dipole array configuration inserted in a left-handed media
    (IEEE, 2005) Sáenz Sáinz, Elena; Gonzalo García, Ramón; Ederra Urzainqui, Íñigo; Maagt, Peter de; Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica; Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa eta Elektronikoa
    In this work, the radiation improvements achieved when Left Handed Media (LHM) are combined with dipole antennas has been analysed. The behavior of two dipole antennas in array configuration when a Left Handed superstrate and substrate are placed over and under them has been analysed. Different positions of the dipoles have been studied. Besides, dielectric losses and copper SRRs and CLSs have been taken into account for different distance between dipoles in order to analysed their influence in the radiation properties. Simulation results are presented showing high efficiency antennas with enhanced gain patterns.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Boresight radiation of a dipole antenna with a uniform or non-uniform left handed superstrate
    (2006) Sáenz Sáinz, Elena; Gonzalo García, Ramón; Ederra Urzainqui, Íñigo; Maagt, Peter de; Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica; Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa eta Elektronikoa
    In this paper measurements of the radiation performances of a dipole fed by a coaxial balun and a dipole with a left handed superstrate based on a finite periodic repetition of a unit cell are compared. Two types of superstrates, uniform and non-uniform, have been characterised in terms of impedance matching, resonant frequency and gain. First of all the dependence of the impedance matching and resonant frequency with the size of the superstrate has been analysed, having a good impedance matching and a decrease in the resonant frequency as the number of cells increase. By using an anechoic chamber and a receiver horn antenna, the power transmitted at boresight has been measured for different frequencies, observing a filtering behaviour due to the resonant characteristic of the superstrate and an improvement of the power transmitted at the resonant frequency of approximately 3 dB. Comparing the H and E plane radiation patterns of a dipole and the dipole with superstrate, more symmetrical and directive radiation patterns can be observed. Finally, a comparison between the simulated and measured aperture efficiency is presented with a good agreement.