Veiga Suárez, Fernando

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Veiga Suárez

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Now showing 1 - 10 of 22
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Symmetry analysis in wire arc direct energy deposition for overlapping and oscillatory strategies in mild steel
    (MDPI, 2023) Uralde Jiménez, Virginia; Veiga Suárez, Fernando; Suárez, Alfredo; Aldalur, Eider; Ballesteros Egüés, Tomás; Ingeniería; Ingeniaritza
    The field of additive manufacturing has experienced a surge in popularity over recent decades, particularly as a viable alternative to traditional metal part production. Directed energy deposition (DED) is one of the most promising additive technologies, characterized by its high deposition rate, with wire arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) being a prominent example. Despite its advantages, DED is known to produce parts with suboptimal surface quality and geometric accuracy, which has been a major obstacle to its widespread adoption. This is due, in part, to a lack of understanding of the complex geometries produced by the additive layer. To address this challenge, researchers have focused on characterizing the geometry of the additive layer, particularly the outer part of the bead. This paper specifically investigates the geometrical characteristics and symmetry of walls produced by comparing two different techniques: an oscillated strategy and overlapping beads.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Thermal expansion behaviour of Invar 36 alloy parts fabricated by wire-arc additive manufacturing
    (Elsevier, 2022) Aldalur, Eider; Suárez, Alfredo; Veiga Suárez, Fernando; Ingeniería; Ingeniaritza
    Invar 36 alloy is of high interest in various industrial sectors, due to its reduced thermal expansion properties. This study aims to validate Wire-Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) technology as a valid method for manufacturing aerospace tooling in Invar 36. The main novelty and the objective of this work is to study the properties of Invar deposited by WAAM technology and to provide guidelines for the manufacture of parts using this technology. To do so, the thermal expansion behaviour of Invar specimens manufactured using Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW)-based WAAM technology and Plasma Arc Welding (PAW)-based WAAM technology is analyzed for subsequent comparison with the values obtained from the laminated Invar sample used as the reference specimen. A wall is manufactured with each technology, for comparative purposes, from which specimens were extracted for the dilatometry test and metallographic analysis. The results of these analyses show the advantages of GMAW technology for the manufacture of Invar alloy parts, as it presents the same thermal expansion behaviour as the laminated reference material with less presence of precipitates and no macrostructural failures such as pores, cracks and lacks of fusion. Furthermore, to conclude, an aeronautical tooling that has been manufactured within this work demonstrated the potential of this technology to manu-facture specialized aeronautical parts.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Effect of the heat input on wire-arc additive manufacturing of invar 36 alloy: microstructure and mechanical properties
    (Springer, 2022) Veiga Suárez, Fernando; Suárez, Alfredo; Artaza, Teresa; Aldalur, Eider; Ingeniería; Ingeniaritza; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa
    Invar, also known as FeNi36, is a material of great interest due to its unique properties, which makes it an excellent alternative for sectors such as tooling in aeronautics and aerospace. Its manufacture by means of wire arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) technology could extend its use. This paper aims to evaluate the comparison of two of the most widespread WAAM technologies: plasma arc welding (PAW) and gas metal arc welding (GMAW). This comparison is based on the analysis of wall geometry, metallography, and mechanical properties of the material produced by both technologies. The results show a slight increase in toughness and elongation before fracture and worse tensile strength data in the case of PAW, with average values of 485 MPa for ultimate tensile strength (UTS), 31% for elongation and 475 MPa, 40% in GMAW and PAW, respectively. All results gathered from the analysis show the possibility of successful manufacturing of Invar by means of WAAM technologies. The novelties presented in this paper allow us to establish relationships between the thermal input of the process itself and the mechanical and metallographic properties of the material produced.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Validation of the mechanical behavior of an aeronautical fixing turret produced by a design for additive manufacturing (DfAM)
    (MDPI, 2022) Veiga Suárez, Fernando; Bhujangrao, Trunal; Suárez, Alfredo; Aldalur, Eider; Goenaga, Igor; Gil Hernández, Daniel; Ingeniería; Ingeniaritza
    The design of parts in such critical sectors as the manufacturing of aeronautical parts is awaiting a paradigm shift due to the introduction of additive manufacturing technologies. The manufacture of parts designed by means of the design-oriented additive manufacturing methodology (DfAM) has acquired great relevance in recent years. One of the major gaps in the application of these technologies is the lack of studies on the mechanical behavior of parts manufactured using this methodology. This paper focuses on the manufacture of a turret for the clamping of parts for the aeronautical industry. The design of the lightened turret by means of geometry optimization, the manufacture of the turret in polylactic acid (PLA) and 5XXX series aluminum alloy by means of Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) technology and the analysis by means of finite element analysis (FEA) with its validation by means of a tensile test are presented. The behavior of the part manufactured with both materials is compared. The conclusion allows to establish which are the limitations of the part manufactured in PLA for its orientation to the final application, whose advantages are its lower weight and cost. This paper is novel as it presents a holistic view that covers the process in an integrated way from the design and manufacture to the behaviour of the component in use.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Methodology for the path definition in multi-layer gas metal arc welding (GMAW)
    (MDPI, 2023) Curiel Braco, David; Veiga Suárez, Fernando; Suárez, Alfredo; Villanueva Roldán, Pedro; Ingeniería; Ingeniaritza
    The reconstruction of the geometry of weld-deposited materials plays an important role in the control of the torch path in GMAW. This technique, which is classified as a direct energy deposition technology, is experiencing a new emergence due to its use in welding and additive manufacturing. Usually, the torch path is determined by computerised fabrication tools, but these software tools do not consider the geometrical changes along the case during the process. The aim of this work is to adaptively define the trajectories between layers by analysing the geometry and symmetry of previously deposited layers. The novelty of this work is the integration of a profiling laser coupled to the production system, which scans the deposited layers. Once the layer is scanned, the geometry of the deposited bead can be reconstructed and the symmetry in the geometry and a continuous trajectory can be determined. A wall was fabricated under demanding deposition conditions, and a surface quality of around 100 microns and mechanical properties in line with those previously reported in the literature are observed.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Automatic trajectory determination in automated robotic welding considering weld joint symmetry
    (MDPI, 2023) Curiel Braco, David; Veiga Suárez, Fernando; Suárez, Alfredo; Villanueva Roldán, Pedro; Aldalur, Eider; Ingeniería; Ingeniaritza
    The field of inspection for welded structures is currently in a state of rapid transformation driven by a convergence of global technological, regulatory, and economic factors. This evolution is propelled by several key drivers, including the introduction of novel materials and welding processes, continuous advancements in inspection technologies, innovative approaches to weld acceptance code philosophy and certification procedures, growing demands for cost-effectiveness and production quality, and the imperative to extend the lifespan of aging structures. Foremost among the challenges faced by producers today is the imperative to meet customer demands, which entails addressing both their explicit and implicit needs. Furthermore, the integration of emerging materials and technologies necessitates the exploration of fresh solutions. These solutions aim to enhance inspection process efficiency while providing precise quantitative insights into defect identification and location. To this end, our project proposes cutting-edge technologies, some of which have yet to gain approval within the sector. Noteworthy among these innovations is the integration of vision systems into welding robots, among other solutions. This paper introduces a groundbreaking algorithm for tool path selection, leveraging profile scanning and the concept of joint symmetry. The application of symmetry principles for trajectory determination represents a pioneering approach within this expansive field.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Three-dimensional finite element modelling of sheet metal forming for the manufacture of pipe components: symmetry considerations
    (MDPI, 2022) Bhujangrao, Trunal; Veiga Suárez, Fernando; Penalva Oscoz, Mariluz; Costas, Adriana; Favieres Ruiz, Cristina; Ingeniería; Ingeniaritza
    The manufacture of parts by metal forming is a widespread technique in sectors such as oil and gas and automotives. It is therefore important to make a research effort to know the correct set of parameters that allow the manufacture of correct parts. This paper presents a process analysis by means of the finite element model. The use case presented in this paper is that of a 3-m diameter pipe component with a thickness of 22 mm. In this type of application, poor selection of process conditions can result in parts that are out of tolerance, both in dimensions and shape. A 3D finite element model is made, and the symmetry of the tube section generated in 2D is analysed. As a novelty, an analysis of the process correction as a function of the symmetrical deformation of the material in this case in the form of a pipe is carried out. The results show a correct fitting of the model and give guidelines for manufacturing.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Machine learning-based analysis engine to identify critical variables in multi-stage processes: application to the installation of blind fasteners
    (Publicaciones Dyna S.L., 2020) Murua Etxeberría, Maialen; Veiga Suárez, Fernando; Ortega Lalmolda, Juan Antonio; Penalva Oscoz, Mariluz; Díez Oliván, Alberto; Ingeniería; Ingeniaritza
    Quality control in manufacturing is a recurrent topic as the ultimate goals are to produce high quality products with less cost. Mostly, the problems related to manufacturing processes are addressed focusing on the process itself putting aside other operations that belong to the part’s history. This research work presents a Machine Learning-based analysis engine for nonexpert users which identifies relationships among variables throughout the manufacturing line. The developed tool was used to analyze the installation of blind fasteners in aeronautical structures, with the aim of identifying critical variables for the quality of the installed fastener, throughout the fastening and drilling stages. The results provide evidence that drilling stage affects to the fastening, especially to the formed head’s diameter. Also, the most critical phase in fastening, which is when the plastic deformation occurs, was identified. The results also revealed that the chosen process parameters, thickness of the plate and the faster type influence on the quality of the installed fastener.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Weld joint reconstruction and classification algorithm for trajectory generation in robotic welding
    (Trans Tech Publications, 2023) Curiel Braco, David; Veiga Suárez, Fernando; Suárez, Alfredo; Villanueva Roldán, Pedro; Aldalur, Eider; Ingeniería; Ingeniaritza
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Effect of the metal transfer mode on the symmetry of bead geometry in WAAM aluminum
    (MDPI, 2021) Veiga Suárez, Fernando; Suárez, Alfredo; Aldalur, Eider; Bhujangrao, Trunal; Ingeniería; Ingeniaritza
    The symmetrical nature in the case of wall fabrication by wire arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) has been observed in the literature, but it has not been studied as a source of knowledge. This paper focuses on the comparative study of three drop transfer methods employing Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) technology, one of the most reported for the manufacture of aluminum alloys. The transfer modes studied are the well-known pulsed GMAW, cold arc, and the newer pulsed AC. The novelty of the last transfer mode is the reversal of the polarity during the preparation phase of the substance for droplet deposition. This study compares the symmetry of zero beads to deter-mine the best parameters and transfer modes for wire arc additive manufacturing of 5 series aluminum. The pulsed transfer modes show values of 0.6 for symmetry ratio, which makes them more interesting strategies than cold arc with a symmetry ratio of 0.5. Furthermore, the methodology proposed in this study can be extrapolated to other materials manufactured with this technology.