Lera López, Fernando

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Lera López

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  • PublicationOpen Access
    Are football managers as efficient as coaches? Performance analysis with ex ante and ex post inputs in the Premier league
    (Routledge, 2019) Zambom Ferraresi, Fabíola; Iraizoz Apezteguia, Belén; Lera López, Fernando; Ekonomia; Institute for Advanced Research in Business and Economics - INARBE; Economía; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa
    There is a controversy on sport performance literature about what type of inputs might explain more deeply the performance of sports clubs (inputs specification controversy). By one side, several papers have analysed sports teams' performance using the match-related statistics or wages as inputs, well-known as ex post inputs. By other side, some authors have criticized the use of these ex post inputs, and recommend the use of ex ante inputs, as the market value of the players. We have analysed the performance of football teams estimating technical efficiency with three different inputs specification. The methodologies employed were data envelopment analysis (DEA) and a bootstrapped DEA. Our sample is composed by English Premier League football clubs, during three seasons (2012/13-2014/15). The DEA results indicate that the correlation between the three models is positive and significant. The DEA-bootstrapped results help to restate the robustness of the estimations and endorsed the inputs choices. The correlations of the estimations with market value and match-related statistics are the most striking (90% and 94%, DEA and bootstrapped DEA), which indicate that the existent discussion related to the use of match-related statistics as input is unjustified, because it does not affect significantly the efficiency estimations.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Sport promotion through sport mega-events. An analysis for types of olympic sports in London 2012
    (MDPI, 2020) Kokolakakis, Themis; Lera López, Fernando; Institute for Advanced Research in Business and Economics - INARBE
    A substantial amount of attention has been devoted towards the potential sport legacy of the Olympic Games. In spite of the increasing academic interest in this topic, there is a knowledge gap as far as sport legacy is concerned by types of different sports. The authors bridge this gap by analysing the evolution of 43 different Olympic/Paralympic sport modalities in the two-year period after the London 2012 Olympics. By using data from the Active People Survey with a sample of 165,000 people annually, and considering some demographic variables and the effect of the economic environment, the paper aims to test the existence of a sport legacy. We have applied time series analysis and ARIMA models for controlling for economic influence and seasonal adjustment and for making comparisons among participation rates. The results show, for the total of the sports analysed, that there were 336,000 individuals who increased their frequency of participation, while there was no significant increase in the number of new participants in these sports. When we develop the analysis for types of sports, London 2012 is positively associated not only with the frequency of participation in some types of sport but also with an increase in the number of new sport participants. Gender and age differences are also detected. The results show the differences of sport legacy by type of sports. Moreover, this research has elucidated an important unrecognised aspect of the effect of the Olympic Games and perhaps major events: that they can become a major policy tool for reversing sporting inequalities.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Physical activity disparities across Europe: clustering European regions by health-related physical activity levels
    (Oxford University Press, 2022) Lera López, Fernando; Marco, Rocío; Economía; Ekonomia
    In the context of stagnating global levels of physical activity (PA), this study examines the geographical segmentation of PA at the regional level (196 regions) in Europe. Cluster analysis and multinomial logistic regression are applied. Cluster analysis provides a taxonomy of four differentiated groups according to the health-related PA levels of the European regions. This taxonomy shows that there are significant regional disparities among European countries in terms of the regional PA level. The cluster profiles in terms of regional socioeconomic characteristics are described for each group, emphasizing the regional characteristics associated with PA. Regional economic variables, tertiary education and social Internet use are significant variables for characterizing the types of regions. The results emphasize the relevance of a European regional approach for reducing inter-regional PA disparities and improving health through PA in Europe. Practical implications of this research are based on regional European coordination, such as collaborative models of sport infrastructure use, co-financing of inter-regional facilities, mutual physical educational scholar programs and promotion of common inter-regional sport competitions and sporting events. Finally, formal schemes for exchanging of best regional practices to promote health-enhancing PA might increase the perception and the role of PA at the regional level in the European society.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Análisis del performance del fútbol inglés con inputs ex ante y ex post
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, 2017) Zambom Ferraresi, Fabíola; Lera López, Fernando; Iraizoz Apezteguia, Belén; Economía; Ekonomia
    Hace más de cuatro décadas, Scully (1974) definió la representación convencional del proceso productivo de los clubes profesionales de fútbol. El output se mide en términos de éxito del equipo (victorias) y el input es el talento/calidad de los jugadores. Posteriormente se han desarrollado otros enfoques. Actualmente se considera que dicho proceso productivo está compuesto por dos etapas, que se pueden analizar de forma conjunta o separada. En la primera, la plantilla y el cuerpo técnico entrenan para mejorar sus aptitudes técnicas, tácticas, físicas y psicológicas, con el objetivo de desarrollar y mejorar jugadas durante un partido de fútbol. En la segunda, dichas jugadas, que deberían ser culminadas con goles, pueden convertirse en victorias, empates o derrotas para los equipos. Todo el proceso produce unos resultados deportivos y económicos. La desagregación del proceso productivo en dos etapas ha generado una controversia en la literatura en relación a la especificación de los inputs a considerar. Diversos trabajos (e.g., Dawson, Dobson, & Gerrard, 2000; Lee, 2006) sostienen que la manera correcta de analizar el proceso productivo es utilizando los denominados inputs ex ante, medidas de la calidad de la plantilla previas al comienzo de la temporada deportiva, como el valor de mercado de los jugadores o la valoración de los jugadores en ligas fantásticas (del Corral, 2012; Zambom-Ferraresi, Lera-López, & Iráioz, 2016). Sin embargo, otros trabajos (Espitia-Escuer & García-Cebrián, 2006; Zambom-Ferraresi, García-Cebrián, & Lera-López, 2017) utilizan inputs ex post que, en su mayor parte, son estadísticas del rendimiento deportivo de los equipos durante un partido. El objetivo de este trabajo es contribuir a esta discusión, para lo que se lleva a cabo un análisis empírico de las diferencias obtenidas en las estimaciones considerando ambos tipos de inputs.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    La "brecha digital": un reto para el desarrollo de la sociedad del conocimiento
    (Universidad de Huelva, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2003) Lera López, Fernando; Hernández Nanclares, Nuria; Blanco Vaca, Cristina; Economía; Ekonomia
    El desarrollo de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) dentro de la economía del conocimiento está generando importantes transformaciones en la economía actual y nuevas expectativas de desarrollo. Sin embargo, la oportunidad que las TIC ofrecen al crecimiento económico no parece materializarse para los países menos desarrollados, generando lo que se ha denominado brecha digital. El presente artículo trata de cuantificar el fenómeno en base a una clasificación de indicadores, determinando posibles variables explicativas. A partir de una serie de iniciativas internacionales (DOT Force, eEuropa, ONU…), el artículo finaliza con una serie de medidas a desarrollar para eliminar la brecha digital y para constituir una sociedad del conocimiento a nivel mundial. Palabras clave: brecha digital, tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, sociedad de la información, economía digital.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Disruption of traditional land use regimes causes an economic loss of provisioning services in high-mountain grasslands
    (Elsevier, 2020) Durán Lázaro, María; Canals Tresserras, Rosa María; Sáez Istilart, José Luis; Ferrer Lorés, V.; Lera López, Fernando; Ekonomia; Institute on Innovation and Sustainable Development in Food Chain - ISFOOD; Institute for Advanced Research in Business and Economics - INARBE; Economía; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa
    Mountain ecosystems face many challenges related to global change. Most high-altitude grasslands in the Pyrenees, despite representing valuable assets recognised in the European conservation heritage, are at risk due to the decline of traditional extensive ranging. This research intends to quantify economically the loss of the provisioning service of high-quality food for livestock of an upland area on the western side of the range. The area is experiencing degradation due to the expansion of the native tall-grass Brachypodium rupestre, favoured by disruption of traditional grazing and anthropogenic fire regimes. We implement the substitution economic approach and use floristic and husbandry data to determine that the loss of food rations for livestock results in an unitary cost of 107 (sic).ha(-1).year(-1), amounting to 21146 (sic) for the whole degraded area, according to the most conservative estimate. The study also finds evidence that the decline in grassland value is closely associated with the digestibility to herbivores of B. rupestre during the growing season. This approach may be an effective tool to raise awareness of the problem among local and regional stakeholders and encourage further environmental actions to prevent the degradation.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Building social capital through sport engagement: evidence for adults aged 50 years and older
    (Cambridge, 2022) Sánchez-Santos, José Manuel; Rungo, Paolo; Lera López, Fernando; Institute for Advanced Research in Business and Economics - INARBE; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa
    Involvement in sports is considered a powerful way to generate social capital. However, the role of sport engagement in the development of social relationships of older adults has not received much attention. Remarkably, there is a lack of empirical evidence on the quality and diversity of social relations built through active sport participation and spectatorship. This paper attempts to assess the relationship between sport engagement and various measures of network social capital, including the extension and quality of social networks and the heterogeneity of personal relationships. Also, it proposes new and more informative measurements of an individual's quantity and quality of social ties. By analysing data from a survey in Spain (N = 600) and applying logistic regressions, the results show that sport participation and attendance at sporting events are closely related to different dimensions of network social capital. Concerning people who are not actively engaged in sports, more extensive social networks characterise those who frequently attend sporting events. In contrast, active sport participation is associated with the extensity and quality measures of social connectedness, the level of satisfaction with friends and the opportunity to enjoy close relationships. Therefore, this paper provides new evidence on how sport engagement may result in tighter and extensive networks for older adults and serve as support for emphasising sports, physical activity and leisure as strategies for maintaining and boosting older people's social and psychological health.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Evaluación por competencias. El caso de la 'empresa simulada'
    (Facultad de Educación de la Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción (Chile), 2020) Guibert Beunza, Amalia; Lera López, Fernando; Economía; Ekonomia
    La Formación Profesional (FP) necesita conocer de primera mano las necesidades reales del mercado laboral para adecuar los aprendizajes del alumnado a las mismas. En este contexto, este trabajo pretende aunar criterios entre centros educativos y empresas con el fin de evaluar mejor al alumnado por sus competencias profesionales. Para tal fin, se han valorado las competencias profesionales más importantes que las empresas consideran en términos de empleabilidad junto con los criterios evaluadores del proyecto educativo 'Empresa Simulada', comparándose ambas perspectivas. La información empresarial proviene de 14 empresas participantes en el período de prácticas del alumnado del módulo de 'Formación en Centros de Trabajo' de un Centro de FP en Navarra. Los resultados de dichas encuestas se han comparado con las competencias evaluadas por los docentes a los alumnos participantes en el proyecto educativo 'Empresa Simulada', mostrando una coherencia entre los dos enfoques. Asimismo, hemos podido determinar las principales competencias profesionales según las empresas, destacando la proactividad, la confianza en uno mismo, la flexibilidad, el compromiso y la colaboración con otros junto con la comunicación y la asertividad. Los resultados obtenidos pueden facilitar una mejor adecuación de las necesidades empresariales con las competencias a desarrollar en el ámbito de la FP.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Actividad física y salud autopercibida en personas mayores de 50 años
    (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, 2017) Lera López, Fernando; Garrués Irisarri, Mirian; Ollo López, Andrea; Sánchez Iriso, Eduardo; Cabasés Hita, Juan Manuel; Sánchez-Santos, José Manuel; Economía; Ekonomia; Gestión de Empresas; Enpresen Kudeaketa
    El propósito del estudio es analizar los posibles efectos de la actividad física sobre la salud autopercibida. Para ello, se encuestó a 765 personas entre 50-70 años durante 2012 en España. Se utilizó el cuestionario internacional de actividad física (IPAQ) para estimar el equivalente metabólico de la tarea (MET) total y en cuatro ámbitos: trabajo, ocio, hogar y desplazamientos. La salud auto-percibida se obtuvo de la escala visual analógica del EQ-5D-5L. Los resultados muestran que únicamente el gasto energético de actividad física en el tiempo de ocio incide positivamente en el nivel de salud percibido, el resto de ámbitos no tienen influencia significativa. Asimismo, la autopercepción de la salud es más negativa con mayor edad, menor nivel educativo y mayor frecuencia de uso de servicios sanitarios. En conclusión, la actividad física desarrollada en el tiempo libre podría plantearse como alternativa para mejorar la calidad de vida de los mayores.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Differences in formal and informal sports participation at regional level in England
    (Routledge, 2017) Kokolakakis, Themis; Castellanos García, Pablo; Lera López, Fernando; Economía; Ekonomia
    The aim of the article is to provide a regional approach to analyse sports participation in two different contexts: organised/formal versus non-organised/informal participation, using Sport England’s Active People Survey national data set. We have estimated two models: first, a general model to explain differences in regional informal and formal participation rates; second, an econometric model dealing with formal participation at a regular frequency. The results emphasise the different roles played by some correlates depending on the context of sports participation under study. Only economic and cultural variables seem to have a general influence throughout all the sports participation contexts. The results reinforce the role played by sport supply and sport funding in some sports participation levels, offering interesting implications for sport policy. The urban environment, for example, appears to be positively related to the transition from informal to formal sport participation. The distinct analyses of the sports participation contexts provide the opportunity to evaluate ways of boosting participation as well as to suggest some interesting policy implications towards this aim. For example, sporting infrastructure is only influential for the transition from non-participation to formal participation, implying that in general the key question about sport funding and supply is not the amount of funds but rather the direction and aims of sport policy. Finally, the article offers some explanations about the gender inequality detected in some forms of sports participation.