Lera López, Fernando

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INARBE. Institute for Advanced Research in Business and Economics





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  • PublicationOpen Access
    The correlates of physical activity among the population aged 50-70 years
    (Federación Española de Docentes de Educación Física, 2017) Lera López, Fernando; Garrués Irisarri, Mirian; Suárez Fernández, María José; Economía; Ekonomia
    Background: Physical activity is of particular interest due to its potential for improving quality of life and reducing health care costs. The contribution of this paper is to analyse the correlates of physical activity (PA) among individuals aged 50-70 years old. We differentiate between physical activity during leisure time (LTPA) and total physical activity (Total PA) and besides we offer potential policy advice to increase PA. Methods: We use a cross-sectional survey from a sample of Spanish individuals between 50 and 70 years of age. We analyse the correlates of LTPA and Total PA by estimating ordered probit models including socio-demographic characteristics, health and emotional wellbeing and social support. Results: The covariates explain in different ways LTPA and Total PA levels. In particular, the accomplishment of a minimum of LTPA is positively related to partner participation in LTPA (p<0.01), a good life satisfaction (p<0.01), being male (p<0.01) and secondary education completion (p<0.02); and it is negatively related to working status (p<0.01). On the contrary, very high levels of total PA are positively associated with partner participation(p<0.01), self-perceived health (p<0.01), women (p<0.01) and working status (p<0.05). Conclusions: It is important to increase male energy expenditure in other life domains besides leisure time. Regarding women, social support seems necessary to reach minimum levels of LTPA. Finally, the socialisation effect that we have obtained as well as the positive impact of the extrinsic social support variables might suggest the necessity to take intoaccount couple and family variables.