Rivera Escribano, María Jesús

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Rivera Escribano

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María Jesús

Sociología y Trabajo Social

I-COMMUNITAS. Institute for Advanced Social Research





Search Results

Now showing 1 - 3 of 3
  • PublicationOpen Access
    The narratives of new rural residents in the configuration of the peri-urban area: from circumstancial constraints to openness
    (Wiley, 2022) Rivera Escribano, María Jesús; Sanz Tolosana, Elvira; Sociología y Trabajo Social; Soziologia eta Gizarte Lana
    European peri-urban areas keep growing in terms of land, population and socio-spatial complexity. This article looks at the role of new residents in the ongoing reconfiguration of peri-urban space, by focusing on how their narratives make sense of their residential choices and experiences. The analysis is based on the case of the peri-urban area of Pamplona, an intermediate city in northern Spain surrounded by a peri¿urban space characterised by a disperse habitat of single and collective rural¿like settlements in a clear process of population growth. The discussion is grounded in a series of semistructured interviews conducted with key informants and new residents. The results reinforce the relevance of the residential lure of these territories as well as of the housing policies adopted. They also show three key elements to understand better the complexity and internal heterogeneity of this process: the different motivations supporting the residential choice; the links established with the place and its population and the experiences within the territory. Finally, the article concludes by suggesting that the different profiles of the new residents and their different orientations regarding the way of residing and experiencing the residence generate different territorialities through which they form new and coexisting ruralities, as well as a hybrid identity construction with the place.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Migración prorrural a áreas remotas en tiempo de crisis
    (Universitat Jaume I de Castelló, 2023) Rivera Escribano, María Jesús; Sociología y Trabajo Social; Soziologia eta Gizarte Lana
    Las áreas rurales remotas en proceso de decrecimiento poblacional son altamente vulnerables y sensibles a los movimientos poblacionales, tanto a la salida como a la llegada de nueva población que engrose las cifras de la población local. El artículo explora el impacto que tuvo la crisis del 2008 en las migraciones prorrurales que se dirigían hacia este tipo de áreas rurales. Para ello se analiza el caso de la comarca de Las Batuecas-Sierra de Francia, en Salamanca. El trabajo de campo, de naturaleza cualitativa, consiste en una serie de entrevistas semiestructuradas a informantes clave y nuevos residentes. El análisis permite observar el impacto de la crisis en un doble sentido: una migración forzada por la crisis como último recurso de supervivencia y una migración vinculada a aspiraciones de tipo medioambiental que encuentra en la crisis el impulso para poner en marcha un deseo que permanecía en estado latente.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    New rural residents, territories for vital projects and the context of the crisis in Spain
    (Springer, 2020) Oliva, J.; Rivera, M. J.; Oliva Serrano, Jesús; Rivera Escribano, María Jesús; Sociología y Trabajo Social; Soziologia eta Gizarte Lana; Institute for Advanced Social Research - ICOMMUNITAS
    This chapter looks at the impact of the financial and economic crisis experienced in Spain during the last decade upon the reconfiguration of rural areas. With this aim, the chapter focuses on the impact on the relationship between new rural residents and the reshaping of rural territories. The chapter emphasises this impact through the analysis of three different, but closely related, dimensions. First, the way the crisis determined the arrival of newcomers. Second, the impact of this recession upon the local socio-economic dynamism of rural areas. Third, the unexpected elements that many new rural residents faced due to the context of the crisis, and which conditioned their experience of the new destination. Additionally, the chapter remarks on the necessity of understanding these migrations to the rural, by taking into consideration the life course and the phase of the family cycle of the migrants when the migration takes place. The discussion expounded in this chapter is based on the analysis of a series of qualitative interviews conducted with diverse sociological profiles of new rural residents. The interviews were undertaken in the context of two research projects which looked at different aspects of the relationship between new rural residents and their destination.