Laucirica Larrinaga, Ana

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Laucirica Larrinaga

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Ciencias humanas y de la educación





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  • PublicationOpen Access
    El proceso de composición de una canción para la etapa primaria elaborada por estudiantes del grado de maestro
    (Universidade de Lisboa, 2024) Lorenzo, A.; Ordoñana Martín, José Antonio; Laucirica Larrinaga, Ana; Ciencias humanas y de la educación; Giza eta Hezkuntza Zientziak
    In this paper we analyse how university students evaluate their cooperative composition work during an academic semester. Variables such as musical training and gender, among others, are considered. The students compose a song for a primary school classroom. They were 89 participants, of whom only 26 reported having studied music at specialized schools. The results show that the participating students are, in general, very satisfied with the work carried out, especially the women and students with previous musical knowledge. The involvement was high and it is perceived that tonal enculturation in the general population has an impact on the fact that certain musical creativity activities, that we could consider complex, can be exercised through collaborative work, in contexts other than those derived from specialized musical training.