Santesteban García, Gonzaga

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Santesteban García

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Agronomía, Biotecnología y Alimentación





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Now showing 1 - 10 of 16
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Recovery of ancient grapevine plant material in peri‑urban areas. A case of success in Pamplona (Spain) leading to the recovery of cv. Berués
    (Elsevier, 2022) Crespo Martínez, Sara; Mayor Azcona, Blanca; Oneka Mugica, Oihane; Loidi Erviti, Maite; Villa Llop, Ana; Marín Ederra, Diana; Miranda Jiménez, Carlos; Santesteban García, Gonzaga; Urrestarazu Vidart, Jorge; Agronomia, Bioteknologia eta Elikadura; Institute for Multidisciplinary Research in Applied Biology - IMAB; Agronomía, Biotecnología y Alimentación; Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako Gobernua
    Viticulture was relatively important in the peri‑urban area of Pamplona till the end of the 19th century, but suffered a continued regression that has led to a nearly complete disappearance of vineyards. In this context, this work aims to evaluate the feasibility of recovering old grapevine germplasm in the peri‑urban area of Pamplona. The lack of a conventional source for recovering plant material (i.e. absence of old vineyards in the area) implied the need of designing an alternative prospecting procedure. This method included the analysis of the available historical information as open-access resources (orthophotos, land use maps and GIS applications) aiming to identify the areas with the highest probability of finding vines surviving from the general abandonment and uprooting of vineyards that had occurred in the 20th century. Based on the oldest on scale orthophoto available for Navarra, a vineyard land map of the peri‑urban area of Pamplona in year 1956 was built, allowing prospecting efforts to be focused on specific areas of primarily interest. Following this strategy, a total of 120 plants were collected, which corresponded to 44 genotypes. The most prominent achievement of this prospecting mission was the recovery of 15 accessions of Berués, a very old variety with a remarkable importance in the region according to old historical records, and considered to be disappeared. The methodology proposed was effective in searching for the oldest standing-alone plants surviving in the peri‑urban area of Pamplona, and may be adapted to assist the recovery of old grapevine germplasm in other currently non wine-growing regions/areas where viticulture was relevant some decades ago. © 2021
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Pollen viability, self-incompatibility, and a very singular S-allele structure between the reasons for the limited potential productivity of traditional Basque cider apple varieties
    (Elsevier, 2023) Crespo Martínez, Sara; Oneka Mugica, Oihane; Laquidain Imirizaldu, María Jesús; Urrestarazu Vidart, Jorge; Santesteban García, Gonzaga; Miranda Jiménez, Carlos; Agronomía, Biotecnología y Alimentación; Agronomia, Bioteknologia eta Elikadura; Institute for Multidisciplinary Research in Applied Biology - IMAB; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa
    Cider regions conserve a broad diversity of traditional cultivars for which knowledge has hardly evolved. Key aspects of their reproductive biology are barely known, hindering improvement in orchard management and resulting in highly variable yields. In this study, we characterized key aspects of the reproductive biology of some traditional apple cultivars from the Basque-style cider-producing area in northern Spain (Basque Country and Navarre). We tested for pollen quality, self-compatibility, and cross-compatibility (S-genotyping). The pollen quality was good except for Urtebete, Errezila, Reineta Encarnada, and triploid varieties. Self-pollination results confirm the need for pollinators, as only Moko and Txalaka showed certain self-compatibility. Regarding Sgenotyping, the population proved very singular, with an atypically high frequency of S26, a frequent allele within crabapples, and the appearance of a novel unpublished allele (S60). The knowledge generated for this variety pool will contribute to a better choice of suitable pollinators, preventing the use of popular crabapple varieties that are demonstrated to be partly incompatible with them, and will lead to an increase in potential yields in the region.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Agronomic evaluation of eight 41 B × 110 richter grapevine genotypes as rootstock candidates for mediterranean viticulture
    (KeAi Communications, 2023) Marín Ederra, Diana; Miranda Jiménez, Carlos; Abad Zamora, Francisco Javier; Urrestarazu Vidart, Jorge; Mayor Azcona, Blanca; Villa Llop, Ana; Santesteban García, Gonzaga; Agronomía, Biotecnología y Alimentación; Agronomia, Bioteknologia eta Elikadura; Institute for Multidisciplinary Research in Applied Biology - IMAB; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa
    Choosing the most appropriate rootstock(s) is a key decision for the profitability of vineyards; therefore, there must be a sufficient range of rootstocks in the market adapted to different environmental conditions and production objectives. However, rootstock-breeding programs have been scarce in recent decades, and most of the rootstocks used today were bred a century ago, when the needs of the sector were very different from today. In this work, we aimed to evaluate new rootstock candidates before their introduction in the market. An agronomic evaluation was conducted on eight novel rootstock genotypes obtained from the first generation of the cross-pollination of 41 B Millardet et de Grasset (41 B) and 110 Richter (110 R) grafted with ‘Syrah’ and ‘Tempranillo’ and planted in a typical vineyard of the Ebro Valley in Spain. During the four consecutive growing seasons (2016e2019), growth, yield and berry composition parameters at harvest were collected. A linear mixedeffects model was constructed, considering year and block as random effects. Multiple factor analysis and hierarchical clustering on principal components were performed to establish clusters of genotypes with similar behaviour. The rootstock candidates showed a very wide performance range compared to their parents. The trial allowed us to identify two very promising candidates (RG8 and RG10), whose registration as commercial rootstocks is already in progress.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Applications of sensing for disease detection
    (Springer, 2021) Castro, Ana Isabel de; Pérez Roncal, Claudia; Thomasson, J. Alex; Ehsani, Reza; López Maestresalas, Ainara; Yang, Chenghai; Jarén Ceballos, Carmen; Wang, Tianyi; Cribben, Curtis; Marín Ederra, Diana; Isakeit, Thomas; Urrestarazu Vidart, Jorge; López Molina, Carlos; Wang, Xiwei; Nichols, Robert L.; Santesteban García, Gonzaga; Arazuri Garín, Silvia; Peña, José Manuel; Agronomía, Biotecnología y Alimentación; Agronomia, Bioteknologia eta Elikadura; Estadística, Informática y Matemáticas; Estatistika, Informatika eta Matematika; Ingeniería; Ingeniaritza; Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako Gobernua; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa
    The potential loss of world crop production from the effect of pests, including weeds, animal pests, pathogens and viruses has been quantifed as around 40%. In addition to the economic threat, plant diseases could have disastrous consequences for the environment. Accurate and timely disease detection requires the use of rapid and reliable techniques capable of identifying infected plants and providing the tools required to implement precision agriculture strategies. The combination of suitable remote sensing (RS) data and advanced analysis algorithms makes it possible to develop prescription maps for precision disease control. This chapter shows some case studies on the use of remote sensing technology in some of the world’s major crops; namely cotton, avocado and grapevines. In these case studies, RS has been applied to detect disease caused by fungi using different acquisition platforms at different scales, such as leaf-level hyperspectral data and canopy-level remote imagery taken from satellites, manned airplanes or helicopter, and UAVs. The results proved that remote sensing is useful, effcient and effective for identifying cotton root rot zones in cotton felds, laurel wilt-infested avocado trees and escaaffected vines, which would allow farmers to optimize inputs and feld operations, resulting in reduced yield losses and increased profts.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Sampling stratification using aerial imagery to estimate fruit load in peach tree orchards
    (MDPI, 2018) Miranda Jiménez, Carlos; Santesteban García, Gonzaga; Urrestarazu Vidart, Jorge; Loidi Erviti, Maite; Royo Díaz, José Bernardo; Agronomía, Biotecnología y Alimentación; Agronomia, Bioteknologia eta Elikadura
    A quick and accurate sampling method for determining yield in peach orchards could lead to better crop management decisions, more accurate insurance claim adjustment, and reduced expenses for the insurance industry. Given that sample size depends exclusively on the variability of the trees on the orchard, it is necessary to have a quick and objective way of assessing this variability. The aim of this study was to use remote sensing to detect the spatial variability within peach orchards and classify trees into homogeneous zones that constitute sampling strata to decrease sample size. Five mature peach orchards with different degrees of spatial variability were used. A regular grid of trees was established on each orchard, their trunk cross-sectional area (TCSA) was measured, and yield was measured as number of fruits/tree on the central tree of each one of them. Red Vegetation Index (RVI) was calculated from aerial images with 0.25 m pixel -1 resolution, and used, either alone or in combination with TCSA, to delineate sampling strata using cluster fuzzy k-means. Completely randomized (CRS) and stratified samplings were compared through 10,000 iterations, and the Minimum Sample Size required to obtain estimates of actual production for three quality levels of sampling was calculated in each case. The images allowed accurate determination of the number of trees, allowing a proper application of completely randomized sampling designs. Tree size and the canopy density estimated by means of multispectral indices are complementary parameters suitable for orchard stratification, decreasing the sample size required to determine fruit count up to 20–35% compared to completely randomized samples.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Guía de buenas prácticas para la elección del material de plantación de un viñedo
    (2023) García García, Rafael; Eraso Zabalegui, Javier; Villa Llop, Ana; Santesteban García, Gonzaga; Crespo Martínez, Sara; Gambra, Alberto; Palacios Muruzábal, Julián; Sebastián Caumel, Bárbara; Urrestarazu Vidart, Jorge; Agronomia, Bioteknologia eta Elikadura; Institute for Multidisciplinary Research in Applied Biology - IMAB; Agronomía, Biotecnología y Alimentación
    Esta es una guía gráfica sobre la elección del material vegetal para la plantación de un viñedo. Mediante vídeos sencillos se explican factores agronómicos claves a tener en cuenta antes de realizar una plantación, además de nociones básicas que se deben conocer para la elección del material vegetal. Hemos estructurado esta Guía en tres bloques, partiendo del objetivo principal que es la obtención de un viñedo equi- librado, siguiendo con la explicación de las distintas calida- des genéticas que se pueden elegir a la hora de comprar el material vegetal; y concluyendo con vídeos sobre la calidad fisiológica de la planta y cómo comprobarla. Con los últimos vídeos, más científicos, queremos explicar qué sucede a nivel celular en la zona del punto de injerto para que las conexiones vasculares se puedan generar. Los aspectos clave a destacar a la hora de la elección del material vegetal serían: • Saber medir/cuantificar las cualidades y limitaciones de la parcela. • Conocer el abanico de posibilidades en cuanto al material genético disponible. • Saber comprobar la calidad fisiológica del material vegetal. Y fundamental para realizar una plantación con éxito, es tener la máxima información posible como mínimo un año antes de realizar la plantación del viñedo.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Assessment of flesh browning diversity in apple germplasm collections phenotyped by image analysis
    (ISHS, 2023) Miranda Jiménez, Carlos; Irisarri, P.; Arellano Zapatero, Julia; Bielsa, F. J.; Valencia Leoz, Ana; Urrestarazu Vidart, Jorge; Pina, Ana; Santesteban García, Gonzaga; Castel, L.; Errea, Pilar; Agronomía, Biotecnología y Alimentación; Agronomia, Bioteknologia eta Elikadura; Institute for Multidisciplinary Research in Applied Biology - IMAB
    Enzymatic flesh browning (EB) is one of the major problems affecting the quality and limiting the shelf life of minimally processed fruit. Traditionally, EB has been measured objectively using colourimeters. However, colourimeters are not suitable for phenotyping large quantities of fruit samples as they measure just one small area of a sample at a time, which hampers the acquisition of representative measurements and renders them time-consuming and costly. Previous research has shown that image analysis of digital photographs could be a viable alternative to obtain colour information of the entire surface of samples for large scale phenotyping, but to date there are no references for its practical application. The aim of this work was to assess the diversity in EB in a large set of cultivars phenotyped using digital photographs and a high-throughput analytical system based on image analysis developed by our team. A set of 143 cultivars from 104 genotypes, including modern references (16 cultivars) and traditional Spanish cultivars from UPNA (67 cultivars) and CITA (60 cultivars) germplasm collections was analysed in 2020 and 2021. The traditional cultivars were part of the core collection, which optimizes the representativeness of the genetic variation of apples preserved in Spanish collections. EB was evaluated in 10 fruits per cultivar and photographed at regular intervals from just after cutting to one hour later. A wide range of EB intensities was observed, with up to 20-fold differences between cultivars, which could be classified into five levels using two indices. The time at which EB was evaluated (30 or 60 min after slicing) had little influence on the classification. Traditional cultivars with low or very low EB were found to be comparable to those of references with less EB. The results show the potential of traditional germplasm to diversify the varietal offer and introduce new traits in apple breeding.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Genetic diversity of Spanish Prunus domestica L. germplasm reveals a complex genetic structure underlying
    (Public Library of Science, 2018) Urrestarazu Vidart, Jorge; Errea, Pilar; Miranda Jiménez, Carlos; Santesteban García, Gonzaga; Pina, Ana; Producción Agraria; Nekazaritza Ekoizpena
    European plum (Prunus domestica L.) is an ancient domesticated species cultivated in temperate areas worldwide whose genetic structure has been scarcely analyzed to date. In this study, a broad representation of Spanish European plum germplasm collected in Northeastern Spain and a representative set of reference cultivars were compared using nuclear and chloroplast markers. The number of alleles per locus detected with the SSR markers ranged from 8 to 39, with an average of 23.4 alleles, and 8 haplotypes were identified. Bayesian model-based clustering, minimum spanning networks, and the analysis of molecular variance showed the existence of a hierarchical structure. At the first level, two genetic groups were found, one containing 'Reine Claude' type reference cultivars altogether with ca. 25% of local genotypes, and a second one much more diverse. This latter group split in two groups, one containing most (ca. 70%) local genotypes and some old Spanish and French reference cultivars, whereas the other included 24 reference cultivars and only six local genotypes. A third partition level allowed a significant finer delineation into five groups. As a whole, the genetic structure of European plum from Northeastern Spain was shown to be complex and conditioned by a geographical proximity factor. This study not only contributes to genetic conservation and breeding for this species at the national level, but also supports the relevance of undertaking similar tasks of collection and characterization in other unexplored areas. Moreover, this kind of research could lead to future coordinated actions for the examination of the whole European plum diversity, to define conservation strategies, and could be used to better understand the genetic control of traits of horticultural interest through association mapping.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Evaluating the influence of the microsatellite marker set on the genetic structure inferred in Pyrus communis L.
    (Public Library of Science, 2015) Urrestarazu Vidart, Jorge; Royo Díaz, José Bernardo; Santesteban García, Gonzaga; Miranda Jiménez, Carlos; Producción Agraria; Nekazaritza Ekoizpena
    Fingerprinting information can be used to elucidate in a robust manner the genetic structure of germplasm collections, allowing a more rational and fine assessment of genetic resources. Bayesian model-based approaches are nowadays majorly preferred to infer genetic structure, but it is still largely unresolved how marker sets should be built in order to obtain a robust inference. The objective was to evaluate, in Pyrus germplasm collections, the influence of the SSR marker set size on the genetic structure inferred, also evaluating the influence of the criterion used to select those markers. Inferences were performed considering an increasing number of SSR markers that ranged from just two up to 25, incorporated one at a time into the analysis. The influence of the number of SSR markers used was evaluated comparing the number of populations and the strength of the signal detected, and also the similarity of the genotype assignments to populations between analyses. In order to test if those results were influenced by the criterion used to select the SSRs, several choosing scenarios based on the discrimination power or the fixation index values of the SSRs were tested. Our results indicate that population structure could be inferred accurately once a certain SSR number threshold was reached, which depended on the underlying structure within the genotypes, but the method used to select the markers included on each set appeared not to be very relevant. The minimum number of SSRs required to provide robust structure inferences and adequate measurements of the differentiation, even when low differentiation levels exist within populations, was proved similar to that of the complete list of recommended markers for fingerprinting. When a SSR set size similar to the minimum marker sets recommended for fingerprinting it is used, only major divisions or moderate (FST>0.05) differentiation of the germplasm are detected.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Severe trimming and enhanced competition of laterals as a tool to delay ripening in Tempranillo vineyards under semiarid conditions
    (Université de Bordeaux, 2017) Santesteban García, Gonzaga; Miranda Jiménez, Carlos; Urrestarazu Vidart, Jorge; Loidi Erviti, Maite; Royo Díaz, José Bernardo; Producción Agraria; Nekazaritza Ekoizpena; Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako Gobernua
    Aim: An advance in grapevine phenological stages (including ripening) is occurring worldwide due to global warming and, in the hottest seasons, already results in a lack of synchrony between sugar and phenolic ripeness, leading to unbalanced wines. In order to cope with this fact, a general effort is being made by researchers and growers aiming at delaying ripening through cultural practices, particularly under warm growing conditions, where these effects are more deleterious. The aim of this work is to evaluate to which extent severe trimming and enhanced competition of laterals can delay ripening in Tempranillo vineyards under semiarid conditions. Methods and results: The experiment took place during two consecutive seasons in Traibuenas (Navarra, Spain) in a cv. ‘Tempranillo’ vineyard trained to a vertical shoot positioned (VSP) spur-pruned bilateral cordon. Severe mechanical pruning was performed ca. 3 weeks after fruit-set in order to reduce leaf-to-fruit ratio, and in the trimmed plants, three irrigation doses were applied until harvest aiming at enhancing lateral growth, hypothesized to compete with ripening. All measurements were performed in six 10-vine replicates per treatment. Trimming significantly reduced leaf area and yield, resulting in higher water availability in trimmed plants. The whole ripening process was delayed by trimming: mid-veraison was delayed by about 5 days, and the delay in sugar accumulation and acid degradation was longer, differences being more marked in malic than in tartaric acid concentration. The use of increased irrigation levels compensated the losses in yield caused by trimming, enhanced laterals’ growth and implied an additional delay in ripening. Conclusion: trimming and increased irrigation had an additive effect in terms of delaying ripening, and they can be used jointly when that delay is needed. Significance and impact of the study: this study proves the potentiality of the joint use of trimming and increased irrigation to delay ripening, although it is necessary to analyze the implications the obtained delay has on other quality aspects. The lower anthocyanin and phenolic values observed in trimmed vines were not solely due to delayed ripening, as lower values were observed even when data were compared for a given total soluble solid content.