Ollo López, Andrea

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Ollo López

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Gestión de Empresas

INARBE. Institute for Advanced Research in Business and Economics





Search Results

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  • PublicationOpen Access
    Actividad física y salud autopercibida en personas mayores de 50 años
    (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, 2017) Lera López, Fernando; Garrués Irisarri, Mirian; Ollo López, Andrea; Sánchez Iriso, Eduardo; Cabasés Hita, Juan Manuel; Sánchez-Santos, José Manuel; Economía; Ekonomia; Gestión de Empresas; Enpresen Kudeaketa
    El propósito del estudio es analizar los posibles efectos de la actividad física sobre la salud autopercibida. Para ello, se encuestó a 765 personas entre 50-70 años durante 2012 en España. Se utilizó el cuestionario internacional de actividad física (IPAQ) para estimar el equivalente metabólico de la tarea (MET) total y en cuatro ámbitos: trabajo, ocio, hogar y desplazamientos. La salud auto-percibida se obtuvo de la escala visual analógica del EQ-5D-5L. Los resultados muestran que únicamente el gasto energético de actividad física en el tiempo de ocio incide positivamente en el nivel de salud percibido, el resto de ámbitos no tienen influencia significativa. Asimismo, la autopercepción de la salud es más negativa con mayor edad, menor nivel educativo y mayor frecuencia de uso de servicios sanitarios. En conclusión, la actividad física desarrollada en el tiempo libre podría plantearse como alternativa para mejorar la calidad de vida de los mayores.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    ICT impact on competitiveness, innovation and environment
    (Elsevier, 2012) Ollo López, Andrea; Aramendia Muneta, María Elena; Gestión de Empresas; Enpresen Kudeaketa
    This paper examines the impact of ICT on competitiveness, innovation and environment in the glass, ceramics and cement concrete industry. The results show that use of ICT seems to favor innovation and competitiveness. As for the effect on the environment, the use of some ICT helps to reduce emissions, whereas others increase them.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Sexual harassment in non-profit organizations: organizational dysfunctions or harasser's behavior?
    (Academy of Management, 2021) Núñez Aldaz, Imanol; Ollo López, Andrea; Enpresen Kudeaketa; Institute for Advanced Research in Business and Economics - INARBE; Gestión de Empresas
    In 2018, the media spotlight fell on several high-profile non-profit organizations (NPOs) in connection with sexual harassment (SH). Since then, a flood of SH cases has severely impacted the image and reputation of the non-profit sector. NPOs have been accused of attempting to cover up SH and, in some cases, of leniency towards the harassers. However, these claims have not been rigorously investigated. In this paper, we study the role and behavior of harassers and argue that they may target organizations operating in the nonprofit sector owing to specific conditions that enable them to avoid detection and punishment. We argue that an environment advantageous to those who perpetrate harassment is created by several exogenous (non-organizational) factors, such as the vulnerability of aid recipients, the lack of legal protection of volunteers, and, in some cases, the cultural tolerance of discrimination against women. From this novel perspective, traditional anti-SH policies that focus on reacting to harassment and supporting the victim are viewed as necessary—but insufficient—approaches to the problem. We therefore propose a series of complementary policies that enable NPOs to adapt their operational environments in order to curb SH.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Key image attributes to elicit likes and comments on Instagram
    (Taylor & Francis, 2020) Aramendia Muneta, María Elena; Olarte-Pascual, Cristina; Ollo López, Andrea; Gestión de Empresas; Enpresen Kudeaketa; Institute for Advanced Research in Business and Economics - INARBE
    This article spotlights the relationship between likes and com-ments and the content of tourism photographs on Instagramwith the aim of understanding users¿behavior and, thus, help-ing destination management organizations. Based on thestimulus-organism-response model, a content analysis wasconducted of 1,094 pictures that received 131,116,800 likesand 2,859,448 comments. By combining content analysis andregression analysis, the results show that Instagrammers¿responses are influenced differently by different picture attrib-utes, resulting in dissimilar behavior with regard to likes andcomments. Specifically, likes, as immediate reactions, tend tobe driven by content featuring people, views, or commonhabits. In contrast, comments, which require greater effort onthe part of the Instagrammer, are elicited by the topic of festi-vals or hotels, colors such as cream, green, orange, or yellow,images of water or animals, and images featuring tourist activ-ities, mostly at night. Multi-image or fake pictures negativelyimpact likes. By analyzing the content of the information pro-vided by the uploaded photographs, a typology of photo-graphic attributes is developed to offer clues for destinationmanagement organizations to enhance engagement withpotential customers and Instagram users.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Langile publikoen Lan Bizitzaren Kalitatea (LBK)
    (Udako Euskal Unibertsitatea, 2017) Gastearena Balda, María Lourdes; Ollo López, Andrea; Larraza Kintana, Martín; Gestión de Empresas; Enpresen Kudeaketa
    Lan honen helburua da aztertzea zein diren determinatzaileaklangile publiko eta pribatuen Laneko Bizitzaren Kalitatea (LBK), ikusteko diferentziak ote dauden, eta ikusteko, halaber, kontratu finkoa edo behin-behinekoa izateak eragina ote duenlangileen LBKn. Horretarako aurkezten dugu Laneko Eskakizunen eta Baliabideen Teoria (LEB) izeneko erreferentzia esparrua, zeinaren bidez azaltzen baita, lan inguruneko eskakizunek eta baliabideek sortzen dituzten efektuen bidez, nola nabaritzen dituen langileak ondorio zuzenak eta zeharkakoak bere osasunean eta ongizatean. Emaitzek erakusten dute handiagoa dela langile publikoen eta kontratu finkodunen LBK, gogobetetasunaren arabera neurtzen badugu.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Home-based telework: usefulness and facilitators
    (Emerald, 2020) Ollo López, Andrea; Goñi Legaz, Salomé; Erro Garcés, Amaya; Enpresen Kudeaketa; Institute for Advanced Research in Business and Economics - INARBE; Gestión de Empresas
    Purpose: This article aims to analyze individual-, organizational- and country-level factors that determine the use of home-based telework across Europe according to the technology acceptance model (TAM) and the technology–organization–environment model. Design/methodology/approach: To examine the impact of individual-, organizational- and country-level factors on telework, multilevel models are estimated to prevent problems derived from biased standard errors when micro- and macro-level data are combined. Findings: The main findings show that, according to the usefulness side of the TAM, employees with family responsibilities, those that live away from their work and highly qualified workers use more home-based telework. Additionally, and according to the ease of use side of the TAM, empowerment in firms facilitates home-based telework. At the country level, lower power distance, individualism and femininity, better telework regulations and technology developments are also facilitators of home-based telework. Research limitations/implications: The study is limited by the cross-sectional nature of the data. This prevents the estimation of causal effects. Additional research would benefit from the use of panel data and from a more detailed analysis of the effects of country dimensions. Practical implications: From an applied perspective, politics related to cultural dimensions are suggested to stimulate home-based telework. Originality/value: The research contributes to previous literature by: (1) considering a large sample to conduct an empirical analysis of the use of home-based telework across Europe, (2) including micro and macro factors, (3) providing a theoretical framework to explain home-based telework, (4) applying a rigorous definition of home-based telework and (5) focusing on employees who are able to adopt home-based telework.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Are public employees more satisfied than private ones? The mediating role of job demands and job resources
    (Emerald, 2021) Gastearena Balda, María Lourdes; Ollo López, Andrea; Larraza Kintana, Martín; Gestión de Empresas; Enpresen Kudeaketa; Institute for Advanced Research in Business and Economics - INARBE
    Purpose – This paper aims to compare job satisfaction in public and private sectors and the mediating role of several job demands and resources on the relationship between the employment sector and job satisfaction. Design/methodology/approach – Drawing on the job demands-resources model, this study argued that differences in job satisfaction were explained largely by the job characteristics provided in each sector. Data comes from the quality of working life survey, a representative sample of 6,024 Spanish public and private employees. Findings – This study revealed that public employees were more satisfied than private ones. This relationship was partially mediated by job demands and job resources, meaning that the public and private employment sectors provided different working conditions. Public employees, in general, had fewer demands and more job resources than private ones, which resulted in different levels of job satisfaction. Additionally, partial mediation indicated that public employees are more satisfied than private ones, despite accounting for several job demands and job resources. Research limitations/implications – While the findings of this study highlighted the relative importance of job demands and job resources in affecting job satisfaction of public and private employees, the generalizability of the results to other countries should be limited as the study only used data from a single country. Practical implications – A significant portion of the positive effect on job satisfaction of public employees is channeled through the lower levels of routine work and lower number of required working hours and through better job resources such as higher salary, more telework, greater prospects at work and more training utility. To improve job satisfaction, it is apparent that managers should pay special attention to things such as routine work, working hours, training and telework. Originality/value – This paper contributes to the comprehension of how several job demands and resources simultaneously play a mediating role in explaining the relationship between the employment sector and job satisfaction.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Circular fashion: cluster analysis to define advertising strategies
    (MDPI, 2022) Aramendia Muneta, María Elena; Ollo López, Andrea; Simón Elorz, Katrin; Gestión de Empresas; Enpresen Kudeaketa
    The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 provides a catalogue of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). In this context, Circular fashion stands out as one of the sectors where commitment to the SDGs is most needed, given its global nature and its significant growth in terms of consumption. Moreover, it is not possible to assert that society, in general, is aware of the importance of the principles that guide circularity, both in terms of awareness and attitudes. In this study, through cluster analysis, five different segments have been identified with divergent characteristics in terms of level of maturity regarding principles of circular fashion and/or benefits and/or enablers of related communication tools. Social and personal characteristics make it possible to contrast the differences in consumer behavior, as well as relevant aspects, such as willingness to pay more for circular fashion. The present study will help to fill the gap in research between the awareness and attitudes of consumers in circular fashion and propose different strategies for the industry and institutions to develop the concept of sustainability regarding circular fashion.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Home-based telework and job stress: the mediation effect of work extension
    (Emerald, 2023) Goñi Legaz, Salomé; Núñez Aldaz, Imanol; Ollo López, Andrea; Gestión de Empresas; Enpresen Kudeaketa; Institute for Advanced Research in Business and Economics - INARBE
    Purpose: This paper aims to investigate how home-based telework (HBT) affects job stress. The authors argue that an intrinsic effect of telework like work extension mediates this relationship. Work extension is reflected in two employee behaviours: working in free time and presentism. Design/methodology/approach: The proposed model has been estimated using the Preacher and Hayes bootstrap method for multiple mediation analysis, with 1,000 repetitions. The data used come from the sixth European Working Conditions Survey. Findings: The analysis indicates that HBT does not pose an inherent risk for job stress but causes a change in the employees' behaviour, increasing working in free time and presenteeism and thus job stress. The mediation model indicates that once these behaviours are controlled, the effect of HBT is to reduce stress. Research limitations/implications: The authors argue that companies should focus on human resource practices to control workers' behaviours that have a detrimental effect on job stress while institutions should regulate HBT. Originality/value: The analysis deepens the unclear relationship between HBT and job stress by introducing employees' behaviours concerning work extension into the equation.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    ICT impact on tourism industry
    (Access Press UK, 2013) Aramendia Muneta, María Elena; Ollo López, Andrea; Gestión de Empresas; Enpresen Kudeaketa; Economía; Ekonomia
    The goal of this paper is to analyze the effects of ICT on firms’ competitiveness, as well as on their level of innovation, productivity and on the market share depending on the tourism area: Accommodation, Gastronomy and Travel Agencies. On the whole, it has been proved that the use of diverse ICTs has little effect on the level of competition as well as on increasing productivity, while in general, they have a positive effect on increasing the market share of the firms.