Innerarity Grau, Carmen

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Innerarity Grau

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Sociología y Trabajo Social





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  • PublicationOpen Access
    Understanding social phenomena linked to religion: in search of an alternative approach that combines science with religious insights
    (MDPI, 2023) García Magariño, Sergio; Prieto-Flores, Óscar; Innerarity Grau, Carmen; Institute for Advanced Social Research - ICOMMUNITAS
    Some contemporary social phenomena, despite secularization, are still linked to religion. However, this same secularization seems to have accompanied a progressive process of religious illiteracy. Therefore, the capacity to address religious inspired issues is lower than the magnitude of the problems at work, be violent right-wing movement and Islamist terrorism or ethical debates on the beginning and end of life, to name but a few. Hence, this paper aims to fulfil three goals: to revisit secularism and some liberal assumptions that might prevent a correct understanding of these phenomena, to assess some of the consequences of the critique of ideologies and to propose an alternative approach to address religious inspired social phenomena.