Sánchez Iriso, Eduardo

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Sánchez Iriso

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  • PublicationOpen Access
    Actividad física y salud autopercibida en personas mayores de 50 años
    (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, 2017) Lera López, Fernando; Garrués Irisarri, Mirian; Ollo López, Andrea; Sánchez Iriso, Eduardo; Cabasés Hita, Juan Manuel; Sánchez-Santos, José Manuel; Economía; Ekonomia; Gestión de Empresas; Enpresen Kudeaketa
    El propósito del estudio es analizar los posibles efectos de la actividad física sobre la salud autopercibida. Para ello, se encuestó a 765 personas entre 50-70 años durante 2012 en España. Se utilizó el cuestionario internacional de actividad física (IPAQ) para estimar el equivalente metabólico de la tarea (MET) total y en cuatro ámbitos: trabajo, ocio, hogar y desplazamientos. La salud auto-percibida se obtuvo de la escala visual analógica del EQ-5D-5L. Los resultados muestran que únicamente el gasto energético de actividad física en el tiempo de ocio incide positivamente en el nivel de salud percibido, el resto de ámbitos no tienen influencia significativa. Asimismo, la autopercepción de la salud es más negativa con mayor edad, menor nivel educativo y mayor frecuencia de uso de servicios sanitarios. En conclusión, la actividad física desarrollada en el tiempo libre podría plantearse como alternativa para mejorar la calidad de vida de los mayores.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Tailoring integrated care services for high-risk patients with multiple chronic conditions: a risk stratification approach using cluster analysis
    (BioMed Central, 2020) Bretos Azcona, Pablo Evaristo; Sánchez Iriso, Eduardo; Cabasés Hita, Juan Manuel; Economía; Ekonomia; Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako Gobernua
    Background: The purpose of this study was to produce a risk stratification within a population of high-risk patients with multiple chronic conditions who are currently treated under a case management program and to explore the existence of different risk subgroups. Different care strategies were then suggested for healthcare reform according to the characteristics of each subgroup. Methods: All high-risk multimorbid patients from a case management program in the Navarra region of Spain were included in the study (n = 885). A 1-year mortality risk score was estimated for each patient by logistic regression. The population was then divided into subgroups according to the patients' estimated risk scores. We used cluster analysis to produce the stratification with Ward's linkage hierarchical algorithm. The characteristics of the resulting subgroups were analyzed, and post hoc pairwise tests were performed. Results: Three distinct risk strata were found, containing 45, 38 and 17% of patients. Age increased from cluster to cluster, and functional status, clinical severity, nursing needs and nutritional values deteriorated. Patients in cluster 1 had lower renal deterioration values, and patients in cluster 3 had higher rates of pressure skin ulcers, higher rates of cerebrovascular disease and dementia, and lower prevalence rates of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Conclusions: This study demonstrates the existence of distinct subgroups within a population of high-risk patients with multiple chronic conditions. Current case management integrated care programs use a uniform treatment strategy for patients who have diverse needs. Alternative treatment strategies should be considered to fit the needs of each patient subgroup.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Costs and effectiveness of a syringe distribution and needle exchange programme for HIV prevention in a regional setting
    (2002) Cabasés Hita, Juan Manuel; Sánchez Iriso, Eduardo; Economía; Ekonomia
    Objective: To estimate the costs and effectiveness of a HIV prevention intervention consisting of distribution of an anti-Aids kit and needle exchange, in operation since 1993 in Navarra, Spain. Methods: Total costs of the programme, namely production, storage and distribution as well as management, are estimated getting a cost figure per sterile syringe distributed. Effectiveness, defined as the number of averted HIV infections among IDUs due to their injecting behaviour, is estimated as a function of the level of coverage of the programme, using a mathematical model. Results: The estimated number of averted HIV infections ranged from 7.59 (in 1995) to 1.23 (in 2000). Yearly incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICER) ranged from 8.331 (in 1994) to 44.287 (in 2000) euro per HIV infection averted. With estimated health care costs of treatment of an HIV infection of 99.371 euro, the programme has been cost saving along the whole period considered. One way sensitivity analysis for 5 uncertain parameters was performed. These were the number of active IDUs in the region, number of annual injections among IDUs with non sterile syringes, percentage of lost and unused syringes of the total provided, probability of HIV infection due to injecting behaviour, and life expectancy of HIV+ persons. The results confirm our findings. We conclude the programme has been cost saving from the health care system perspective.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Valuing health using EQ-5D: the impact of chronic diseases on the stock of health
    (Wiley, 2019) Sánchez Iriso, Eduardo; Errea Rodríguez, María; Cabasés Hita, Juan Manuel; Ekonomia; Institute for Advanced Research in Business and Economics - INARBE; Economía
    Chronic diseases strongly affect individuals' health status. In aggregate terms, this impact is reflected by the stock of health, which measures the amount of health of a population in a given period of time. The objectives of this study were to measure the relative burden of chronic illnesses by assessing health-related quality of life using the EQ-5D-5L instrument, to rank diseases according to their associations with the stock of health, and to calculate the stock of health of the Spanish population and the amount of health loss attributable to each chronic disease from a social perspective. Data were gathered from the Spanish Health Survey (ENSE 2011–2012, N = 20,587). A population weighted least squares model was used. Chronic diseases represent 19.19% of the stock of health losses in Spain compared with a country free from those diseases. In Spain, the stock of health in 2011 was 31.86 million units on the visual analog scale. The diseases with the strongest impact in terms of loss of stock of health at the individual level were mental illness and embolism, stroke, or cerebral hemorrhage. Collectively, the diseases with the largest impact included osteoarthritis, arthritis, or rheumatism; chronic back pain; and high blood pressure.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Health related quality of life of patients with generalized anxiety disorder
    (2008) Cabasés Hita, Juan Manuel; Sánchez Iriso, Eduardo; Rovira i Forns, Joan; Economía; Ekonomia
    Aims: To analyze the health-related quality of life of patients with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), with respect to the population at large and to a control group. The following goals are addressed: 1.- To determine what, if any, differences exist between the health status of patients diagnosed with GAD, the population in general and a group of control patients; 2.- To analyze the relation between the variables age, sex, and health status (as assessed by the patient’s GP) measured on the Hamilton anxiety scale, with the quality of life of the GAD patients and of the control group; 3.- To determine whether the variables age, sex, Hamilton scale values and index of quality of life influence the annual cost caused by the illness; 4.- To determine whether there are any differences in the evaluation of the same health status made by GAD patients and by the general population. This study forms part of a broader-ranging one (the ANCORA Study) set up to analyze Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and the costs and other burdens provoked by this illness in Spain. Material and Methods: Regression models were used to obtain the EQ-5D index of health state (EQindex) and to analyze the above-mentioned variables. The data on patients and on the costs of the illness are those registered in the ANCORA study. Results: The patients with GAD present a self-perceived level of health (EQ-5D) that is conspicuously below that corresponding to the general population, especially in three of the dimensions, namely usual activities, pain/discomfort and anxiety/depression. The mean value of the health index (EQindex) is ten points below that of the general population and that of the control group. Age was found to be negatively related to the health variables, as was a higher score on the Hamilton scale. For the group of patients with GAD, a worse perceived health state and a higher score on the Hamilton scale were associated with higher costs, although in the latter case the explicative power of the model is weak. Finally, the GAD patients assessed their health status more negatively than did the general population, with a visual analogue scale (VAS) result that was four points lower than that made by the general population.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Self perceived health status of schizophrenic patients in Spain: an analysis of geog raphical differences using bayesian approach
    (2005) Cabasés Hita, Juan Manuel; Sánchez Iriso, Eduardo; Vázquez Polo, Francisco J.; Negrín, Miguel A.; Domínguez Irastorza, Emilio José; Economía; Ekonomia
    Objectives. This paper explores the use of regression models for estimating health status of schizophrenic patients, from a Bayesian perspective. Our aims are: 1- To obtain a set of values of health states of the EQ-5D based on self-assessed health from a sample of schizophrenic patients. 2- To analyse the differences in the health status and in patients’ perceptions of their health status between four mental-health districts in Spain. Methods. We develop two linear models with dummy variables. The first model seeks to obtain an index of the health status of the patients using a VAS as a dependent variable and the different dimensions of EQ-5D as regressors. The second model allows to analyse the differences between the self-assessed health status in the different geographic areas and also the differences between the patients’ self-assessed health states, irrespective of their actual health state, in the different geographic areas. The analysis is done using Bayesian approach with Gibbs sampling (computer program WinBUGS 1.4). Data concerning self-assessed EQ-5D with VAS from four geographic areas of schizophrenic patients were obtained for the purposes of this analysis. Results. We obtained the health status index for this sample and analysed the differences for this index between the four geographic areas. Our study reveals variables that explain the differences in patients’ health status and differences in their health states assessment. We consider four possible scenarios.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Prostatic artery embolization versus transurethral resection of the prostate: a post hoc cost analysis of a randomized controlled clinical trial
    (Springer Nature, 2021) Capdevila, Ferran; Insausti, Íñigo; Galbete Jiménez, Arkaitz; Sánchez Iriso, Eduardo; Montesino San Martín, Manuel; Estadística, Informática y Matemáticas; Estatistika, Informatika eta Matematika; Economía; Ekonomia
    Purpose: to perform a post hoc analysis of patient-incurred costs in a randomized controlled clinical trial comparing prostatic artery embolization (PAE) and transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP). Materials and Methods: patients older than 60 years with indication of TURP were randomized to PAE or TURP procedure. After intervention and hospital discharge, patients were follow-up during 12 months The associated patient costs were categorized according to the study period: pre-intervention, intervention, hospitalization, and follow-up. Several items for both groups were analyzed within each study period. Results: the mean total costs per patient were lower for PAE (€ 3,192.87) than for TURP (€ 3,974.57), with this difference of € 781.70 being significant (p = 0.026). For most evaluated items, the mean costs were significantly higher for TURP. No significant differences were observed in the mean costs of PAE (€ 1,468.00) and TURP (€ 1,684.25) procedures (p = 0.061). However, the histopathology analysis, recovery room stay, and intraoperative laboratory analysis increased the interventional costs for TURP (€ 1,999.70) compared with PAE (€ 1,468.00) (p < 0.001). No cost differences were observed between PAE (€ 725.26) and TURP (€ 556.22) during the 12 months of follow-up (p = 0.605). None of patients required a repeat intervention during the study period. Conclusions: considering the short-term follow-up, PAE was associated with significantly lower costs compared with TURP. Future investigations in the context of routine clinical practice should be aimed at comparing the long-term effectiveness of both procedures and determining their cost-effectiveness.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Using bayesian techniques to build up an inconsistency free health status index
    (2004) Cabasés Hita, Juan Manuel; Sánchez Iriso, Eduardo; Economía; Ekonomia
    Objectives: 1-To obtain a set of values of health states of the EQ-5D based on self-related health VAS using linear and non- linear models Bayesian techniques. 2 - To analyse “logical consistency” in different models and to derive a model free from logical inconsistencies. 3 - To analyse and compare results of several models when using a priori sources of information. Methods: We apply the usual models and transformations of these, in order to attain logical consistency of the value set. Models proposed are: linear model (1); linear with dummy variables (2) and two models with a logistic structure with different distributions of the coefficients to be estimated (3 and 4). For two of these models new dummies are added in order to obtain logical consistency (2B and 4B). Results: We propose a modelling to guarantee consistency of values of the EQ-5D health states that may be applied to suitable samples at apparently low cost of fit. This model is nonlinear, has distribution Gamma in the coefficients and specific dummy variables. The introduction of priors may reduce the cost of forcing logical consistency.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    EQIS 1.0 user guide
    (2011) Sánchez Iriso, Eduardo; Errea Rodríguez, María; Economía; Ekonomia
    Where is QALY? The search of values for QALYs (Quality Adjusted Life Years) in the field of Health Economics is not easy. Economic Evaluations, particularly cost-utility analysis, should be of standard practice, but the tools to implement them are rare and require of specific expertise. In many occasions, colleagues approached to us to ask for measures of effectiveness that are used, and show interest in how to obtain it. Such a motivation has led us to generate EQIS 1.0, the friendly software that allows calculating Health Related Quality of Life weights. The following pages introduce EQIS 1.0, and are thought for a quick start using the software. Please do not hesitate to contact the authors for comments, suggestions or any problem you find in the program.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Epilepsy-related direct medical and direct non-medical cost in adult patients living with epilepsy at a tertiary neurology center in Rwanda
    (Elsevier, 2023) Teuwen, Dirk E.; Sebera, Fidele; Murekeyiteto, Alphonsine; Garrez, Ieme; Sánchez Iriso, Eduardo; Umwiringirwa, Josiane; Umuhoza, Georgette; Boon, Paul AJM; Dedeken, Peter; Economía; Ekonomia
    Objective: Up to one in four patients living with epilepsy (PwE) mentions financial constraints as a reason for loss to follow-up at the Ndera tertiary neuropsychiatry hospital. Therefore, we evaluated the annual direct medical cost (DMC) and direct non-medical cost (DnMC) of epilepsy and calculated costs assuming different follow-up frequency. Materials and Methods: DMC data were obtained from a descriptive retrospective study of medical records, pharmacy dispensation and hospital logs of PwE, following their initial consultation in 2018 and who adhered to the normal clinical practice of monthly consultations for one year. DnMC data were collected through structured interviews of PwE in a cross-sectional cohort in August 2020. DnMC included biomedical care costs (eg, transportation, hospitality) and non-biomedical costs (traditional healer visits). We report weighted means for total costs, health insurance costs, and out-of-pocket costs (OoP). Results: Mean annual total cost was 389.4 US$, of which 226.2 US$ was covered by the Rwandan Health Insurance co-payment for DMC and 163.2 US$ was OoP paid by patients. Mean weighted annual DMC (n = 55) was 248.9 US$. Mean weighted annual DMC for medical consultations and antiseizure medication accounted for 30.7 US$ and 161.7 US$, respectively. Based on structured interviews (n = 69), mean weighted annual DnMC for biomedical care was 73.0 US$. Mean DnMC for traditional healer care was 67.6 US$. Weighted annual total OoP was 163.2 US$ or 20% of the GDP per capita. OoP consisted of 14% DMC co-payment, 45% biomedical DnMC, and 41% traditional healer DnMC. Conclusion: Epilepsy-related costs at a tertiary center are an important economic burden for PwE and Rwandan Health Insurance. Biomedical and traditional healer DnMC constitute 86% of total OoP. Future prospective studies should evaluate outcomes and costs of reduced visit frequency, indirect costs, and costs of comorbidities.