Epilepsy-related direct medical and direct non-medical cost in adult patients living with epilepsy at a tertiary neurology center in Rwanda




Teuwen, Dirk E.
Sebera, Fidele
Murekeyiteto, Alphonsine
Garrez, Ieme
Umwiringirwa, Josiane
Umuhoza, Georgette
Boon, Paul AJM
Dedeken, Peter



Acceso abierto / Sarbide irekia
Artículo / Artikulua
Versión publicada / Argitaratu den bertsioa

Project identifier


Objective: Up to one in four patients living with epilepsy (PwE) mentions financial constraints as a reason for loss to follow-up at the Ndera tertiary neuropsychiatry hospital. Therefore, we evaluated the annual direct medical cost (DMC) and direct non-medical cost (DnMC) of epilepsy and calculated costs assuming different follow-up frequency. Materials and Methods: DMC data were obtained from a descriptive retrospective study of medical records, pharmacy dispensation and hospital logs of PwE, following their initial consultation in 2018 and who adhered to the normal clinical practice of monthly consultations for one year. DnMC data were collected through structured interviews of PwE in a cross-sectional cohort in August 2020. DnMC included biomedical care costs (eg, transportation, hospitality) and non-biomedical costs (traditional healer visits). We report weighted means for total costs, health insurance costs, and out-of-pocket costs (OoP). Results: Mean annual total cost was 389.4 US,ofwhich226.2US was covered by the Rwandan Health Insurance co-payment for DMC and 163.2 US$ was OoP paid by patients. Mean weighted annual DMC (n = 55) was 248.9 US.MeanweightedannualDMCformedicalconsultationsandantiseizuremedicationaccountedfor30.7US and 161.7 US,respectively.Basedonstructuredinterviews(n=69),meanweightedannualDnMCforbiomedicalcarewas73.0US. Mean DnMC for traditional healer care was 67.6 US.WeightedannualtotalOoPwas163.2US or 20% of the GDP per capita. OoP consisted of 14% DMC co-payment, 45% biomedical DnMC, and 41% traditional healer DnMC. Conclusion: Epilepsy-related costs at a tertiary center are an important economic burden for PwE and Rwandan Health Insurance. Biomedical and traditional healer DnMC constitute 86% of total OoP. Future prospective studies should evaluate outcomes and costs of reduced visit frequency, indirect costs, and costs of comorbidities.



Cost-of-illness, Epilepsy, Out-of-pocket cost, Rwanda, Tertiary neurology center


Economía / Ekonomia



Doctorate program

Teuwen, D. E., Sebera, F., Murekeyiteto, A., Garrez, I., Sanchez-Iriso, E., Umwiringirwa, J., Umuhoza, G., Boon, P. A. J. M., Dedeken, P. (2023) Epilepsy-related direct medical and direct non-medical cost in adult patients living with epilepsy at a tertiary neurology center in Rwanda. ClinicoEconomics and Outcomes Research, 15, 15-27.

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