Alonso Martirena, Yolanda

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Alonso Martirena

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Ciencias humanas y de la educación





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  • PublicationOpen Access
    An engagement-based school experience as a premise of wellbeing
    (Elsevier, 2017) Alonso Martirena, Yolanda; Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación; Giza eta Hezkuntza Zientziak
    In the challenge of providing a quality education to all students, one of the main driving forces of change is the teacher and his/her attitudes; the need to address inclusion and participation of everyone therefore affects the teaching and the organization of the School. In response to this –within the context of the formation of the European POSitivitiES project and based on the perception that students were more receptive after a session of yoga performed at a Navarre school– we evaluated the impact of practicing mindfulness on some key processes in schools: from activities inherent to the curriculum content to personal development. It originates in the dissemination of results between the teachers, at the classroom micro-system level and at the school micro-system level. We concluded that individual wellbeing, of the students and the teachers, improves relationships between components of the Educational Institution, improves commitment and engagement and allows pedagogical practices from the flow.