UrsĂșa Rubio, Alfredo

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UrsĂșa Rubio

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Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y de Comunicación

ISC. Institute of Smart Cities





Search Results

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  • PublicationOpen Access
    Applied method to model the thermal runaway of lithium-ion batteries
    (IEEE, 2021) Lalinde Sainz, Iñaki; Berrueta Irigoyen, Alberto; Sanchis GĂșrpide, Pablo; UrsĂșa Rubio, Alfredo; Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa, Elektronikoaren eta Telekomunikazio Ingeniaritzaren; Institute of Smart Cities - ISC; IngenierĂ­a ElĂ©ctrica, ElectrĂłnica y de ComunicaciĂłn; Universidad PĂșblica de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa
    The thermal runaway (TR) is one of the most dangerous phenomena related to lithium-ion batteries. For this reason, there are different proposals in the literature for its modelling. Most of these proposed models take into account the decomposition reactions between the internal components of the cell, and base the adjustment of the parameters on numerous abuse tests that lead to the appearance of TR. However, these tests are destructive, require specific equipment, present a high economic cost and are very time consuming. This paper proposes a modelling method which enables the development of TR models with the use of fewer resources. This method is based on chemical kinetics, which allow a simplification of the general modelling process published in the literature. At the same time it maintains good accuracy and makes it possible to define the TR behavior of any type of cell, regardless of its chemistry, shape or size. Furthermore, the proposed method allows the use of the experimental results most commonly presented in the specialized literature, which significantly reduces the need for destructive testing. The presented modelling method achieves a good compromise between accuracy and applicability in the validations shown in the paper.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Onset of irreversible reactions in overcharging lithium-ion cells: an experimental and modeling approach
    (IEEE, 2023) Irujo Izcue, Elisa; Berrueta Irigoyen, Alberto; Lalinde Sainz, Iñaki; Arza, Joseba; Sanchis GĂșrpide, Pablo; UrsĂșa Rubio, Alfredo; IngenierĂ­a ElĂ©ctrica, ElectrĂłnica y de ComunicaciĂłn; Institute of Smart Cities - ISC; Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa, Elektronikoaren eta Telekomunikazio Ingeniaritzaren
    Lithium-ion batteries are energy storage systems used in an increasing number of applications. Due to their flammable materials, their use entails risks of fire and explosion. The study of the abuse operation of these batteries before reaching the thermal runaway is a relevant research topic to prevent safety issues. There are various studies in the bibliography providing exhaustive thermal studies of the safe operating area, as well as concerning the thermal runaway. However, the onset irreversible reactions, that take place at a SOC around 110%, have not been properly analyzed. We present in this contribution an experimental study of this onset reaction measured in pouch Li-ion cells under various conditions of charge current and temperature. We also propose a lumped-parameter thermal model for the cell, which allows a detailed characterization of this exothermic reaction. The results achieved in this contributions can be a key tool to prevent overcharge accidents that may arise due to malfunctioning of the battery charger or battery management system.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    On the characterization of lithium-ion batteries under overtemperature and overcharge conditions: identification of abuse areas and experimental validation
    (Elsevier, 2024) Lalinde Sainz, Iñaki; Berrueta Irigoyen, Alberto; Arza, Joseba; Sanchis GĂșrpide, Pablo; UrsĂșa Rubio, Alfredo; IngenierĂ­a ElĂ©ctrica, ElectrĂłnica y de ComunicaciĂłn; Institute of Smart Cities - ISC; Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa, Elektronikoaren eta Telekomunikazio Ingeniaritzaren; Universidad PĂșblica de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa
    Although lithium-ion batteries have gained considerable popularity in renewable energy and electric vehicle applications, their safety still remains a concern under certain voltage, temperature, or state of charge conditions. This can lead to degradation and potential thermal runaway. In order to improve the safety assessment of LIBs based on their operating conditions, it is therefore essential to analyze not only their safe operating area but also their abuse region. This study focuses on the characterization of the abuse region of lithium-ion batteries by proposing a new methodology in which four areas of abuse are identified and experimentally validated using a commercial 3.6 Ah pouch cell. The cell is subjected to overtemperature and overcharge conditions, exploring various states of charge (0 to 200%) and ambient temperatures (25 to 100 °C). The influence of temperature and state of charge on the battery's behavior is thoroughly analyzed to fully characterize the abuse region. Results reveal the limiting temperatures and states of charge that define the boundaries of the abuse areas. By extending the characterization of LIBs behavior beyond the safe operation area with the determination of four areas of abuse, this article contributes to a better understanding of the phenomena and abuse mechanisms produced by overtemperature and overcharge events with an eye to improving battery safety.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Perspective chapter: thermal runaway in lithium-ion batteries
    (IntechOpen, 2022) Lalinde Sainz, Iñaki; Berrueta Irigoyen, Alberto; Valera, Juan JosĂ©; Arza, Joseba; Sanchis GĂșrpide, Pablo; UrsĂșa Rubio, Alfredo; IngenierĂ­a ElĂ©ctrica, ElectrĂłnica y de ComunicaciĂłn; Institute of Smart Cities - ISC; Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa, Elektronikoaren eta Telekomunikazio Ingeniaritzaren
    Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) are becoming well established as a key component in the integration of renewable energies and in the development of electric vehicles. Nevertheless, they have a narrow safe operating area with regard to the voltage and temperature conditions at which these batteries can work. Outside this area, a series of chemical reactions take place that can lead to component degradation, reduced performance and even self-destruction. The phenomenon consisting of the sudden failure of an LIB, causing an abrupt temperature increase, is known as thermal runaway (TR) and is considered to be the most dangerous event that can occur in LIBs. Therefore, the safety of LIBs is one of the obstacles that this technology must overcome in order to continue to develop and become well established for uses in all types of applications. This chapter presents a detailed study of the general issues surrounding this phenomenon. The origin of the problem is identified, the causes are detailed as well as the phases prior to TR. An analysis is made of the most relevant factors influencing this phenomenon, and details are provided of detection, prevention and mitigation measures that could either prevent the TR or reduce the consequences.