Araiz Vega, Miguel

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Araiz Vega

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ISC. Institute of Smart Cities





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  • PublicationOpen Access
    Enhanced behaviour of a passive thermoelectric generator with phase change heat exchangers and radiative cooling
    (Elsevier, 2023) Astrain Ulibarrena, David; Jaramillo-Fernández, Juliana; Araiz Vega, Miguel; Francone, Achille; Catalán Ros, Leyre; Jacobo-Martín, Alejandra; Alegría Cía, Patricia; Sotomayor-Torres, Clivia M.; Ingeniería; Ingeniaritza; Institute of Smart Cities - ISC; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa
    Heat exchangers are essential to optimize the efficiency of Thermoelectric Generators (TEGs), and heat pipes without fans have proven to be an advantageous design as it maintains the characteristic robustness of thermoelectricity, low maintenance and lack of moving parts. However, the efficiency of these heat exchangers decreases under natural convection conditions, reducing their heat transfer capacity and thus thermoelectric power production. This work reports on a novel heat exchanger that combines for the first time, phase change and radiative cooling in a thermoelectric generator to improve its efficiency and increase the production of electrical energy, specially under natural convection. For this, two thermoelectric generators with heat-pipes on their cold sides have been tested: one with the radiative coating and the other without it. Their thermal resistances have been determined and the electric power output was compared under different working conditions, namely, natural convection and forced convection indoors and outdoors. The experimental tests show a clear reduction of the heat exchanger thermal resistance thanks to the radiative coating and consequently, an increase of electric production 8.3 % with outdoor wind velocities of 1 m/s, and up to 54.8 % under free convection conditions. The application of the radiative surface treatment is shown to result in a more stable electrical energy production, suppressing the drastic decrease in the generated electric power that occurs in thermoelectric generators when they work under free convection.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Thermoelectric heat recovery in a real industry: from laboratory optimization to reality
    (Elsevier, 2021) Casi Satrústegui, Álvaro; Araiz Vega, Miguel; Catalán Ros, Leyre; Astrain Ulibarrena, David; Ingeniaritza; Institute of Smart Cities - ISC; Ingeniería; Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako Gobernua, 0011-1365-2018-000101
    Thermoelectricity, in the form of thermoelectric generators, holds a great potential in waste heat recovery, this potential has been studied and proved in several laboratory and theoretical works. By the means of a thermoelectric generator, part of the energy that normally is wasted in a manufacturing process, can be transformed into electricity, however, implementing this technology in real industries still remains a challenge and on-site tests need to be performed in order to prove the real capabilities of this technology. In this work, a computational model to simulate the behaviour of a thermoelectric generator that harvest waste heat from hot fumes is developed. Using the computational model an optimal configuration for a thermoelectric generator is obtained, also an experimental study of the performance of different heat pipes working as cold side heat exchangers is carried out in order to optimize the performance of the whole thermoelectric generator, thermal resistances of under 0,25 K/W are obtained. The optimized configuration of the thermoelectric generator has been built, installed and tested under real conditions at a rockwool manufacturing plant and experimental data has been obtained during the 30 days field test period. Results show that 4.6 W of average electrical power are produced during the testing period with an efficiency of 2.38%. Moreover, the computational model is validated using this experimental data. Furthermore, the full harvesting potential of an optimized designed that takes advantage of the whole pipe is calculated using the validated computational model, resulting in 30.8 MWh of energy harvested during a sample year which could meet the demand of 8.34 Spanish average households.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Heat pipes thermal performance for a reversible thermoelectric cooler-heat pump for a nZEB
    (Elsevier, 2019) Aranguren Garacochea, Patricia; Díaz de Garayo, Sergio; Martínez Echeverri, Álvaro; Araiz Vega, Miguel; Astrain Ulibarrena, David; Ingeniaritza; Institute of Smart Cities - ISC; Ingeniería
    The nZEB standards reduce the energy demand of these buildings to a minimum, obtaining this little energy from renewable resources. Taking these aspect into consideration, a thermoelectric cooler-heat pump is proposed to achieve the comfort temperature along the whole year. The same device can provide heat in winter and it can cool down the buildings in summer just by switching the voltage supply polarity. Heat pipes are studied to work on both sides of the thermoelectric modules in order to optimize the heat transfer as these devices present really good thermal resistances and they can work in any position. However, they present pretty different thermal resistances if they work on the cold or on the hot side of the modules. A methodology to thermally characterize these heat exchangers working in both orientations is proposed and a validated computational model is developed to optimize the thermoelectric cooler-heat pump for a nZEB application. The number of thermoelectric modules, the position of the device, the ambient temperature and the air mass flow determine the operation and consequently they need to be studied in order to optimize the application.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Modelización y desarrollo experimental de un sistema de generación termoeléctrica basado en efecto Seebeck. Aplicación a gases de escape en calderas de combustión
    (2018) Araiz Vega, Miguel; Astrain Ulibarrena, David; Martínez Echeverri, Álvaro; Ingeniería; Ingeniaritza
    La situación energética actual y todos los problemas medioambientales, políticos y económicos asociados a ella, hacen cada vez más necesaria una optimización de los sistemas de generación eléctrica y una incorporación de medidas de ahorro energético a los procesos, que contribuyen en gran parte a una reducción de la demanda de energía y a un mayor aprovechamiento de los recursos. En este sentido, son muchos los investigadores que han puesto el foco en la recuperación del llamado calor residual, una energía de desecho obtenida como subproducto no aprovechado de distintos procesos. Esta tesis doctoral estudia el aprovechamiento de energía residual a través de generadores termoeléctricos basados en el efecto Seebeck. Estos sistemas son capaces de producir energía eléctrica a partir de una fuente de calor y una de las formas de optimización es mediante el diseño adecuado de los intercambiadores de calor incluidos. Los intercambiadores tratan de acercar la temperatura de las caras de los módulos a la de los respectivos focos y tienen un efecto directo en la producción eléctrica. Se propone la utilización de un intercambiador de calor pasivo con sistema termosifón y cambio de fase como disipador de la parte fría de los sistemas termoeléctricos. Para llevar a cabo su optimización, se ha desarrollado un modelo computacional de simulación que predice el comportamiento de estos sistemas y permite evaluar la influencia de las características geométricas que lo definen. Este modelo es capaz de simular estos sistemas con desviaciones menores del ± 9%. Tras este desarrollo, se ha utilizado la herramienta computacional para el diseño de un termosifón bifásico que pueda ser acoplado en la parte fría de un prototipo de generador termoeléctrico instalado en el conducto de los gases de salida de una caldera de combustión. Los resultados experimentales han revelado que se puede llegar a generar 240W=m2 utilizando este sistema pasivo, lo que supone una mejora de casi un 83% frente a la utilización de un disipador de aletas convencional con un ventilador en las mismas condiciones de funcionamiento. Se ha realizado, también, un estudio de la implantación de generadores termoeléctricos en un proceso industrial real. Para ello, se ha desarrollado, previamente, un modelo computacional que tenga en cuenta, no solo el funcionamiento de los módulos termoeléctricos, sino que también considere el enfriamiento que sufre la corriente de gases al circular por el conducto del generador e integre los termosifones bifásicos como sistema de disipación del lado frío. Una vez realizada la optimización de estos sistemas, se ha demostrado la posibilidad de generar un total de 363MWh en un año de funcionamiento. También se ha elaborado un análisis que pretende probar la viabilidad económica de esta inversión alcanzándose un coste de instalación de 10€/W. Los resultados derivados de esta tesis demuestran que la termoelectricidad puede jugar un papel importante en el objetivo global de generación de electricidad de forma sostenible, que permita combatir con los efectos del cambio climático, debido a su capacidad de aprovechamiento energía residual.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Simulation of thermoelectric heat pumps in nearly zero energy buildings: why do all models seem to be right?
    (Elsevier, 2021) Martínez Echeverri, Álvaro; Díaz de Garayo, Sergio; Aranguren Garacochea, Patricia; Araiz Vega, Miguel; Catalán Ros, Leyre; Ingeniería; Ingeniaritza; Institute of Smart Cities - ISC
    The use of thermoelectric heat pumps for heat, ventilation, and air conditioning in nearly-zero-energy buildings is one of the most promising applications of thermoelectrics. However, simulation works in the literature are predominately based on the simple model, which was proven to exhibit significant deviations from experimental results. Nine modelling techniques have been compared in this work, according to statistical methods based on uncertainty analysis, in terms of predicted coefficient of performance and cooling power. These techniques come from the combination of three simulation models for thermoelectric modules (simple model, improved model, electric analogy) and five methods for implementing the thermoelectric properties. The main conclusion is that there is no statistical difference in the mean values of coefficient of performance and cooling power provided by these modelling techniques under all the scenarios, at 95% level of confidence. However, differences appear in the precision of these results in terms of uncertainty of the confidence intervals. Minimum values of uncertainty are obtained when the thermal resistance ratio approaches 0.1, being ±8% when using temperature-dependent expressions for the thermoelectric properties, ±18% when using Lineykin's method, and ± 25% when using Chen's method. The best combination is that composed of the simple model and temperature-dependent expressions for the thermoelectric properties. Additionally, if low values of resistance ratio are anticipated, empirical expressions from the literature can be used for the thermal resistance of the heat exchangers; for high values, though, experimental tests should be deployed, especially for the heat exchanger on the hot side.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Prospects of autonomous volcanic monitoring stations: experimental investigation on thermoelectric generation from fumaroles
    (MDPI, 2020) Catalán Ros, Leyre; Araiz Vega, Miguel; Padilla, Germán D.; Hernández, Pedro A.; Pérez, Nemesio M.; García de la Noceda, Celestino; Albert, José F.; Astrain Ulibarrena, David; Ingeniaritza; Institute of Smart Cities - ISC; Ingeniería
    Fumaroles represent evidence of volcanic activity, emitting steam and volcanic gases at temperatures between 70 and 100 °C. Due to the well-known advantages of thermoelectricity, such as reliability, reduced maintenance and scalability, the present paper studies the possibilities of thermoelectric generators, devices based on solid-state physics, to directly convert fumaroles heat into electricity due to the Seebeck effect. For this purpose, a thermoelectric generator composed of two bismuth-telluride thermoelectric modules and heat pipes as heat exchangers was installed, for the first time, at Teide volcano (Canary Islands, Spain), where fumaroles arise in the surface at 82 °C. The installed thermoelectric generator has demonstrated the feasibility of the proposed solution, leading to a compact generator with no moving parts that produces a net generation between 0.32 and 0.33 W per module given a temperature difference between the heat reservoirs encompassed in the 69–86 °C range. These results become interesting due to the possibilities of supplying power to the volcanic monitoring stations that measure the precursors of volcanic eruptions, making them completely autonomous. Nonetheless, in order to achieve this objective, corrosion prevention measures must be taken because the hydrogen sulfide contained in the fumaroles reacts with steam, forming sulfuric acid.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Computer simulations of silicide-tetrahedrite thermoelectric generators
    (MDPI, 2022) Coelho, Rodrigo; Casi Satrústegui, Álvaro; Araiz Vega, Miguel; Astrain Ulibarrena, David; Branco Lopes, Elsa; Brito, Francisco P.; Gonçalves, Antonio P.; Ingeniería; Ingeniaritza; Institute of Smart Cities - ISC
    With global warming and rising energy demands, it is important now than ever to transit to renewable energy systems. Thermoelectric (TE) devices can present a feasible alternative to generate clean energy from waste heat. However, to become attractive for large-scale applications, such devices must be cheap, efficient, and based on ecofriendly materials. In this study, the potential of novel silicide-tetrahedrite modules for energy generation was examined. Computer simulations based on the finite element method (FEM) and implicit finite difference method (IFDM) were performed. The developed computational models were validated against data measured on a customized system working with commercial TE devices. The models were capable of predicting the TEGs’ behavior with low deviations (≤10%). IFDM was used to study the power produced by the silicide-tetrahedrite TEGs for different ∆T between the sinks, whereas FEM was used to study the temperature distributions across the testing system in detail. To complement these results, the influence of the electrical and thermal contact resistances was evaluated. High thermal resistances were found to affect the devices ∆T up to ~15%, whereas high electrical contact resistances reduced the power output of the silicide-tetrahedrite TEGs by more than ~85%.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Experimental development of a novel thermoelectric generator without moving parts to harness shallow hot dry rock fields
    (2021) Alegría Cía, Patricia; Rodríguez García, Antonio; Catalán Ros, Leyre; Astrain Ulibarrena, David; Araiz Vega, Miguel; Ingeniería; Institute of Smart Cities - ISC; Ingeniaritza
    Nowadays, geothermal energy in shallow hot dry rocks is not exploited enough due to the high economic and environmental impact as well as the lack of scalability of the existing technologies. Here, thermoelectricity has a great future potential due to its robustness, absence of moving parts and modularity. With this research, the feasibility of a novel and robust geothermal thermoelectric generator whose working principle is phase change has been experimentally demonstrated, as well as the importance of compactness to maximize its efficiency and thus, power generation.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Experimental validation and development of an advanced computational model of a transcritical carbon dioxide vapour compression cycle with a thermoelectric subcooling system
    (Elsevier, 2022) Casi Satrústegui, Álvaro; Aranguren Garacochea, Patricia; Sánchez, Daniel; Araiz Vega, Miguel; Cabello, Ramón; Astrain Ulibarrena, David; Ingeniaritza; Institute of Smart Cities - ISC; Ingeniería
    The inclusion of a thermoelectric subcooler as an alternative to increment the performance of a vapour compression cycle has been proved promising when properly designed and operated for low-medium power units. In this work, a computational model that simulates the behaviour of a carbon dioxide transcritical vapour compression cycle in conjunction with a thermoelectric subcooler system is presented. The computational tool is coded in Matlab and uses Refprop V9.1 to calculate the properties of the refrigerant at each point of the refrigeration cycle. Working conditions, effect of the heat exchangers of the subcooling system, temperature dependent thermoelectric properties, thermal contact resistances and the four thermoelectric effects are taken into account to increment its accuracy. The model has been validated using experimental data to prove the reliability and accuracy of the results obtained and shows deviations between the ±7% for the most relevant outputs. Using the validated computational tool a 13.6 % COP improvement is predicted when optimizing the total number of thermoelectric modules of the subcooling system. The computational experimentally validated tool is properly fit to aid in the design and operation of thermoelectric subcooling systems, being able to predict the optimal configuration and operation settings for the whole refrigeration plant.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Experimental and computational study on thermoelectric generators using thermosyphons with phase change as heat exchangers
    (Elsevier, 2017) Araiz Vega, Miguel; Martínez Echeverri, Álvaro; Astrain Ulibarrena, David; Aranguren Garacochea, Patricia; Mekanika, Energetika eta Materialen Ingeniaritza; Institute for Advanced Materials and Mathematics - INAMAT2; Ingeniería Mecánica, Energética y de Materiales
    An important issue in thermoelectric generators is the thermal design of the heat exchangers since it can improve their performance by increasing the heat absorbed or dissipated by the thermoelectric modules. Due to its several advantages, compared to conventional dissipation systems, a thermosyphon heat exchanger with phase change is proposed to be placed on the cold side of thermoelectric generators. Some of these advantages are: high heat-transfer rates; absence of moving parts and lack of auxiliary con- sumption (because fans or pumps are not required); and the fact that these systems are wickless. A com- putational model is developed to design and predict the behaviour of this heat exchangers. Furthermore, a prototype has been built and tested in order to demonstrate its performance and validate the compu- tational model. The model predicts the thermal resistance of the heat exchanger with a relative error in the interval [?8.09;7.83] in the 95% of the cases. Finally, the use of thermosyphons with phase change in thermoelectric generators has been studied in a waste-heat recovery application, stating that including them on the cold side of the generators improves the net thermoelectric production by 36% compared to that obtained with finned dissipators under forced convection.