Solano Goñi, Cristina

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Solano Goñi

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Ciencias de la Salud





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Now showing 1 - 10 of 32
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Bap, a biofilm matrix protein of Staphylococcus aureus prevents cellular internalization through binding to GP96 host receptor
    (Public Library of Science, 2012) Valle Turrillas, Jaione; Latasa Osta, Cristina; Gil Puig, Carmen; Toledo Arana, Alejandro; Solano Goñi, Cristina; Penadés, José R.; Lasa Uzcudun, Íñigo; IdAB. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología / Agrobioteknologiako Institutua
    The biofilm matrix, composed of exopolysaccharides, proteins, nucleic acids and lipids, plays a well-known role as a defence structure, protecting bacteria from the host immune system and antimicrobial therapy. However, little is known about its responsibility in the interaction of biofilm cells with host tissues. Staphylococcus aureus, a leading cause of biofilmassociated chronic infections, is able to develop a biofilm built on a proteinaceous Bap-mediated matrix. Here, we used the Bap protein as a model to investigate the role that components of the biofilm matrix play in the interaction of S. aureus with host cells. The results show that Bap promotes the adhesion but prevents the entry of S. aureus into epithelial cells. A broad analysis of potential interaction partners for Bap using ligand overlayer immunoblotting, immunoprecipitation with purified Bap and pull down with intact bacteria, identified a direct binding between Bap and Gp96/GRP94/Hsp90 protein. The interaction of Bap with Gp96 provokes a significant reduction in the capacity of S. aureus to invade epithelial cells by interfering with the fibronectin binding protein invasion pathway. Consistent with these results, Bap deficient bacteria displayed an enhanced capacity to invade mammary gland epithelial cells in a lactating mice mastitis model. Our observations begin to elucidate the mechanisms by which components of the biofilm matrix can facilitate the colonization of host tissues and the establishment of persistent infections.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Experimental polymorphism survey in intergenic regions of the icaADBCR locus in Staphylococcus aureus isolates from periprosthetic joint infections
    (MDPI, 2022) Morales Laverde, Liliana Andrea; Echeverz Sarasúa, Maite; Trobos, Margarita; Solano Goñi, Cristina; Lasa Uzcudun, Íñigo; Ciencias de la Salud; Osasun Zientziak
    Staphylococcus aureus is a leading cause of prosthetic joint infections (PJI) characterized by bacterial biofilm formation and recalcitrance to immune-mediated clearance and antibiotics. The molecular events behind PJI infection are yet to be unraveled. In this sense, identification of polymorphisms in bacterial genomes may help to establish associations between sequence variants and the ability of S. aureus to cause PJI. Here, we report an experimental nucleotide-level survey specifically aimed at the intergenic regions (IGRs) of the icaADBCR locus, which is responsible for the synthesis of the biofilm exopolysaccharide PIA/PNAG, in a collection of strains sampled from PJI and wounds. IGRs of the icaADBCR locus were highly conserved and no PJI-specific SNPs were found. Moreover, polymorphisms in these IGRs did not significantly affect transcription of the icaADBC operon under in vitro laboratory conditions. In contrast, an SNP within the icaR coding region, resulting in a V176E change in the transcriptional repressor IcaR, led to a significant increase in icaADBC operon transcription and PIA/PNAG production and a reduction in S. aureus virulence in a Galleria mellonella infection model. In conclusion, SNPs in icaADBCR IGRs of S. aureus isolates from PJI are not associated with icaADBC expression, PIA/PNAG production and adaptation to PJI.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Base pairing interaction between 5′- and 3′-UTRs controls icaR mRNA translation in Staphylococcus aureus
    (Public Library of Science, 2013) Ruiz de los Mozos Aliaga, Igor; Vergara Irigaray, Marta; Segura, Víctor; Villanueva San Martín, Maite; Bitarte Manzanal, Nerea; Saramago, Margarida; Domingues, Susana; Arraiano, Cecilia M.; Fechter, Pierre; Romby, Pascale; Valle Turrillas, Jaione; Solano Goñi, Cristina; Lasa Uzcudun, Íñigo; Toledo Arana, Alejandro; IdAB. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología / Agrobioteknologiako Institutua
    The presence of regulatory sequences in the 39 untranslated region (39-UTR) of eukaryotic mRNAs controlling RNA stability and translation efficiency is widely recognized. In contrast, the relevance of 39-UTRs in bacterial mRNA functionality has been disregarded. Here, we report evidences showing that around one-third of the mapped mRNAs of the major human pathogen Staphylococcus aureus carry 39-UTRs longer than 100-nt and thus, potential regulatory functions. We selected the long 39-UTR of icaR, which codes for the repressor of the main exopolysaccharidic compound of the S. aureus biofilm matrix, to evaluate the role that 39-UTRs may play in controlling mRNA expression. We showed that base pairing between the 39- UTR and the Shine-Dalgarno (SD) region of icaR mRNA interferes with the translation initiation complex and generates a double-stranded substrate for RNase III. Deletion or substitution of the motif (UCCCCUG) within icaR 39-UTR was sufficient to abolish this interaction and resulted in the accumulation of IcaR repressor and inhibition of biofilm development. Our findings provide a singular example of a new potential post-transcriptional regulatory mechanism to modulate bacterial gene expression through the interaction of a 39-UTR with the 59-UTR of the same mRNA.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Staphylococcus aureus susceptibility to complestatin and corbomycin depends on the VraSR two-component system
    (American Society for Microbiology, 2023) Gómez Arrebola, Carmen; Hernández, Sara B.; Culp, Elizabeth J.; Wright, Gerard D.; Solano Goñi, Cristina; Cava, Felipe; Lasa Uzcudun, Íñigo; Ciencias de la Salud; Osasun Zientziak; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa
    The overuse of antibiotics in humans and livestock has driven the emergence and spread of antimicrobial resistance and has therefore prompted research on the discovery of novel antibiotics. Complestatin (Cm) and corbomycin (Cb) are glycopeptide antibiotics with an unprecedented mechanism of action that is active even against methicillin-resistant and daptomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. They bind to peptidoglycan and block the activity of peptidoglycan hydrolases required for remodeling the cell wall during growth. Bacterial signaling through two-component transduction systems (TCSs) has been associated with the development of S. aureus antimicrobial resistance. However, the role of TCSs in S. aureus susceptibility to Cm and Cb has not been previously addressed. In this study, we determined that, among all 16 S. aureus TCSs, VraSR is the only one controlling the susceptibility to Cm and Cb. Deletion of vraSR increased bacterial susceptibility to both antibiotics. Epistasis analysis with members of the vraSR regulon revealed that deletion of spdC, which encodes a membrane protein that scaffolds SagB for cleavage of peptidoglycan strands to achieve physiological length, in the vraSR mutant restored Cm and Cb susceptibility to wild-type levels. Moreover, deletion of either spdC or sagB in the wild-type strain increased resistance to both antibiotics. Further analyses revealed a significant rise in the relative amount of peptidoglycan and its total degree of cross-linkage in ΔspdC and ΔsagB mutants compared to the wild-type strain, suggesting that these changes in the cell wall provide resistance to the damaging effect of Cm and Cb.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    The regulon of the RNA chaperone CspA and its auto-regulation in Staphylococcus aureus
    (Oxford University Press, 2018) Caballero Sánchez, Carlos; Menéndez Gil, Pilar; Catalán Moreno, Arancha; Vergara Irigaray, Marta; García Martínez, Begoña; Segura, Víctor; Irurzun Domínguez, Naiara; Villanueva San Martín, Maite; Ruiz de los Mozos Aliaga, Igor; Solano Goñi, Cristina; Lasa Uzcudun, Íñigo; Toledo Arana, Alejandro; IdAB. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología / Agrobioteknologiako Institutua; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa
    RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) are essential to finetune gene expression. RBPs containing the coldshock domain are RNA chaperones that have been extensively studied. However, the RNA targets and specific functions for many of them remain elusive. Here, combining comparative proteomics and RBPimmunoprecipitation- microarray profiling, we have determined the regulon of the RNA chaperone CspA of Staphylococcus aureus. Functional analysis revealed that proteins involved in carbohydrate and ribonucleotide metabolism, stress response and virulence gene expression were affected by cspA deletion. Stress-associated phenotypes such as increased bacterial aggregation and diminished resistance to oxidative-stress stood out. Integration of the proteome and targetome showed that CspA posttranscriptionally modulates both positively and negatively the expression of its targets, denoting additional functions to the previously proposed translation enhancement. One of these repressed targets was its own mRNA, indicating the presence of a negative post-transcriptional feedback loop. CspA bound the 5 UTR of its own mRNA disrupting a hairpin, which was previously described as an RNase III target. Thus, deletion of the cspA 5 UTR abrogated mRNA processing and auto-regulation. We propose that CspA interacts through a U-rich motif, which is located at the RNase III cleavage site, portraying CspA as a putative RNase III-antagonist.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Bap, a Staphylococcus aureus surface protein involved in biofilm formation
    (American Society for Microbiology, 2001) Cucarella, Carme; Solano Goñi, Cristina; Valle Turrillas, Jaione; Amorena Zabalza, Beatriz; Lasa Uzcudun, Íñigo; Penadés, José R.; Nekazaritza Ekoizpena; Producción Agraria; IdAB. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología / Agrobioteknologiako Institutua; Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako Gobernua
    Identification of new genes involved in biofilm formation is needed to understand the molecular basis of strain variation and the pathogenic mechanisms implicated in chronic staphylococcal infections. A biofilm-producing Staphylococcus aureus isolate was used to generate biofilm-negative transposon (Tn917) insertion mutants. Two mutants were found with a significant decrease in attachment to inert surfaces (early adherence), intercellular adhesion, and biofilm formation. The transposon was inserted at the same locus in both mutants. This locus (bap [for biofilm associated protein]) encodes a novel cell wall associated protein of 2,276 amino acids (Bap), which shows global organizational similarities to surface proteins of gram-negative (Pseudomonas aeruginosa andSalmonella enterica serovar Typhi) and gram-positive (Enteroccocus faecalis) microorganisms. Bap's core region represents 52% of the protein and consists of 13 successive nearly identical repeats, each containing 86 amino acids. bap was present in a small fraction of bovine mastitis isolates (5% of the 350S. aureus isolates tested), but it was absent from the 75 clinical human S. aureus isolates analyzed. All staphylococcal isolates harboring bap were highly adherent and strong biofilm producers. In a mouse infection modelbap was involved in pathogenesis, causing a persistent infection.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Biofilm dispersion and quorum sensing
    (Elsevier, 2014) Solano Goñi, Cristina; Echeverz Sarasúa, Maite; Lasa Uzcudun, Íñigo; IdAB. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología / Agrobioteknologiako Institutua; Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako Gobernua: IIM13329.RI1
    Biofilm development and quorum sensing are closely interconnected processes. Biofilm formation is a cooperative group behaviour that involves bacterial populations living embedded in a self produced extracellular matrix. Quorum sensing (QS) is a cell-cell communication mechanism that synchronizes gene expression in response to population cell density. Intuitively, it would appear that QS might coordinate the switch to a biofilm lifestyle when the population density reaches a threshold level. However, compelling evidence obtained in different bacterial species coincides in that activation of QS occurs in the formed biofilm and activates the maturation and disassembly of the biofilm in a coordinate manner. The aim of this review is to illustrate, using four bacterial pathogens as examples, the emergent concept that QS activates the biofilm dispersion process.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Polymicrobial infections: do bacteria behave differently depending on their neighbours?
    (Taylor & Francis, 2018) Lasa Uzcudun, Íñigo; Solano Goñi, Cristina; Ciencias de la Salud; Osasun Zientziak
    Despite the number of examples that correlate interspecies interactions in polymicrobial infections with variations in pathogenicity and antibiotic susceptibility of individual organisms, antibiotic therapies are selected to target the most relevant pathogen, with no consideration of the consequences that the presence of other bacterial species may have in the pathogenicity and response to antimicrobial agents. In this issue of Virulence, Garcia-Perez et al. [ 10 ] applied replica plating of used wound dressings to assess the topography of distinct S. aureus types in chronic wounds of patients with the genetic blistering disease epidermolysis bullosa, which is characterized by the development of chronic wounds upon simple mechanical trauma. This approach led to the identification of two strains of S. aureus coexisting with Bacillus thuringiensis and Klebsiella oxytoca. S. aureus is highly prevalent in chronic wound infections, whereas B. thuringiensis and K. oxytoca are regarded as opportunistic pathogens. These bacterial species did not inhibit each other's growth under laboratory conditions, suggesting that they do not compete through the production of inhibitory compounds. Using a top-down proteomic approach to explore the inherent relationships between these co-existing bacteria, the exoproteomes of the staphylococcal isolates in monoculture and co-culture with B. thuringiensis or K. oxytoca were characterized by Mass Spectrometry.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Regulation of gene expression by non-phosphorylated response regulators
    (Institut d'Estudis Catalans, 2021) Gómez Arrebola, Carmen; Solano Goñi, Cristina; Lasa Uzcudun, Íñigo; Ciencias de la Salud; Osasun Zientziak
    Two-component systems (TCSs) are a prominent sensory system in bacteria. A prototypical TCS comprises a membrane-bound sensor histidine kinase (HK) responsible for sensing the signal and a cytoplasmic response regulator (RR) that controls target gene expression. Signal binding activates a phosphotransfer cascade from the HK to the RR. As a result, the phosphorylated RR undergoes a conformational change that leads to activation of the response. Growing experimental evidence indicates that unphosphorylated RRs may also have regulatory functions, and thus, the classical view that the RR is only active when it is phosphorylated needs to be revisited. In this review, we highlight the most recent findings showing that RRs in the non-phosphorylated state control critical bacterial processes that range from secretion of factors to the host, antibiotic resistance, iron transport, stress response, and cell-wall metabolism to biofilm development.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    A systematic evaluation of the two-component systems network reveals that ArlRS is a key regulator of catheter colonization by Staphylococcus aureus
    (Frontiers Media, 2018) Burgui Erice, Saioa; Gil Puig, Carmen; Solano Goñi, Cristina; Lasa Uzcudun, Íñigo; Valle Turrillas, Jaione; Ciencias de la Salud; Osasun Zientziak
    Two-component systems (TCS) are modular signal transduction pathways that allow cells to adapt to prevailing environmental conditions by modifying cellular physiology. Staphylococcus aureus has 16 TCSs to adapt to the diverse microenvironments encountered during its life cycle, including host tissues and implanted medical devices. S. aureus is particularly prone to cause infections associated to medical devices, whose surfaces coated by serum proteins constitute a particular environment. Identification of the TCSs involved in the adaptation of S. aureus to colonize and survive on the surface of implanted devices remains largely unexplored. Here, using an in vivo catheter infection model and a collection of mutants in each non-essential TCS of S. aureus, we investigated the requirement of each TCS for colonizing the implanted catheter. Among the 15 mutants in non-essential TCSs, the arl mutant exhibited the strongest deficiency in the capacity to colonize implanted catheters. Moreover, the arl mutant was the only one presenting a major deficit in PNAG production, the main exopolysaccharide of the S. aureus biofilm matrix whose synthesis is mediated by the icaADBC locus. Regulation of PNAG synthesis by ArlRS occurred through repression of IcaR, a transcriptional repressor of icaADBC operon expression. Deficiency in catheter colonization was restored when the arl mutant was complemented with the icaADBC operon. MgrA, a global transcriptional regulator downstream ArlRS that accounts for a large part of the arlRS regulon, was unable to restore PNAG expression and catheter colonization deficiency of the arlRS mutant. These findings indicate that ArlRS is the key TCS to biofilm formation on the surface of implanted catheters and that activation of PNAG exopolysaccharide production is, among the many traits controlled by the ArlRS system, a major contributor to catheter colonization.