Fernández Valdivielso, Carlos

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Fernández Valdivielso

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  • PublicationOpen Access
    Design rules for lossy mode resonance based sensors
    (Optical Society of America, 2012) Del Villar, Ignacio; Hernáez Sáenz de Zaitigui, Miguel; Ruiz Zamarreño, Carlos; Sánchez Zábal, Pedro; Fernández Valdivielso, Carlos; Arregui San Martín, Francisco Javier; Matías Maestro, Ignacio; Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica; Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa eta Elektronikoa; Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako Gobernua
    Lossy mode resonances can be obtained in the transmission spectrum of cladding removed multimode optical fiber coated with a thin-film. The sensitivity of these devices to changes in the properties of the coating or the surrounding medium can be optimized by means of the adequate parameterization of the coating refractive index, the coating thickness and the surrounding medium refractive index (SMRI). Some basic rules of design, which enable the selection of the best parameters for each specific sensing application, are indicated in this work.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Towards personal privacy control
    (Springer, 2007) Alcalde Bagüés, Susana; Zeidler, Andreas; Fernández Valdivielso, Carlos; Matías Maestro, Ignacio; Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica; Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa eta Elektronikoa
    In this paper we address the realization of personal privacy control in the era of pervasive computing. How could an individual meet his/her expected level of privacy? how could the system guaranty that a user privacy criteria is fulfilled?. For that an elaborate set of requirements for personal privacy is given followed with the implementation of our SenTry policy language.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Methodology to assess the impact of the introduction of new technologies in smart cities
    (Federación de Asociaciones de Ingenieros Industriales de España, 2015) Branchi, Pablo Emilio; Fernández Valdivielso, Carlos; Matías Maestro, Ignacio; Institute of Smart Cities - ISC
    Estamos frente a una revolución producto de los sistemas digitales y de comunicación, donde el papel de la tecnología continuará creciendo exponencialmente. Está calando profundamente en la sociedad, y tiene un alto impacto en las infraestructuras, los sistemas de transporte, en los edificios y en el espacio público. En el ámbito urbano se reconfigura el escenario tradicional tecnológico, con sistemas que generan nuevas necesidades, descubriendo nuevas realidades que buscan nuevas soluciones. El objetivo de este trabajo es el de establecer una metodología para la elaboración de una herramienta de evaluación para las diferentes tecnologías en función de su utilidad y consecuencias, contemplando la incidencia de sus aplicaciones. Con ella se podrán evaluar, por parte de políticos y técnicos prescriptores, las ventajas y desventajas de cada iniciativa, las virtudes de las tecnologías y sistemas disponibles, y el modo óptimo de su aplicación en las Ciudades Inteligentes.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Development of a low mobility IEEE 802.15.4 compliant VANET system for urban environments
    (MDPI, 2013) Nazábal Urriza, Juan Antonio; Falcone Lanas, Francisco Javier; Fernández Valdivielso, Carlos; Matías Maestro, Ignacio; Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica; Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa eta Elektronikoa; Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako Gobernua: Ref. IIM010566. RI1
    The use of Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs) is growing nowadays and it includes both roadside-to-vehicle communication (RVC) and inter-vehicle communication (IVC). The purpose of VANETs is to exchange useful information between vehicles and the roadside infrastructures for making an intelligent use of them. There are several possible applications for this technology like: emergency warning system for vehicles, cooperative adaptive cruise control or collision avoidance, among others. The objective of this work is to develop a VANET prototype system for urban environments using IEEE 802.15.4 compliant devices. Simulation-based values of the estimated signal strength and radio link quality values are obtained and compared with measurements in outdoor conditions to validate an implemented VANET system. The results confirm the possibility of implementing low cost vehicular communication networks operating at moderate vehicular speeds.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Generation of lossy mode resonances by deposition of high-refractive-index coatings on uncladded multimode optical fibers
    (IOP Publishing Ltd, 2010) Del Villar, Ignacio; Ruiz Zamarreño, Carlos; Sánchez Zábal, Pedro; Hernáez Sáenz de Zaitigui, Miguel; Fernández Valdivielso, Carlos; Arregui San Martín, Francisco Javier; Matías Maestro, Ignacio; Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica; Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa eta Elektronikoa
    A comparative study of lossy mode resonances generated by depositing two different materials is presented. The two materials selected are indium tin oxide (ITO) and indium oxide. The two materials present different dielectric dispersion, which leads to the generation of single-peak lossy mode resonances with the ITO coated optical fibers and dual-peak lossy mode resonances with the In2O3 coated optical fibers. The obvious advantage of a dual-peak based measurement in the sensors field is enhanced by a sensitivity increase observed in sensors based on In2O3 if compared with those based on ITO. These characteristics are analyzed both theoretically and experimentally.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    An analysis matrix for the assessment of smart city technologies: main results of its application
    (MDPI, 2017) Branchi, Pablo Emilio; Fernández Valdivielso, Carlos; Matías Maestro, Ignacio; Institute of Smart Cities - ISC; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa
    The paper presents the main results of a previously developed methodology to better evaluate new technologies in Smart Cities, using a tool to evaluate different systems and technologies regarding their usefulness, considering each application and how technologies can impact the physical space and natural environment. Technologies have also been evaluated according to how they are used by citizens, who must be the main concern of all urban development. Through a survey conducted among the Smart City Spanish network (RECI) we found that the ICT’s that change our cities everyday must be reviewed, developing an innovative methodology in order to find an analysis matrix to assess and score all the technologies that affect a Smart City strategy. The paper provides the results of this methodology regarding the three main aspects to be considered in urban developments: mobility, energy efficiency, and quality of life after obtaining the final score for every analyzed technology. This methodology fulfills an identified need to study how new technologies could affect urban scenarios before being applied, developing an analysis system to be used by urban planners and policy-makers to decide how best to use them, and this paper tries to show, in a simple way, how they can appreciate the variances between different solutions.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Efectividad de la atención primaria de salud en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de la hipertensión arterial
    (Gobierno de Navarra, 2008) Brugos Larumbe, Antonio; Guillén Grima, Francisco; Díez, J.; Buil, P.; Ciaurriz, M.; Fernández Valdivielso, Carlos; Cenoz, J. C.; Ciencias de la Salud; Osasun Zientziak
    La hipertensión arterial (HTA) es un importante problema de salud pública, por su elevada morbimortalidad cardiovascular y sus costes económicos y sociales. Fundamento. Identificar la prevalencia de HTA detectada en atención primaria y su grado de control; conocer los tipos de tratamientos utilizados y factores asociados a su control. Pacientes y métodos. Estudio transversal comparativo de dos años en el Centro de Salud de Villava. Se analizan los datos de la historia clínica informatizada en los años 2003 y 2006. Se estudian las variables: edad, género, pensión arterial sistólica y diastólica, colesterol total, HDL, LDL, triglicéridos, tabaquismo, índice de masa corporal en ambos años. Tratamiento hipotensor en el año 2006. Mediante regresión logística se identifican las variables del año 2006 asociadas a buen control. Resultados. Prevalencia detectada de HTA en ≥18 años: 2003: 11,6% (IC:10,9-12,3); 2006: 16,6% (IC:15,8-17,4) (p<0,001). En hipertensos con registro de presión arterial estaban controlados (PA:<140/90) en 2003: 45,1% (IC: 41,0- 48,0) y en 2006: 40,4% (IC: 37,7-43,2) (p<0,05). Variables asociadas a buen control: ser varón [OR 1,60 (IC: 1,26-2,03)] tratamiento con ARA II [OR 2,16 (IC: 1,50-3,09)] y ser diabético [OR 1,50 (IC: 1,10-2,03]. Se asocian a mal control: presentar enfermedad vascular cerebral, vasculopatía periférica y el tratamiento con IECA. Conclusiones. La prevalencia de HTA detectada es baja. El nivel de control es superior para la PAD que para la PAS. El tratamiento con ARA II, ser varón o ser diabético se asocia a mejor control. La vasculopatía periférica, la cardiopatía isquémica, la enfermedad vascular cerebral, el tratamiento con IECA y edad se asocian a peor control.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Impact of high power interference sources in planning and deployment of wireless sensor networks and devices in the 2.4 GHz frequency band in heterogeneous environments
    (MDPI, 2012) López Iturri, Peio; Nazábal Urriza, Juan Antonio; Azpilicueta Fernández de las Heras, Leyre; Rodríguez Ulibarri, Pablo; Beruete Díaz, Miguel; Fernández Valdivielso, Carlos; Falcone Lanas, Francisco Javier; Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica; Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa eta Elektronikoa; Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako Gobernua
    In this work, the impact of radiofrequency radiation leakage from microwave ovens and its effect on 802.15.4 ZigBee-compliant wireless sensor networks operating in the 2.4 GHz Industrial Scientific Medical (ISM) band is analyzed. By means of a novel radioplanning approach, based on electromagnetic field simulation of a microwave oven and determination of equivalent radiation sources applied to an in-house developed 3D ray launching algorithm, estimation of the microwave oven's power leakage is obtained for the complete volume of an indoor scenario. The magnitude and the variable nature of the interference is analyzed and the impact in the radio link quality in operating wireless sensors is estimated and compared with radio channel measurements as well as packet measurements. The measurement results reveal the importance of selecting an adequate 802.15.4 channel, as well as the Wireless Sensor Network deployment strategy within this type of environment, in order to optimize energy consumption and increase the overall network performance. The proposed method enables one to estimate potential interference effects in devices operating within the 2.4 GHz band in the complete scenario, prior to wireless sensor network deployment, which can aid in achieving the most optimal network topology.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    An antibacterial surface coating composed of PAH/SiO2 nanostructurated films by layer by layer
    (Wiley, 2010) Urrutia Azcona, Aitor; Rivero Fuente, Pedro J.; Ruete Ibarrola, Leyre; Goicoechea Fernández, Javier; Fernández Valdivielso, Carlos; Arregui San Martín, Francisco Javier; Matías Maestro, Ignacio; Ingeniería; Ingeniaritza; Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y de Comunicación; Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa, Elektronikoa eta Telekomunikazio Ingeniaritza; Institute for Advanced Materials and Mathematics - INAMAT2; Institute of Smart Cities - ISC
    In this work we propose a novel antibacterial coating composed of SiO2 and the polymer Poly(allylamine hydrochloride) (PAH). The coating was fabricated by the technique Layer-by-Layer (LbL). This technique has already been used in previous works, and it has the advantage that it allows to control the construction of nanosized and well organized multilayer films. Here, the new nanotexturized LbL SiO2 surface acts as antibacterial agent. The fabricated coatings have been tested in bacterial cultures of genus Lactobacillus to observe their antibacterial properties. It has been demonstrated these PAH/SiO2 coating films have a very good antimicrobial behaviour against this type of bacteria.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Analysis matrix for smart cities
    (MDPI, 2014) Branchi, Pablo Emilio; Fernández Valdivielso, Carlos; Matías Maestro, Ignacio; Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica; Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa eta Elektronikoa
    The current digital revolution has ignited the evolution of communications grids and the development of new schemes for productive systems. Traditional technologic scenarios have been challenged, and Smart Cities have become the basis for urban competitiveness. The citizen is the one who has the power to set new scenarios, and that is why a definition of the way people interact with their cities is needed, as is commented in the first part of the article. At the same time, a lack of clarity has been detected in the way of describing what Smart Cities are, and the second part will try to set the basis for that. For all before, the information and communication technologies that manage and transform 21st century cities must be reviewed, analyzing their impact on new social behaviors that shape the spaces and means of communication, as is posed in the experimental section, setting the basis for an analysis matrix to score the different elements that affect a Smart City environment. So, as the better way to evaluate what a Smart City is, there is a need for a tool to score the different technologies on the basis of their usefulness and consequences, considering the impact of each application. For all of that, the final section describes the main objective of this article in practical scenarios, considering how the technologies are used by citizens, who must be the main concern of all urban development.