Person: Goñi Legaz, Salomé
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Goñi Legaz
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Gestión de Empresas
INARBE. Institute for Advanced Research in Business and Economics
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Publication Open Access Home-based telework: usefulness and facilitators(Emerald, 2020) Ollo López, Andrea; Goñi Legaz, Salomé; Erro Garcés, Amaya; Enpresen Kudeaketa; Institute for Advanced Research in Business and Economics - INARBE; Gestión de EmpresasPurpose: This article aims to analyze individual-, organizational- and country-level factors that determine the use of home-based telework across Europe according to the technology acceptance model (TAM) and the technology–organization–environment model. Design/methodology/approach: To examine the impact of individual-, organizational- and country-level factors on telework, multilevel models are estimated to prevent problems derived from biased standard errors when micro- and macro-level data are combined. Findings: The main findings show that, according to the usefulness side of the TAM, employees with family responsibilities, those that live away from their work and highly qualified workers use more home-based telework. Additionally, and according to the ease of use side of the TAM, empowerment in firms facilitates home-based telework. At the country level, lower power distance, individualism and femininity, better telework regulations and technology developments are also facilitators of home-based telework. Research limitations/implications: The study is limited by the cross-sectional nature of the data. This prevents the estimation of causal effects. Additional research would benefit from the use of panel data and from a more detailed analysis of the effects of country dimensions. Practical implications: From an applied perspective, politics related to cultural dimensions are suggested to stimulate home-based telework. Originality/value: The research contributes to previous literature by: (1) considering a large sample to conduct an empirical analysis of the use of home-based telework across Europe, (2) including micro and macro factors, (3) providing a theoretical framework to explain home-based telework, (4) applying a rigorous definition of home-based telework and (5) focusing on employees who are able to adopt home-based telework.Publication Open Access Work–family policies and the transformation triangle: women, organizational culture and managerial strategy(Emerald, 2020) Goñi Legaz, Salomé; Corredor Casado, María Pilar; León, Consuelo; Gestión de Empresas; Enpresen KudeaketaPurpose: This research addresses how companies develop a process of transformation to a more family responsible behaviour and the role that women play in this process. This paper aims to propose a model in which a female workforce is seen as contributing to the development of the family responsible firm. The model includes two paths for transformation, the supportive work–family culture and the managerial strategy for work–family using a mediation model. The analysis was performed in a sample of 1,048 Spanish firms. Design/methodology/approach: The hypotheses are tested using Baron and Kenny's (1986) mediated regression technique, the Sobel's test (1982) and a bootstrap re-sampling with 5,000 and 10,000 iterations to determine the significance of the mediation. Findings: The results confirm the impact of the proportion of women in the workforce on organizational culture and managerial strategy, factors that lead to a real increase in the accessibility of work–family policies. The mediation effect is total. Research limitations/implications: Limitations stemming from the survey used and from the cross-sectional data. Practical implications: The role of women, the culture and managers in promoting work–family policies appears clear. The need for the active reinforcement of the supportive work–family culture in companies and managerial strategy, diffusion, planning and involvement are all key factors in the development of work–family policies. Social implications: Governments and society as a whole should urge firms to use all means at their disposal to guarantee the formal adoption of work–family policies. Originality/value: Research that analyses the way in which work–family culture and the managerial strategy for work–family generate change does not usually incorporate the female component of the labour force as an explanatory element.Publication Open Access Home-based telework and job stress: the mediation effect of work extension(Emerald, 2023) Goñi Legaz, Salomé; Núñez Aldaz, Imanol; Ollo López, Andrea; Gestión de Empresas; Enpresen Kudeaketa; Institute for Advanced Research in Business and Economics - INARBEPurpose: This paper aims to investigate how home-based telework (HBT) affects job stress. The authors argue that an intrinsic effect of telework like work extension mediates this relationship. Work extension is reflected in two employee behaviours: working in free time and presentism. Design/methodology/approach: The proposed model has been estimated using the Preacher and Hayes bootstrap method for multiple mediation analysis, with 1,000 repetitions. The data used come from the sixth European Working Conditions Survey. Findings: The analysis indicates that HBT does not pose an inherent risk for job stress but causes a change in the employees' behaviour, increasing working in free time and presenteeism and thus job stress. The mediation model indicates that once these behaviours are controlled, the effect of HBT is to reduce stress. Research limitations/implications: The authors argue that companies should focus on human resource practices to control workers' behaviours that have a detrimental effect on job stress while institutions should regulate HBT. Originality/value: The analysis deepens the unclear relationship between HBT and job stress by introducing employees' behaviours concerning work extension into the equation.Publication Open Access Efectividad de las organizaciones y factores explicativos: el caso de los equipos de atención primaria(Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa, 1996) Goñi Legaz, Salomé; Val Pardo, Isabel de; Gestión de Empresas; Enpresen KudeaketaLa cuestión que vamos a abordar es “la efectividad organizativa y sus factores explicativos”, acotando dichos factores en las dimensiones estructurales de la organización. Dicha cuestión será tratada tanto conceptual como empíricamente, a través de la aplicación del modelo propuesto a nivel teórico a un conjunto de organizaciones públicas de servicios, concretamente, los equipos de Atención Primaria que operan en la Comunidad Foral de Navarra. El trabajo se divide en tres partes principales, marco conceptual, desarrollo de un modelo y aplicación empírica. En la primera parte denominada marco conceptual se realiza una revisión teórica de los principales conceptos considerados relevantes para la investigación que se va a desarrollar. La segunda parte del trabajo se destina a la proposición y al desarrollo de un modelo para el análisis de la efectividad y de sus factores explicativos. La revisión bibliográfica realizada en el apartado anterior es útil en la clarificación de conceptos que permitan conseguir el objetivo principal del trabajo. A nivel genérico, se considera que la efectividad de una organización va a depender de factores internos a la misma y de factores externos, considerando estos últimos como aquellos sobre los que la organización no tiene control o capacidad de decisión. Por último, en la tercera parte del trabajo se realiza y analizan los resultados de la aplicación empírica, es decir, se intenta verificar la existencia de un conjunto de características tanto internas como externas a la organización que influyan en la efectividad de los equipos. No se busca el establecimiento de relaciones lineales entre las diferentes variables, sino más bien la identificación de regularidades relevantes, por lo que el modelo planteado podría integrarse dentro los modelos integradores de explicación de la efectividad.Publication Open Access TQM and performance: Is the relationship so obvious?(Elsevier, 2011) Corredor Casado, María Pilar; Goñi Legaz, Salomé; Gestión de Empresas; Enpresen KudeaketaThe aim of this study is to explore more fully the relationship between total quality management (TQM) and firm performance, taking TQM as an internally consistent system of practices. The paper tests the link between the two variables using the universal approach, analyzes whether the most competitive firms are those adopting TQM, and tests for an isomorphic effect on other firms. The study uses a sample of Spanish firms that have received TQM prizes at the national or regional level between 1997 and 2003 and a control sample for comparison. The findings indicate that in the absence of any evidence to confirm the universal hypothesis, TQM pioneers experience performance gains, because of the early implementation of the system; however, late adopters do not experience similar results. Firms using a TQM system are not necessarily better than their counterparts are, before putting the system into action. One important aspect of the contribution of this study is of a methodological nature, since it uses panel data, which takes into account the unobservable heterogeneity between individuals and the dynamics of firms’ financial variables.