López-Goñi, José Javier

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José Javier

Ciencias de la Salud





Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 33
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Are there gender‐based effects for an educational program for parents of adolescents with risk behaviors?
    (Wiley, 2019) Fernández-Montalvo, Javier; Arteaga Olleta, Alfonso; López-Goñi, José Javier; Ituráin Jiménez de Bentrosa, Sonia; Ciencias de la Salud; Osasun Zientziak
    The goals of this study were to evaluate the gender-based effectiveness of the parental intervention of the Suspertu (“recovery” in English) prevention program for adolescents with risk behaviors in Spain. The sample included 229 parents (105 fathers and 124 mothers). One open-label trial with repeated measures was used. Parents received a family therapy and a group education. The intervention improved parents’ authoritative parenting style, decreasing the degree of parental stress and reducing parent’s psychopathological symptoms and maladjustment. Improvement in both groups (fathers and mothers) was mainly observed from pre- to post-intervention assessment. According to the results, prevention programs for adolescents with risk behaviors may be a suitable context both to teach parents to deal appropriately with their children’s risk behaviors, and to improve parent’s psychological state.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Relationship between family mental health problems and substance use disorders: a gender perspective analysis
    (Taylor and Francis Group, 2023) López-Goñi, José Javier; Fernández-Montalvo, Javier; Arteaga Olleta, Alfonso; Leza González, Leire; Ciencias de la Salud; Osasun Zientziak; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa
    Background: Little is known about family mental illness and substance use disorder (SUD). This casecontrol study explored the relationship between family (parents and/or siblings) mental health problems (FMHP) and lifetime substance use disorder (SUD), considering a gender perspective. Methods: A sample of 387 patients (n = 306 men, 79.1%; n = 81 women, 20.9%) was recruited from the Proyecto Hombre Navarra (Spain) addiction treatment program. Patients with (80 men; 24 women) and without (226 men; 57 women) FMHP were compared, taking sex into account. Results: The prevalence of FMHP was 26.9%, without significant differences between men (n = 80; 26.1%) and women (n = 24; 29.6%). Men with FMHP reported higher severity in family/social and psychiatric areas than those without FMHP. Women with FMHP reported a higher severity in the psychiatric area and a higher prevalence of anxiety problems, suicidal attempts, previous psychopharmacological treatments, and physical abuse than women without FMHP. Conclusions: FMHP is highly prevalent in patients with SUD. They are associated with lifetime psychopathological problems, mainly in men. Further specific research is needed to evaluate this issue to develop specific treatments tailored to the needs of patients with FMHP.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Suicidal attempts among patients with substance use disorders who present with suicidal ideation
    (Elsevier, 2019) López-Goñi, José Javier; Fernández-Montalvo, Javier; Arteaga Olleta, Alfonso; Haro Escribano, Begoña; Ciencias de la Salud; Osasun Zientziak
    Background and aims: Patients with addictions have a great risk of suicidal ideation and attempts. Suicidal behaviour is a continuum that begins with ideation and may continue with planning, attempts and suicide completion. Investigating the specific risk characteristics for suicidal attempts in patients with addiction pro- blems who present with suicidal ideation is crucial for developing prevention strategies. The main aims of this study were to determine the prevalence rate of suicide attempts among patients with lifetime suicidal ideation receiving treatment for addiction, and o explore the differential characteristics for suicide ideators with and without suicide attempts. Methods: A sample of 149 patients with suicidal ideation (110 male and 39 female) who sought treatment for addiction in a Spanish clinical centre was assessed. Measurements: Information concerning socio-demographic characteristics, addiction severity, and psycho- pathological symptoms was obtained. Results: In total, 39.6% of the patients had attempted suicide (95% Confidence Interval: 32.1%–47.6%). Although all patients with suicidal behaviours presented a high severity in their addiction, patients with both suicidal ideation and suicide attempts showed a more severe addiction profile and more maladjustment to ev- eryday life than patients with only suicidal ideation. Specifically, three psychopathological variables were re- lated to suicide attempts: worse psychiatric state, previous hospitalization for psychological problems, and history of delirium. Conclusions: According to the results, a systematic screening of suicidal risk in patients seeking treatment for addiction problems is recommended. Addiction treatment centres should develop treatment strategies to prevent suicidal ideators from attempting suicide, mainly in those cases with a worse lifetime psychiatric condition.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Suicidal ideation and attempts among patients with lifetime physical and/or sexual abuse in treatment for substance use disorders
    (Taylor & Francis, 2019) Fernández-Montalvo, Javier; López-Goñi, José Javier; Arteaga Olleta, Alfonso; Haro Escribano, Begoña; Ciencias de la Salud; Osasun Zientziak
    Background: Several studies indicate that lifetime abuse is a relevant risk factor for suicidal ideation and/or attempts. However, little is known about this phenomenon in patients seeking treatment for substance use disorder. The prevalence rate of suicidal ideation and/or suicide attempts was explored among lifetime physically and/or sexually abused patients receiving treatment for drug addiction. The differential characteristics between these patients and those without suicidal behaviours were studied. Method: Three hundred and seventy-five patients were assessed. Socio-demographic characteristics, addiction severity, lifetime abuse, suicidal ideation and attempts, and psychopathological symptoms were explored. Results: Eighty-two patients (21.9%) presented with a history of lifetime abuse and were included in the study (37 men and 45 women). Sixty-two per cent of them presented with lifetime suicidal ideation (12.2% in the last month), and 30.5% with suicide attempts (1.2% in the last month). Patients with suicidal ideation or attempts showed a more severe addiction profile (assessed by the EuropASI) and more psychopathological symptoms (assessed by the SCL-90-R). Conclusion: This study highlights the relationship between previous traumatic experiences and suicidal behaviours. According to these results, systematic screening of suicidal risk in patients seeking treatment in addiction centres with histories of abuse is recommended.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Gender differences in treatment progress of drug-addicted patients
    (Taylor & Francis, 2017) Fernández-Montalvo, Javier; López-Goñi, José Javier; Azanza Álvarez, Paula; Arteaga Olleta, Alfonso; Cacho Fernández, Raúl; Psicología y Pedagogía; Psikologia eta Pedagogia; Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako Gobernua
    This study explored the differences in treatment progress between men and women who were addicted to drugs. The differential rate of completion of/dropout from treatment in men and women with substance dependence was established. Moreover, comparisons between completers and dropouts, accounting for gender, were carried out for several variables related to treatment progress and clinical profile. A sample of 183 addicted patients (96 male and 87 female) who sought outpatient treatment between 2002 and 2006 was assessed. Information on socio-demographic, consumption and associated characteristics was collected. A detailed tracking of each patient's progress was maintained for a minimum period of eight years to assess treatment progression. The treatment dropout rate in the whole sample was 38.8%, with statistically significant differences between women (47.1%) and men (31.3%). Women who dropped out of treatment presented a more severe profile in most of the psychopathologic variables than women who completed it. Moreover, women who dropped out from treatment presented a more severe profile than men who dropped out. According to these results, drug-addicted women showed worse therapeutic progress than men with similar histories. Thus, women must be provided with additional targeted intervention to promote better treatment outcomes.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Tratamiento de agresores contra la pareja en programas de atención a drogodependientes: un reto de futuro
    (Sociedad Científica Española de Estudios sobre el Alcohol, el Alcoholismo y las otras Toxicomanías, 2011) Fernández-Montalvo, Javier; López-Goñi, José Javier; Arteaga Olleta, Alfonso; Psicología y Pedagogía; Psikologia eta Pedagogia
    Existe una relación muy estrecha entre el consumo de sustancias (alcohol y otras drogas) y la violencia hacia la pareja. Los estudios llevados a cabo con hombres maltratadores y con pacientes adictos muestran una alta comorbilidad entre ambos fenómenos. Sin embargo, hasta la fecha han sido muy escasos los programas de intervención con maltratadores que se han aplicado en el ámbito de las drogodependencias. En este artículo se propone, en primer lugar, la necesidad de detectar los casos de violencia contra la pareja que aparecen camuflados bajo un problema de consumo de drogas. En este sentido, es necesario llevar a cabo estudios que determinen la tasa de prevalencia de agresores contra la pareja entre los usuarios de los programas de tratamiento para el abuso de sustancias, así como conocer las características específicas de este tipo de pacientes. En segundo lugar, una vez detectados los agresores, se podrían desarrollar programas específicos para el tratamiento simultáneo de ambas problemáticas (adicción y violencia hacia la pareja). Se han llevado a cabo algunos estudios con tratamientos conjuntos de la adicción y de la violencia de pareja. Los resultados obtenidos son esperanzadores y muestran que los programas de intervención con adicciones pueden ser un marco útil para aplicar también, en los casos necesarios, un tratamiento específico para aquellos adictos con un problema asociado de violencia contra la pareja. Se comentan las implicaciones de todo ello para la práctica clínica y para las investigaciones futuras.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Efectividad del tratamiento de la violencia contra la pareja en pacientes drogodependientes
    (Colegio Profesional de Psicólogos de Costa Rica, 2014) Fernández-Montalvo, Javier; Arteaga Olleta, Alfonso; López-Goñi, José Javier; Psicología y Pedagogía; Psikologia eta Pedagogia
    En este artículo se analiza la efectividad de los programas de tratamiento psicológico para drogodependientes, que presentan conductas violentas contra la pareja. Para ello, se revisan, en primer lugar, los estudios que valoran la influencia del tratamiento habitual sobre las adicciones y la reducción de las conductas violentas contra la pareja. En segundo lugar, se analizan los resultados de los programas de intervención conjunta que se han desarrollado hasta la fecha, en el ámbito internacional, en los centros de tratamiento para la adicción con drogodependientes que ejercen, además, violencia contra la pareja. Los resultados muestran, por una parte, que la intervención con pacientes adictos produce una disminución importante en la tasa de violencia contra la pareja asociada a la adicción. Por otra parte, los programas de intervención con adicciones constituyen un marco de gran utilidad para aplicar, de forma conjunta, tratamientos específicos para aquellos adictos con un problema asociado de violencia contra la pareja. Los resultados de estos programas de intervención muestran los mejores datos en la reducción de la tasa de violencia contra la pareja de los pacientes adictos. Se comentan las implicaciones de todo ello para la práctica clínica y para las investigaciones futuras.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Impact of a trauma intervention on reducing dropout from substance use disorder treatment
    (American Psychological Association, 2021) López-Goñi, José Javier; Haro Escribano, Begoña; Fernández-Montalvo, Javier; Arteaga Olleta, Alfonso; Ciencias de la Salud; Osasun Zientziak
    Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness (in terms of retention) of an intervention aimed at treating the consequences of lifetime physical and/or sexual abuse among patients who are also seeking substance use disorder treatment (SUD-T) in a clinical centre. Method: A parallel, randomized, controlled clinical trial using an experimental design (with one treatment group and one control group) with repeated measures (pretreatment, posttreatment and 6-month follow-up) was carried out. The sample consisted of 57 patients in SUD-T who had experienced lifetime physical and/or sexual abuse. All patients received a cognitive-behavioural SUD-T. In addition, the treatment group (n = 29) received physical and/or sexual abuse treatment (PSA-T). Results: The treatment group presented a lower SUD-T dropout rate (37.9%; n = 11) than the control group (50.0%; n = 14), but this difference was not statistically significant (χ2 = 0.8; p = .359; Phi = .122). The main variable related to SUD-T success (therapeutic discharge after completing the 40 outpatient sessions or 12 inpatients months and maintained abstinence) was the completion of PSA-T. Conclusions: The completion of this trauma-centred treatment improved the retention rate of SUD-T in patients with histories of physical and/or sexual abuse. This is a promising result because of the high SUD-T dropout rate shown by patients with victimization.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Therapeutic progression in abused women following a drug-addiction treatment program
    (SAGE Publications, 2017) Fernández-Montalvo, Javier; López-Goñi, José Javier; Arteaga Olleta, Alfonso; Cacho Fernández, Raúl; Azanza Álvarez, Paula; Psicología y Pedagogía; Psikologia eta Pedagogia
    This study explored the prevalence of victims of abuse and the therapeutic progression among women who sought treatment for drug addiction. A sample of 180 addicted Spanish women was assessed. Information was collected on the patients’ lifetime history of abuse (psychological, physical and/or sexual), socio-demographic factors, consumption variables and psychological symptoms. Of the total sample, 74.4% (n = 134) of the addicted women had been victims of abuse. Psychological abuse affected 66.1% (n = 119) of the patients, followed by physical abuse (51.7%; n = 93) and sexual abuse (31.7%; n = 57). Compared with patients who had not been abused, the addicted women with histories of victimisation scored significantly higher on several EuropASI and psychological variables. Specifically, physical abuse and sexual abuse were related to higher levels of severity of addiction. Regarding therapeutic progression, the highest rate of dropout was observed among victims of sexual abuse (63.5%; n = 33), followed by victims of physical abuse (48.9%; n = 23). Multivariate analysis showed that medical and family areas of the EuropASI, as well as violence problems and suicide ideation, were the main variables related to physical and/or sexual abuse. Moreover, women without abuse and with fewer family problems presented the higher probability of treatment completion. The implications of these results for further research and clinical practice are discussed.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Violent behaviours in drug addiction: differential profiles of drug-addicted patients with and without violence problems
    (SAGE Publications, 2012) Fernández-Montalvo, Javier; López-Goñi, José Javier; Arteaga Olleta, Alfonso; Psicología y Pedagogía; Psikologia eta Pedagogia
    This study explored the prevalence of violent behaviours in patients who are addicted to drugs. A sample of 252 addicted patients (203 male and 49 female) who sought outpatient treatment was assessed. Information on violent behaviours, socio-demographic factors, consumption factors (assessed by the EuropAsi), psychopathological factors (assessed by SCL-90-R) and personality variables (assessed by MCMI-II) was collected. Drug-addicted patients who were associated with violent behaviours were compared on all variables to patients who were not associated with violent behaviours. The rate of drug-addicted patients with violent behaviours in this sample was 39.68% (n=100). There were significant differences between the numbers of patients who did and did not demonstrate violence on some variables. Patients with violence problems were younger than those without violence problems and were more likely to report having been a victim of abuse. Moreover, they were significantly more likely to have experienced an overdose and showed a significantly higher score on several EuropAsi, SCL-90-R and MCMI-II variables. According to these results, patients with violence control problems present with both a more severe addiction and several comorbid problems. The implications of these results for further research and clinical practice are discussed.