Person: Merino Antón, Gorka
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Merino Antón
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Ciencias del Medio Natural
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Publication Open Access Instrumental and sensory techniques to characterize the texture of foods suitable for dysphagic people: a systematic review(Wiley, 2022) Ibáñez Moya, Francisco C.; Merino Antón, Gorka; Marín Arroyo, Remedios; Beriain Apesteguía, María José; Institute on Innovation and Sustainable Development in Food Chain - ISFOOD; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate PublikoaThe interest to characterize texture-modified foods (TMFs) intended for people with oropharyngeal dysphagia (OD) has grown significantly since 2011. Several instrumental and sensory techniques have been applied in the analysis of these foods. The objective of the present systematic review was to identify the most appropriate techniques, especially for the food industry and clinical setting. The search was carried out in three online databases according to the 'Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses' (PRISMA). Across the multiple trials reviewed, Texture Profile Analysis and the Uniaxial Compression Test were most used as the instrumental technique for solid foods, and the Back Extrusion Test for fluid and semisolid foods. All trials used descriptive analysis as the sensory technique. However, the experimental conditions of the trials lacked standardization. Consequently, the results of the trials were not comparable. To properly characterize the texture of TMFs intended for OD by each technique, an international consensus is needed to establish standardized experimental conditions. Methods based on these techniques should also be validated by collaborative studies to verify repeatability, replicability, and reproducibility.Publication Open Access Creación de un nuevo producto enriquecido en ovoproteína y de textura modificada adaptado a la disfagia(2016) Merino Antón, Gorka; Beriain Apesteguía, María José; Ibáñez Moya, Francisco C.; Ordóñez Aranguren, Ana Isabel; Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Agrónomos; Nekazaritza Ingeniarien Goi Mailako Eskola TeknikoaLa modificación de la textura de la dieta es el principal tratamiento para la disfagia. Pero no existe una clasificación universal de los alimentos adaptados para dicho tratamiento. Además, la ingesta prolongada de estos productos provoca, a menudo, problemas nutricionales severos. El objetivo de este trabajo es el desarrollo de alimentos enriquecidos en proteínas de alto valor biológico como son las ovoproteínas, así como la creación de una nueva clasificación para estos productos, basada en alimentos referencia comúnmente usados por personas que padecen disfagia. Mediante técnicas instrumentales se han establecido los parámetros reológicos necesarios para definir esta clasificación, que son la fuerza máxima de compresión y la viscosidad aparente. Además, se han medido dos atributos mediante el análisis sensorial: la resistencia que opone el producto a romperse y la dificultad de deglución. La comparación de los resultados obtenidos del análisis sensorial y de las medidas instrumentales servirán para copiar la textura de los alimentos referencia creando los nuevos productos hiperproteicos y para establecer la nueva clasificación.Publication Open Access Dishes adapted to dysphagia: sensory characteristics and their relationship to hedonic acceptance(MDPI, 2021) Merino Antón, Gorka; Marín Arroyo, Remedios; Beriain Apesteguía, María José; Ibáñez Moya, Francisco C.; Institute on Innovation and Sustainable Development in Food Chain - ISFOOD; Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako GobernuaDishes whose texture has been modified for dysphagia undergo changes in other sensory characteristics as well. Therefore, it is necessary to identify these characteristics in adapted dishes and their relationship to hedonic acceptance. In the present work, the sensory characteristics of five dishes adapted to dysphagia associated with cerebral palsy were investigated using the check-all-that-apply method. A hedonic evaluation with a panel of non-dysphagic judges was performed to relate the degree of acceptance with the sensory characteristics of the adapted dishes. The identification of the original non-adapted dish as well as the relationship between the hedonic evaluation by nondysphagic judges and dysphagic judges were explored. The main attributes of the dishes adapted to dysphagia were “homogeneity” and “easy-to-swallow”. Attributes that increased the hedonic evaluation were “flavorful”, “flavor of the original dish”, “soft texture”, “easy-to-swallow”, and “odor of the original dish”. The attributes that decreased the hedonic evaluation were “thick mash” and “bland”. The fish dish was the only one correctly identified more than 62.5% of the time. The adapted dishes received scores above 4.7 out of 9.0 in the hedonic evaluation. The most accepted dishes were the chicken stew and the chickpea stew. Except for the pasta dish, the test yielded similar results to those obtained with dysphagic judges. The texture-modified dishes were correctly characterized and accepted. This study shows that all the sensory characteristics of the adapted dishes are crucial for acceptance and identification.Publication Open Access Methodology for design of suitable dishes for dysphagic people(Elsevier, 2020) Merino Antón, Gorka; Gómez Bastida, Inmaculada; Marín Arroyo, Remedios; Beriain Apesteguía, María José; Ibáñez Moya, Francisco C.; Institute on Innovation and Sustainable Development in Food Chain - ISFOOD; Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako Gobernua, PEP E-14/000107-01A methodology to adapt dishes for cerebral palsy (CP) dysphagic people was developed. Five conventional dishes were cooked, blended and texturized with mixtures of thickeners and gelling agents based on xanthan gum. The most appropriate texturizing agents were selected, the textural thermostability of the dishes was studied, and the shelf-life was evaluated by back extrusion, sensory and microbiology analysis. Information about the acceptability of the adapted dishes by CP dysphagic people was obtained through the control of the consumed fraction and the liking or disliking reaction after eating the dishes. The adapted dishes considered suitable for swallowing process showed maximum force between 6.2(0.1) N and 18.9(3.3) N, minimum force between −3.9(0.3) N and −9.2(1.3) N, and Fmin/Fmax ratio between 0.4(0.0) and 0.7(0.0). Regarding sensory characteristics, the adapted dishes showed low stickiness, residue and firmness, and high suitable texture score. The methodology was appropriate for developing suitable dishes, sensorially accepted by dysphagic people, thermostable for 7 days refrigerated storage and ready-to-eat. Industrial relevance: This study presents the technological basis for the standardized design of suitable ready-to-eat dishes for dysphagic people. The methodology developed is of great interest to the industry of ready-to-eat dishes.Publication Open Access Textural characteristics of safe dishes for dysphagic patients: a multivariate analysis approach(Taylor & Francis, 2019) Ibáñez Moya, Francisco C.; Gómez Bastida, Inmaculada; Merino Antón, Gorka; Beriain Apesteguía, María José; Institute on Innovation and Sustainable Development in Food Chain - ISFOOD; Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako GobernuaTwenty-four safe dishes for cerebral palsy dysphagic patients and four commercial dysphagia-oriented food products for dysphagia were studied in order to determine their textural characteristics. Apparent viscosity measured at 25, 50, and 100 s(-1) and extrusion force analyzed at 1, 2, 5, and 10 mm/s were evaluated. Using clustering techniques, samples were divided into three categories. Apparent viscosity at 50 s(-1) and extrusion force at 5 and 10 mm/s could be enough to characterize the safe dishes for dysphagic patients.Publication Open Access High hydrostatic pressure processing to replace texturizing agents on a plant product intended for altered deglutition: a concept proof(Elsevier, 2023) Fernández Pan, Idoya; Merino Antón, Gorka; Virseda Chamorro, Paloma; Beriain Apesteguía, María José; Ibáñez Moya, Francisco C.; Institute on Innovation and Sustainable Development in Food Chain - ISFOOD; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate PublikoaHigh hydrostatic pressure processing (HPP) can cause changes in food texture. These changes can be beneficial when developing food with strict texture specifications as it is the case of food targeted to people with altered deglutition (AD) issues. The aim of the present research was to evaluate the HPP potential as an alternative to the use of texturizing agents currently added to AD-targeted food products. First, formulation and experimental conditions of treatments were established, and 2 types of chickpea protein pur´ees, one containing corn starch (PS) and the other chicory inulin (PI), were developed. Second, the pur´ees were, in one case HPP-treated (300–400 MPa; 3–9 min) and in the other texturized with agar-agar and xanthan gum. Overall, HPP did not significantly affect the proximate composition of the purées and improved their microbiological quality, and, most importantly, they caused beneficial texture changes on both PS and PI purées. In addition, HPP-treatments conferred similar instrumental texture values to texturized purées. These texture values come within the given specific range data supplied by the literature for AD suitability. The present study provides the basis for applying HPP in the development of texturizer-free AD-oriented purées.Publication Open Access Platos de base proteica con textura segura para personas con parálisis cerebral: diseño, elaboración y vida útil(2023) Merino Antón, Gorka; Ibáñez Moya, Francisco C.; Beriain Apesteguía, María José; Agronomía, Biotecnología y Alimentación; Agronomia, Bioteknologia eta Elikadura; Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako Gobernua; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate PublikoaEntre las estrategias para manejar la disfagia orofaríngea (DO) asociada a la parálisis cerebral (PC) se incluye la alimentación basada en platos de textura modificada (PTM). Si bien se han realizado diversos estudios sobre alimentos particulares, poco se sabe sobre las características de los PTM desde el punto de vista analítico y tecnológico. Por ello, los objetivos de la presente tesis fueron (1) establecer las características texturales de los PTM destinados a la DO, (2) desarrollar un método para elaborar PTM orientados a la DO asociada a la PC y (3) definir las características sensoriales y la aceptabilidad de los PTM orientados a la PC. Finalmente, se consideró oportuno (4) efectuar una revisión bibliográfica sobre los métodos instrumentales y sensoriales de uso frecuente en el análisis textural de los alimentos destinados a la DO con objeto de identificar los más adecuados para los ámbitos clínico y tecnológico. Para la caracterización instrumental de los PTM aptos para la DO, se recurrió al análisis mediante viscosímetro y texturómetro a diferentes velocidades. Para el diseño de los PTM orientados a la DO asociada a la PC, se desarrolló un método de cocinado, triturado y mezclado con aditivos alimentarios para que fueran termoestables y de mayor vida útil. Se texturizaron 5 platos habituales en la dieta de personas con PC y se analizaron instrumentalmente con texturómetro (5 mm/s) y mediante un análisis sensorial descriptivo con logopedas expertas en DO. También se evaluó la aceptación por personas afectadas con DO y PC y la caracterización general y particular de cada PTM recurriendo a jueces no expertos, consumidores, mediante el método Check-all-thatapply (CATA). En cuanto a la revisión sistemática, se aplicó el método PRISMA. Se estableció una clasificación de la viscosidad y la textura en tres niveles de PTM. Se generaron 5 PTM clasificados como aptos por las logopedas expertas en DO siendo sus características principales: bajos niveles de firmeza, adhesividad y restos, valores medios de cohesividad y altos de fluidez y puntuación de aptitud de deglución. Además, fueron aceptados por personas con DO y PC. Se identificaron atributos para definir de forma general o particular los diferentes platos. Por último, se propusieron métodos y sus parámetros para diferentes tipos de alimentos para la disfagia, sólidos, semisólidos o líquidos. Es necesario seguir investigando y generando nuevos PTM con características nutricionales y organolépticas adecuadas los requerimientos de las personas con DO asociada a la PC. Para ello será necesario desarrollar métodos de caracterización estandarizados, de manera consensuada y multidisciplinar, con el fin de facilitar el trabajo en la industria de alimentos para la DO y en los campos clínicos y de la investigación.Publication Open Access Antibrowning compounds for minimally processed potatoes: a review(Taylor & Francis, 2020) Bobo García, Gloria; Arroqui Vidaurreta, Cristina; Merino Antón, Gorka; Virseda Chamorro, Paloma; Agronomía, Biotecnología y Alimentación; Agronomia, Bioteknologia eta Elikadura; Institute on Innovation and Sustainable Development in Food Chain - ISFOODThis review covers some recent advances in browning prevention in minimally processed potatoes (MPP). Polyphenol oxidase (EC, PPO) is one of the main enzymes involved in browning of potatoes. Antibrowning agents are used in combination with other compounds and techniques to reduce browning such as physical treatments with modified atmospheres and cold temperatures in processing and storage. Due to increasing concerns involving toxicity from various traditional food preservatives, this review focuses on studies involving substances that have different mechanisms to control browning. These substances include reducing agents, acidulants, chelating agents, enzyme inhibitors, complexing agents or others, such as Maillard reaction products and natural extracts.Publication Open Access Estudio de nuevos productos naturales como el maíz, la canela o el perejil y sus posibles sinergias como antipardeantes en patatas mínimamente procesadas cv Monalisa(2017) Merino Antón, Gorka; Virseda Chamorro, Paloma; Arroqui Vidaurreta, Cristina; Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Agrónomos; Nekazaritza Ingeniarien Goi Mailako Eskola TeknikoaLa patata mínimamente procesada (PMP) es un alimento cada vez más consumido a nivel mundial. Pero la vida útil de este producto se ve disminuida por el pardeamiento enzimático, problema causado por la enzima polifenol oxidasa (PPO). Pero tiene un problema importante que reduce su vida útil, el pardeamiento enzimático, producido por la enzima polifenol oxidasa (PPO). En este trabajo se estudian los extractos de canela, perejil y maíz como posibles agentes antipardeantes de la patata, tanto in vitro como en planta piloto. El extracto de perejil al 50% de concentración y obtenido mediante extracción en agua a 40 ⁰C presenta un porcentaje de inhibición del 76,96 ± 14,64%. El maíz al 80% de concentración y extraído con agua a 90 ⁰C permite un porcentaje de inhibición del 90,76 ± 5,65%. Estos resultados quedan confirmados mediante el tratamiento en planta piloto de rodajas de patata y su almacenamiento durante 21 días.