Biodiesel production from heterogeneous catalysts based K2CO3 supported on extruded Γ-Al2O3

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Silveira Junior, Euripedes Garcia
Perez, Victor Haber
Serrano Lotina, Ana
Justo, Oselys Rodriguez



Acceso abierto / Sarbide irekia
Artículo / Artikulua
Versión aceptada / Onetsi den bertsioa

Project identifier


Catalytic biodiesel production from sunflower oil and ethanol using K2CO3/γ-Al2O3 in different configurations has been studied. To prepare the catalysts, boehmite was extruded with the aid of a binder and different percentages of K2CO3 active phase (15–45%) impregnated on the supports for comparative purposes. The transesterification reactions were carried out during 4 h using 5 wt% of the catalyst and the effects of oil: alcohol molar ratio and temperature were investigated to improve biodiesel formation. The best result (99.3% conversion) was obtained when 35% K2CO3/65% γ-Al2O3 hollow cylinder catalyst was used at 80 °C and 1:12 oil: ethanol molar ratio, showing their potential as promising alternative to conventional homogeneous catalytic systems used for biodiesel production at industrial scale.


Biodiesel, Ethanolic route, Extruded catalysts, Sunflower oil


Ciencias / Zientziak



Doctorate program

Editor version

Funding entities

The authors are grateful to Program of the Madrid Community AlcCones, S2013/MAE-2985, Spain and to the Brazilian agencies: Carlos Chagas Filho Research Foundation of the Rio de Janeiro State (FAPERJ) (Process no. E- 26/210.508/2014 ) and The National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) (process no. 165577/2013-14 and 311942/2015-6 ) for the financial support.

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