Publication: Statistical study and simulation of the acceleration of a vehicle into the 3D-method
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The objective of this Master Thesis is the statistical study and simulation of the acceleration and accelerator pedal position of a vehicle within the 3D-Method developed at “Institut für Fahrzeugtechnik” of the TU Braunschweig. This project has been realized with Matlab R2012a. Nowadays, everything is studied through different analysis and simulations before the manufacture of a car or a new model of car, carried out in computers, in order to save money and time. Here is where this project takes place. Real data from different kinds of drivers in different environs was collected, with the purpose of making a statistical studies and simulations with them. In this Master Thesis, the software programs Matlab and Simulink are going to be used. The method, which is achieved, is named “3D parameter space”, the “Institut für Fahrzeugtechnik” work in it, which is the institute where has been made this project, and which is going to be explained. First of all, a statistical study of the speed takes place. Then, a statistical study of the acceleration, and simulation of a vehicle are developed to work with the accelerator pedal position, and its influence when some parameter is modified. Finally, this project is part of a greater project, so it will be implemented later as a part of it.
Doctorate program
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