Publication: Development of a graphical user interface tool for modelling and simulation of photovoltaic modules
Project identifier
The aim of this work is to develop a mathematical program to model and simulate photovoltaic modules. The tool will be provided with a graphical interface allowing the usage by users with little knowledge and without having a high level program installed on their computers. To begin the program, the user must select amog the three available that appear on the screen. Once a method is selected, the user must select a photovoltaic panel, so when the user clicks, two graphs appear on the left of the figure 1. These graphics will be obtained after modelling the PV panel. From these graphs, the user gets conclusions about the modelling of the photovoltaic panel. Then on the right side one can enter actual temperature and irradiance which will affect the panels when installed. This way one can compare the results. There is also an option that allows the introduction of new photovoltaic panels. The interface will ask for the parameters of this new panel and the user data will be saved for modelling or simulation. Similarly, one can delete introduced new panels, pressing their set button to delete all new panels or you can press the "delete new panel" to delete only one of new panels.
Doctorate program
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