Publication: Encouraging blood and living organ donations
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This thesis explores the decision of becoing blood and living organ donors. Theoretical and empirical approaches are provided. The first two chapters develop a theoretical behavioral model that helps to disentangle the psychology behind the decision of individuals of becoming blood and living organ donors. The model emphasizes the importance of altruism and warm-glow, and how introducing incentives could undermine the individuals' degree of altruism. A questionnaire is also designed in order to explore in the real population attitudes towards blood and living organ donations. The third chapter is an entirely empirical work and focus on blood donation. Data from the National Health Survey of France (ESPS 2012) are analyzed, focusing on exploring the population of blood donors and the influence of altruism, socio-economic status, social capital and risk aversion. The fourth chapter is focused on policy evaluation. Specifically it analyzes the impact of blood donation campaigns implemented in the spanish region of Navarra since 2010.
Doctorate program
Gizarte Zientzietako eta Zientzia Juridikoetako Doktoretza Programa Ofiziala (ED 1393/2007)
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