Scanning electromyography





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The study of the anatomy and physiology of the motor unit has important implications in the diagnosis and follow-up of neuromuscular pathologies. Muscle action potentials allow the use of electrophysiological techniques based on electromyography (EMG) to make inferences about muscle structure, state and behaviour. Scanning EMG is one such technique that can record the temporal and spatial distribution of electrical activity of a single motor unit, allowing for deep insight into the structure and function of motor units. In this chapter, we describe the scanning EMG technique in detail, both from a technical and clinical point of view. A brief review of the motor unit anatomy and physiology is provided in Section 2. The technique, the apparatus setup, the recording procedure and the signal processing required are described in Section 3. Key results of studies using scanning EMG are reviewed in Section 4, including findings related to motor unit organisation in normal muscle and how changes due to pathology are reflected using this electrophysiological technique. Finally, Section 5 provides some hints regarding the use of scanning EMG in research.



Scanning electromyography, Motor unit


Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica / Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa eta Elektronikoa



Doctorate program

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