Ras module function is involved in regulation of sexual development Schizophyllum commune

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Schubert, D.
Kothe, E.



Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa
Acceso abierto / Sarbide irekia
Contribución a congreso / Biltzarrerako ekarpena
Versión publicada / Argitaratu den bertsioa

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The white rot fungus Schizophyllum commune is used as a model to investigate sexual development in hymenomycetes. We isolated the gene gap1 encoding a GTPase-activating protein for Ras. Disruption of gap1 should therefore lead to strains accumulating Ras in its activated, GTP-bound state and to constitutive Ras signaling. Mating behavior was not altered in Δgap1 monokaryons whereas growth rate in Δgap1 monokaryons was reduced about 25%. Dikaryotic Δgap1/Δgap1 strains displayed 50% growth reduction. Hyphal growth was disturbed showing a wavy growth pattern. In dikaryons, clamp formation was severly disturbed as hook cells failed to fuse with the penultimate cell at the site that in wildtype cells is marked by a peg formed from the mother cell. Instead, the dikaryotic character of the hyphae was rescued by fusion of the hooks with nearby developing branches. The mating type genes of the B factors encoding a pheromone receptor system are known to be required for clamp cell fusion. A role for Ras in the same process in discussed. Fruitbody formation was observed in homozygous Δgap1/Δgap1 dikaryons which, however, formed increased numbers of fruit body primordia, whereas the amount of fruit bodies was not raised. Mature fruit bodies formed no or abnormal gills. No production of spores could be observed. Similar phenotypes in fruitbody development had been previously described for elevated intracellular cAMP levels. Thus, the signalling of Ras is discussed with respect to cAMP signalling.


Resumen del poster presentado al VI Meeting on Genetics and Cellular Biology of Basidiomycetes (GCBB-VI), organizado por y celebrado en la Universidad Pública de Navarra el 3-6 de junio de 2005.


Schizophyllum commune, Ras module function




Doctorate program

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