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dc.contributor.advisorLabayen Goñi, Idoiaes_ES
dc.coverage.spatialeast=-3.7037902; north=40.4167754; name=España
dc.creatorArenaza, Lidees_ES
dc.description.abstractOur hypothesis is that Mediterranean diet pattern and eating behaviours as having a healthy breakfast will prevent adiposity and its related comorbidities in children. In contrast, energy-dense diets based on the consumption of ultra-processed foods and SSB will negatively influence liver and cardiovascular health of overweight/obese children. Furthermore, healthy lifestyle programs based on nutritional education and physical activity promotion might improve dietary habits of children with overweight/obesity by increasing the awareness and knowledge between lifestyle and health of both children and parents.es_ES
dc.description.abstractGure hipotesia PDM jarraitzeak eta modu osasungarrian gosaltzeak haurren gehiegizko gantz-pilaketa eta honi loturiko konplikazioak prebenituko lituzkeela da. Elikagai ultra-prozesatu eta azukredun edarien kontsumoan oinarritutako energetikoki dentsoak diren dietek, ordea, gainpisua/obesitatea duten haurren gibel osasuna eta osasun kardiobaskularrean modu negatiboan eragingo lukete. Gainera, hezkuntza nutrizionalean eta ariketa fisikoaren sustapenean oinarritutako bizi-ohituren esku-hartze programek bizi-ohiturak eta osasunaren arteko harremanaren inguruko kontzientzia eta ezagutza handituko luke haur zein gurasoetan. Ildo honetatik abiatuz, horrelako esku-hartze programek gainpisua/obesitatea duten haurren elikadura-ohiturak hobe
dc.description.sponsorshipPredoctoral grant from the Department of Education Government of the Basque Country (PRE_2016_1_0057, PRE_2017_2_0224, PRE_2018_2_0057, PRE_2019_2_0004). Complementary grant (EP_2019_1_0013) from the Government of the Basque Country.en
dc.format.extent236 p.
dc.subjectDietary habitsen
dc.subjectMediterranean dieten
dc.subjectHepatic steatosisen
dc.subjectCardiovascular healthen
dc.subjectSpanish childrenen
dc.subjectChildhood overweighten
dc.subjectChildhood obesityen
dc.titleThe influence of dietary habits on hepatic steatosis and cardiovascular health in childrenen
dc.title.alternativeHaurren elikadura-ohituren eragina gibel-esteatosian eta osasun kardiobaskularreaneu
dc.typeTesis doctoral / Doktoretza tesiaes
dc.contributor.departmentCiencias de la Saludes_ES
dc.contributor.departmentOsasun Zientziakeu
dc.rights.accessRightsAcceso abierto / Sarbide irekiaes
dc.description.doctorateProgramPrograma de Doctorado en Ciencias de la Salud (RD 99/2011)es_ES
dc.description.doctorateProgramOsasun Zientzietako Doktoretza Programa (ED 99/2011)eu

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