Aramendia Muneta, María Elena

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Aramendia Muneta

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María Elena

Gestión de Empresas





Search Results

Now showing 1 - 9 of 9
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Spread the word – The effect of word of mouth in e-marketing
    (De Gruyter, 2017) Aramendia Muneta, María Elena; Gestión de Empresas; Enpresen Kudeaketa
    Word of mouth (WOM) is an extraordinary mechanism with which to spread information and disinformation. There is an interaction between WOM and eWOM, creating different channels for the dissemination of information. However, this information cannot be controlled by marketers; at least this is seldom the case. Positive and negative comments are found in eWOM and they have a powerful influence on credibility, trust and persuasiveness, where influ- encers play a main role. Brand reputation is shaped by the flow of information and disinformation on the Internet. Social networks are a real tool with which to create and place information. A comment may greatly benefit consumers, pre- venting uncertainty and boosting sales. eWOM disseminates both information and disinformation, and so internet users and marketers are faced with the problem of how to turn this to their own benefi
  • PublicationOpen Access
    ICT impact on competitiveness, innovation and environment
    (Elsevier, 2012) Ollo López, Andrea; Aramendia Muneta, María Elena; Gestión de Empresas; Enpresen Kudeaketa
    This paper examines the impact of ICT on competitiveness, innovation and environment in the glass, ceramics and cement concrete industry. The results show that use of ICT seems to favor innovation and competitiveness. As for the effect on the environment, the use of some ICT helps to reduce emissions, whereas others increase them.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Technology transfer activities of universities and research institutes - Open Innovation Model - Case of Navarre
    (2012) Aramendia Muneta, María Elena; Gestión de Empresas; Enpresen Kudeaketa
    The company survey falls within the scope of the EURIS-ORP subproject, co-financed by the European Union’s Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the INTERREG IV c programme. The objective of the survey is to ascertain to what extent the technology transfer activities of universities and research institutes conform to the open innovation model. Additionally, the survey seeks to appraise what role higher education and research institutions play in the regional innovation system. To this end, 73 telephone interviews have been conducted with heads of R&D departments of companies with previous collaboration ties with Universidad Pública de Navarra (UPNA) or having received aid for R&D projects from public administrations.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Gender stereotypes in original digital video advertising
    (Taylor & Francis, 2019) Aramendia Muneta, María Elena; Olarte-Pascual, Cristina; Hatzithomas, Leonidas; Gestión de Empresas; Enpresen Kudeaketa
    This exploratory study looks into gender stereotypes in original digital video advertising as an independent trend in the advertising industry worthy of a new avenue of research. Content analysis is performed on a judgemental sample of 324 original digital videos that have won awards from professional marketers. The results show that there is no statistically significant association between gender and any of the ten studied attributes (mode of presentation, credibility, role, age, argument type, reward type, product type, background, setting, and end comment). Although previous studies depicted men in male-authored science roles and with muscular physiques and women as objectified and a hypersexualized subordinate to the male, this research shows that women and men are equally portrayed in non-stereotypical activities and roles, However, central figures are more likely to be men than women, indicating a gender difference in terms of the assignment of main roles. This paper highlights the change in women’s roles as well as advertisers’ and marketers’ criteria for the content of original digital videos.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Understanding the impact of electronic word-of-mouth (eWom) on corporate reputation
    (2015) Aramendia Muneta, María Elena; Enpresen Kudeaketa; Institute for Advanced Research in Business and Economics - INARBE; Gestión de Empresas
    The aim of this poster is not only to provide a framework of electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) regarding corporate reputation, but also to aid the direction of future research through concept maps (cm).
  • PublicationOpen Access
    The innovation environment of the region of Navarre
    (2012) Aramendia Muneta, María Elena; Casado Redín, Iñaki; Gestión de Empresas; Enpresen Kudeaketa
    The purpose of this report is to show how the region of Navarre tackles innovation. The report presents, first at all, a quick overview of the region. Secondly, the innovation in the region is broken down according to 5 different groups: Public Institutions, University Spin‐offs or Students who intend to start businesses, Business Development Institutions, R&D institutions and Enterprises. Finally, the paper reveals results of the survey carried out in those 5 groups. The report draws attention to the great effort that Navarra is doing in order to develop innovative initiatives in the region through the 4 technological plans implemented from 2002 until the present day. Thanks to all those measures, Navarra is nowadays among the top 100 regions in the EU according to the index of the European Innovation Scoreboard and is among the top 3 in Spain. According to the main results of the survey, these are the major conclusions: ‐ Public institutions: The outcomes capture the efforts of the Government of Navarre to improve the economy of Navarre in the area of innovation, supporting enterprises in every aspect, such as fund‐raising, assistance and R&D consulting, new market areas and technology and knowledge transfer. ‐ University Spin‐off enterprises cooperate with several institutions in the creation of a new product or innovation. On the whole, they do not belong to a network. ‐ Entrepreneurial University Students show great interest in online platforms, where they can find information for their business idea or even help for their innovative projects. ‐ Business development institutions: despite the small sample available, it can be observed that these institutes usually support other organizations to raise funds for making investments in innovation and help them to obtain partners and consultancy services. ‐ R&D institutes: no matter the number of employees of R&D institutes, they belong to a network. Although they use external IT tools supporting innovation creation and technology transfer, they hardly share any information through those external tools. Enterprises look for information to support innovation and technology transfer processes by using external resources. The kind of information they search for is quite basic, not too deep. The main reason for not using this information channel is that there is no internal need. Internet seems to be the main source of information. 66% of firms receive information from universities and higher education institutions in the region. Apparently, their level of satisfaction over the information they receive is quite satisfactory. It is recommended that although the crisis in Spain is also having major impacts in Navarra the Government of Navarre should not cut down the inputs of innovation and should continue to support the economic development of the region. Thus, Navarra could maintain its preferential position in the EU and Spain in the field of innovation and in terms of GDP.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    ICT impact on tourism industry
    (Access Press UK, 2013) Aramendia Muneta, María Elena; Ollo López, Andrea; Gestión de Empresas; Enpresen Kudeaketa; Economía; Ekonomia
    The goal of this paper is to analyze the effects of ICT on firms’ competitiveness, as well as on their level of innovation, productivity and on the market share depending on the tourism area: Accommodation, Gastronomy and Travel Agencies. On the whole, it has been proved that the use of diverse ICTs has little effect on the level of competition as well as on increasing productivity, while in general, they have a positive effect on increasing the market share of the firms.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Spaniards and Spanish product image amont the Chinese: implications for marketing strategies
    (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016) Aramendia Muneta, María Elena; Grande Esteban, Ildefonso; Gestión de Empresas; Enpresen Kudeaketa
    This article reports the results of an exploratory study among the Chinese about General Country Attributes (GCA) and General Product Attributes (GPA) in Spain. The objective of the research is to measure the images of the people and the products. Country and product image are important variables that help explain, and can also affect, the consumers’ readiness to buy. Having lived in or having visited the target country has a negative influence on the country-of-origin image. Women and young Chinese people share more leniency than men when judging the people and the products.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    The influence of ethnocentricity in purchase behavior and ethnocentric attitudes
    (North American Business Press, 2016) Aramendia Muneta, María Elena; Reardon, James; Gestión de Empresas; Enpresen Kudeaketa
    This research examines the effect of Consumer Ethnocentricity (CE) under conditions of persistent financial crisis. The conceptual underpinnings of CE imply that consumers, at least some, respond to foreign goods negatively based on the idea of preserving the domestic economy. Thus, it would logically follow that when the economy is in recession or crisis, this phenomenon might be exaggerated. Spain is one of the areas most affected by the global economic crisis, and within this country, young students have been among the hardest hit. There are four hypotheses: H1a: Ethnocentric attitudes of consumers have a positive effect on Domestic Purchase Behavior; H1b: Ethnocentric attitudes of consumers have a negative effect on Foreign Purchase Behavior; H2: National Identification has a positive effect on Ethnocentricity; H3: Cosmopolitanism has a negative effect on Ethnocentricity. Hypotheses H1a, H1b, and H2 are supported while H3 is not supported.