Person: Rodríguez Falces, Javier
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Rodríguez Falces
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Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y de Comunicación
ISC. Institute of Smart Cities
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Publication Open Access Motor unit action potential duration, II: a new automatic measurement method based on the wavelet transform(Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2007) Rodríguez Carreño, Ignacio; Gila Useros, Luis; Malanda Trigueros, Armando; García Gurtubay, Ignacio; Mallor Giménez, Fermín; Gómez Elvira, Sagrario; Rodríguez Falces, Javier; Navallas Irujo, Javier; Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica; Estadística e Investigación Operativa; Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa eta Elektronikoa; Estatistika eta Ikerketa OperatiboaTo present and evaluate a new algorithm, based on the wavelet transform, for the automatic measurement of motor unit action potential (MUAP) duration. A total of 240 MUAPs were studied. The waveform of each MUAP was wavelet-transformed, and the start and end points were estimated by regarding the maxima and minima points in a particular scale of the wavelet transform. The results of the new method were compared with the gold standard of duration marker positions obtained by manual measurement. The new method was also compared with a conventional algorithm, which we had found to be best in a previous comparative study. To evaluate the new method against manual measurements, the dispersion of automatic and manual duration markers were analyzed in a set of 19 repeatedly recorded MUAPs. The differences between the new algorithm’s marker positions and the gold standard of duration marker positions were smaller than those observed with the conventional method. The dispersion of the new algorithm’s marker positions was slightly less than that of the manual one. Our new method for automatic measurement of MUAP duration is more accurate than other available algorithms and more consistent than manual measurements.Publication Open Access Actividad electromiográfica (EMG) durante el pedaleo, su utilidad en el diagnóstico de la fatiga en ciclistas(SEMED - FEMEDE, 2017) Córdova Martínez, Alfredo; Nuin, Iván; Fernández-Lázaro, Diego; Latasa Zudaire, Iban Alexander; Rodríguez Falces, Javier; Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica; Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa eta ElektronikoaLa fatiga muscular tiene múltiples definiciones, pero con una misión especial cual es la misión protectora, avisando al organismo sobre la debilidad o la aparición de una incapacidad funcional. En esta revisión se hace un análisis de las aplicaciones de la electromiografía (EMG) como técnica para comprender los patrones de activación musculares durante el pedaleo y la aparición de fatiga muscular. Se ha realizado una revisión en la cual se analizan las variaciones de la actividad EMG durante las fases del pedaleo. El movimiento del pedaleo ha sido estudiado exhaustivamente y se ha legado a distinguir 4 fases en el pedaleo que originan la propulsión y el recobro. Mediante el uso de la EMG se pueden describir los patrones de activación típicos, en cuanto al nivel de actividad y el tiempo de activación de los principales músculos de las extremidades inferiores. La actividad muscular y la coordinación pueden variar entre personas a lo largo de un solo ciclo de pedaleo y entre diferentes ciclos de la misma persona. También se examinan los principales factores que pueden influir en estos patrones EMG durante las fases del pedaleo. Asimismo, se describe la influencia de factores como la potencia de salida, cadencia o frecuencia de pedaleo, pendiente y postura, interfaz calzado pedal, nivel de entrenamiento y fatiga muscular, que producen alteraciones en el tiempo de activación y coordinación muscular.Publication Open Access Validation of the filling factor index to study the filling process of the sEMG signal in the quadriceps(Elsevier, 2023) Rodríguez Falces, Javier; Malanda Trigueros, Armando; Mariscal Aguilar, Cristina; Niazi, Imran Khan; Navallas Irujo, Javier; Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y de Comunicación; Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa, Elektronikoaren eta Telekomunikazio IngeniaritzarenIntroduction: The EMG filling factor is an index to quantify the degree to which an EMG signal has been filled. Here, we tested the validity of such index to analyse the EMG filling process as contraction force was slowly increased. Methods: Surface EMG signals were recorded from the quadriceps muscles of healthy subjects as force was gradually increased from 0 to 40% MVC. The sEMG filling process was analyzed by measuring the EMG filling factor (calculated from the non-central moments of the rectified sEMG). Results: (1) As force was gradually increased, one or two prominent abrupt jumps in sEMG amplitude appeared between 0 and 10% of MVC force in all the vastus lateralis and medialis. (2) The jumps in amplitude were originated when a few large-amplitude MUPs, clearly standing out from previous activity, appeared in the sEMG signal. (3) Every time an abrupt jump in sEMG amplitude occurred, a new stage of sEMG filling was initiated. (4) The sEMG was almost completely filled at 2–12% MVC. (5) The filling factor decreased significantly upon the occurrence of an sEMG amplitude jump, and increased as additional MUPs were added to the sEMG signal. (6) The filling factor curve was highly repeatable across repetitions. Conclusions: It has been validated that the filling factor is a useful, reliable tool to analyse the sEMG filling process. As force was gradually increased in the vastus muscles, the sEMG filling process occurred in one or two stages due to the presence of abrupt jumps in sEMG amplitude.Publication Open Access Evaluation of the electromyography test for the analysis of the aerobic-anaerobic transition in elite cyclists during incremental exercise(MDPI, 2019) Latasa Zudaire, Iban Alexander; Córdova Martínez, Alfredo; Quintana Ortí, Gregorio; Lavilla Oiz, Ana; Navallas Irujo, Javier; Rodríguez Falces, Javier; Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y de Comunicación; Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa, Elektronikoaren eta Telekomunikazio Ingeniaritzaren(1) Background: The aim of this study was to investigate the validity and reliability of surface electromyography (EMG) for automatic detection of the aerobic and anaerobic thresholds during an incremental continuous cycling test using 1 min exercise periods in elite cyclists. (2) Methods: Sixteen well-trained cyclists completed an incremental exercise test (25 W/1 min) to exhaustion. Surface bipolar EMG signals were recorded from the vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, biceps femoris, and gluteus maximus, and the root mean square (RMS) were assessed. The multi-segment linear regression method was used to calculate the first and second EMG thresholds (EMG(T1) and EMG(T2)). During the test, gas exchange data were collected to determine the first and second ventilatory thresholds (VT1 and VT2). (3) Results: Two breakpoints (thresholds) were identified in the RMS EMG vs. time curve for all muscles in 75% of participants. The two breakpoints, EMG(T1) and EMG(T2) , were detected at around 70%-80% and 90%-95% of VO2MAX, respectively. No significant differences were found between the means of VT(1 )and EMGT(1) for the vastii and biceps femoris muscles (p > 0.05). There were no significant differences between means of EMG(T2) and VT2 (p > 0.05). (4) Conclusions: It is concluded that the multi-segment linear regression algorithm is a valid non-invasive method for analyzing the aerobic-anaerobic transition during incremental tests with 1 min stage durations.Publication Open Access A masked least-squares smoothing procedure for artifact reduction in scanning-EMG recordings(Springer, 2018) Corera Orzanco, Íñigo; Eciolaza Ferrando, Adrián; Rubio Zamora, Oliver; Malanda Trigueros, Armando; Rodríguez Falces, Javier; Navallas Irujo, Javier; Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y de Comunicación; Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa, Elektronikoaren eta Telekomunikazio IngeniaritzarenScanning-EMG is an electrophysiological technique in which the electrical activity of the motor unit is recorded at multiple points along a corridor crossing the motor unit territory. Correct analysis of the scanning-EMG signal requires prior elimination of interference from nearby motor units. Although the traditional processing based on the median filtering is effective in removing such interference, it distorts the physiological waveform of the scanning-EMG signal. In this study, we describe a new scanning-EMG signal processing algorithm that preserves the physiological signal waveform while effectively removing interference from other motor units. To obtain a cleaned-up version of the scanning signal, the masked least-squares smoothing (MLSS) algorithm recalculates and replaces each sample value of the signal using a least-squares smoothing in the spatial dimension, taking into account the information of only those samples that are not contaminated with activity of other motor units. The performance of the new algorithm with simulated scanning-EMG signals is studied and compared with the performance of the median algorithm and tested with real scanning signals. Results show that the MLSS algorithm distorts the waveform of the scanning-EMG signal much less than the median algorithm (approximately 3.5 dB gain), being at the same time very effective at removing interference components.Publication Open Access The contribution of the tendon electrode to M-wave characteristics in the biceps brachii, vastus lateralis and tibialis anterior(Wiley, 2023) Rodríguez Falces, Javier; Etxaleku, Saioa; Trajano, Gabriel S.; Setuain Chourraut, Igor; Ciencias de la Salud; Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y de Comunicación; Osasun Zientziak; Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa, Elektronikoaren eta Telekomunikazio IngeniaritzarenIn some compound muscle action potentials (M waves) recorded using the belly–tendon configuration, the tendon electrode makes a noticeable contribution to the M wave. However, this finding has only been demonstrated in some hand and foot muscles. Here, we assessed the contribution of the tendon potential to the amplitude of the vastus lateralis, biceps brachii and tibialis anterior M waves, and we also examined the role of this tendon potential in the shoulder-like feature appearing in most M waves. M waves were recorded separately at the belly and tendon locations of the vastus lateralis, biceps brachii and tibialis anterior from 38 participants by placing the reference electrode at a distant (contralateral) site. The amplitude of the M waves and the latency of their peaks and shoulders were measured. In the vastus lateralis, the tendon potential was markedly smaller in amplitude (∼75%) compared to the belly M wave (P = 0.001), whereas for the biceps brachii and tibialis anterior, the tendon and belly potentials had comparable amplitudes. In the vastus lateralis, the tendon potential showed a small positive peak coinciding in latency with the shoulder of the belly–tendon M wave, whilst in the biceps brachii and tibialis anterior, the tendon potential showed a clear negative peak which coincided in latency with the shoulder. The tendon potential makes a significant contribution to the belly–tendon M waves of the biceps brachii and tibialis anterior muscles, but little contribution to the vastus lateralis M waves. The shoulder observed in the belly–tendon M wave of the vastus lateralis is caused by the belly potential, the shoulder in the biceps brachii M wave is generated by the tendon potential, whereas the shoulder in the tibialis anterior M wave is caused by both the tendon and belly potentials.Publication Open Access EMG probability density function: a new way to look at EMG signal filling from single motor unit potential to full interference pattern(IEEE, 2023) Navallas Irujo, Javier; Eciolaza Ferrando, Adrián; Mariscal Aguilar, Cristina; Malanda Trigueros, Armando; Rodríguez Falces, Javier; Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y de Comunicación; Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa, Elektronikoaren eta Telekomunikazio IngeniaritzarenAn analytical derivation of the EMG signal's amplitude probability density function (EMG PDF) is presented and used to study how an EMG signal builds-up, or fills, as the degree of muscle contraction increases. The EMG PDF is found to change from a semi-degenerate distribution to a Laplacian-like distribution and finally to a Gaussian-like distribution. We present a measure, the EMG filling factor, to quantify the degree to which an EMG signal has been built-up. This factor is calculated from the ratio of two non-central moments of the rectified EMG signal. The curve of the EMG filling factor as a function of the mean rectified amplitude shows a progressive and mostly linear increase during early recruitment, and saturation is observed when the EMG signal distribution becomes approximately Gaussian. Having presented the analytical tools used to derive the EMG PDF, we demonstrate the usefulness of the EMG filling factor and curve in studies with both simulated signals and real signals obtained from the tibialis anterior muscle of 10 subjects. Both simulated and real EMG filling curves start within the 0.2 to 0.35 range and rapidly rise towards 0.5 (Laplacian) before stabilizing at around 0.637 (Gaussian). Filling curves for the real signals consistently followed this pattern (100% repeatability within trials in 100% of the subjects). The theory of EMG signal filling derived in this work provides (a) an analytically consistent derivation of the EMG PDF as a function of motor unit potentials and motor unit firing patterns; (b) an explanation of the change in the EMG PDF according to degree of muscle contraction; and (c) a way (the EMG filling factor) to quantify the degree to which an EMG signal has been built-up.Publication Open Access M-wave changes caused by brief voluntary and stimulated isometric contractions(Springer, 2023) Rodríguez Falces, Javier; Malanda Trigueros, Armando; Navallas Irujo, Javier; Place, Nicolas; Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y de Comunicación; Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa, Elektronikoaren eta Telekomunikazio Ingeniaritzaren; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate PublikoaIntroduction Under isometric conditions, the increase in muscle force is accompanied by a reduction in the fbers’ length. The efects of muscle shortening on the compound muscle action potential (M wave) have so far been investigated only by computer simulation. This study was undertaken to assess experimentally the M-wave changes caused by brief voluntary and stimulated isometric contractions. Methods Two diferent methods of inducing muscle shortening under isometric condition were adopted: (1) applying a brief (1 s) tetanic contraction and (2) performing brief voluntary contractions of diferent intensities. In both methods, supramaximal stimulation was applied to the brachial plexus and femoral nerves to evoke M waves. In the frst method, electrical stimulation (20 Hz) was delivered with the muscle at rest, whereas in the second, stimulation was applied while participants performed 5-s stepwise isometric contractions at 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, and 100% MVC. The amplitude and duration of the frst and second M-wave phases were computed. Results The main fndings were: (1) on application of tetanic stimulation, the amplitude of the M-wave frst phase decreased (~10%, P<0.05), that of the second phase increased (~50%, P<0.05), and the M-wave duration decreased (~20%, P<0.05) across the frst fve M waves of the tetanic train and then plateaued for the subsequent responses; (2) when superimposing a single electrical stimulus on muscle contractions of increasing forces, the amplitude of the M-wave frst phase decreased (~20%, P<0.05), that of the second phase increased (~30%, P<0.05), and M-wave duration decreased (~30%, P<0.05) as force was raised from 0 to 60–70% MVC force. Conclusions The present results will help to identify the adjustments in the M-wave profle caused by muscle shortening and also contribute to diferentiate these adjustments from those caused by muscle fatigue and/or changes in Na+–K+ pump activity.Publication Open Access Correlation between discharge timings of pairs of motor units reveals the presence but not the proportion of common synaptic input to motor neurons(American Physiological Society, 2017) Rodríguez Falces, Javier; Negro, Francesco; Farina, Dario; Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica; Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa eta ElektronikoaWe investigated whether correlation measures derived from pairs of motor unit (MU) spike trains are reliable indicators of the degree of common synaptic input to motor neurons. Several 50-s isometric contractions of the biceps brachii muscle were performed at different target forces ranging from 10 to 30% of the maximal voluntary contraction relying on force feedback. Forty-eight pairs of MUs were examined at various force levels. Motor unit synchrony was assessed by cross-correlation analysis using three indexes: the output correlation as the peak of the cross-histogram (ρ) and the number of synchronous spikes per second (CIS) and per trigger (E). Individual analysis of MU pairs revealed that ρ, CIS, and E were most often positively associated with discharge rate (87, 85, and 76% of the MU pairs, respectively) and negatively with interspike interval variability (69, 65, and 62% of the MU pairs, respectively). Moreover, the behavior of synchronization indexes with discharge rate (and interspike interval variability) varied greatly among the MU pairs. These results were consistent with theoretical predictions, which showed that the output correlation between pairs of spike trains depends on the statistics of the input current and motor neuron intrinsic properties that differ for different motor neuron pairs. In conclusion, the synchronization between MU firing trains is necessarily caused by the (functional) common input to motor neurons, but it is not possible to infer the degree of shared common input to a pair of motor neurons on the basis of correlation measures of their output spike trains.Publication Open Access End-of-fiber signals strongly influence the first and second phases of the M wave in the vastus lateralis: implications for the study of muscle excitability(Frontiers Media, 2018) Rodríguez Falces, Javier; Place, Nicolas; Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica; Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa eta ElektronikoaIt has been recurrently observed that, for compound muscle action potentials (M wave) recorded over the innervation zone of the vastus lateralis, the descending portion of the first phase generally shows an 'inflection' or 'shoulder'. We sought to clarify the electrical origin of this shoulder-like feature and examine its implications. M waves evoked by maximal single shocks to the femoral nerve were recorded in monopolar and bipolar configurations from 126 individuals using classical (10-mm recording diameter, 20-mm inter-electrode distance) electrodes and from eight individuals using small electrodes arranged in a linear array. The changes of the M-wave waveform at different positions along the muscle fibers' direction were examined. The shoulder was identified more frequently in monopolar (97%) than in bipolar (46%) M waves. The shoulder of M waves recorded at different distances from the innervation zone had the same latency. Furthermore, the shoulder of the M wave recorded over the innervation zone coincided in latency with the positive peak of that recorded beyond the muscle. The positive phase of the M wave detected 20 mm away from the innervation zone was essentially composed of non-propagating components. The shoulder-like feature in monopolar and bipolar M waves results from the termination of action potentials at the superficial aponeurosis of the vastus lateralis. We conclude that, only the amplitude of the first phase, and not the second, of M waves recorded monopolarly and/or bipolarly in close proximity to the innervation zone can be used reliably to monitor possible changes in muscle membrane excitability.
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