Pascual Arzoz, Pedro

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INARBE. Institute for Advanced Research in Business and Economics





Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 12
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Territorial mobility: a measuring proposal
    (2005) Ezcurra Orayen, Roberto; Pascual Arzoz, Pedro; Rapún Gárate, Manuel; Economía; Ekonomia
    As a contribution to the study of intradistributional mobility, this paper introduces a family of functions whose usefulness as mobility measures is justified by different theoretical results. Indeed, as a particular case, this family includes the Bartholomew index, which is widely used in the literature devoted to the dynamic analysis of personal income distribution. The paper also contains, by way of example, an application to the study of mobility in regional per capita income distribution in the European Union between 1977 and 1999.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Movilidad y desigualdad regional en la Unión Europea
    (2002) Ezcurra Orayen, Roberto; Pascual Arzoz, Pedro; Rapún Gárate, Manuel; Economía; Ekonomia
    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la movilidad de la distribución de la renta por habitante a escala regional en la Unión Europea durante el período 1977-1996, con el fin de aportar elementos complementarios sobre la naturaleza de la desigualdad interregional. Para ello se calculan una serie de indicadores utilizados habitualmente en el estudio dinámico de la distribución interpersonal de la renta. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren que el nivel de movilidad intradistribucional es relativamente bajo. Asimismo, la evidencia empírica aportada muestra la existencia de una tendencia hacia la reducción de la movilidad regional a lo largo del período analizado que ha coincidido en el tiempo con el mantenimiento de la desigualdad interregional en la Unión Europea.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Geografía y dinámica de la desigualdad regional en la Unión Europea
    (2002) Ezcurra Orayen, Roberto; Gil Canaleta, Carlos; Pascual Arzoz, Pedro; Rapún Gárate, Manuel; Economía; Ekonomia
    ¿Son permanentes o temporales los desequilibrios de renta entre regiones? El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la evolución de la desigualdad regional en renta por habitante en la Unión Europea en el período 1977-1999. A diferencia de la literatura tradicional sobre convergencia, el método de trabajo empleado se basa en el cálculo de un conjunto de medidas utilizadas en el estudio dinámico de la distribución personal de la renta. Ahora bien, como la unidad de referencia es la región y no el individuo, procederemos a introducir en el análisis la dimensión poblacional. De esta manera, los indicadores calculados serán estadísticos ponderados de acuerdo con la población relativa. Asimismo, las diferentes medidas se obtienen para diversos niveles de desagregación temporal y geográfica, con el fin de detectar posibles patrones de comportamiento diferenciados en el tiempo y en el espacio.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Public capital, regional productivity and spatial spillovers
    (1998) Gil Canaleta, Carlos; Pascual Arzoz, Pedro; Rapún Gárate, Manuel; Economía; Ekonomia
    This paper examines the impact of infrastructure on productivity in the various regions of Spain. Using the duality approach and panel data, we estimate the regional cost functions for the three main sectors of the economy for the period 1964-1991. We also estimate a production function with profit maximization restrictions and a production function with regional and temporal fixed effects. Public capital is included as an unpaid factor of production, and two separate variables are used to establish whether the different categories of public capital have varying effects on costs. Results show that public infrastructure noticeably reduces private costs and increases overall productivity. Finally, there is a study of the existence of spillover effects in transport infrastructure. Estimations suggest that such effects are of some relevance, a fact which may have serious implications for public policy on infrastructure.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Disparidades espaciales en productividad y estructura sectorial de las regiones europeas
    (2002) Ezcurra Orayen, Roberto; Pascual Arzoz, Pedro; Rapún Gárate, Manuel; Economía; Ekonomia
    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar cuál ha sido la contribución regional y sectorial a la convergencia en productividad en la Unión Europea entre 1977 y 1999. Para ello se combina la metodología propuesta por Esteban (2000) con diversos resultados procedentes de la literatura tradicional sobre desigualdad. La evidencia empírica aportada sugiere que la desigualdad regional en productividad en la Unión Europea está estrechamente relacionada con la existencia de diferencias estructurales entre regiones. Asimismo, los resultados obtenidos permiten respaldar la relevancia teórica de los modelos de crecimiento unisectoriales a la hora de explicar las disparidades regionales en renta por habitante en el ámbito europeo.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Inequality, polarisation and regional mobility in the European Union
    (2004) Ezcurra Orayen, Roberto; Gil Canaleta, Carlos; Pascual Arzoz, Pedro; Rapún Gárate, Manuel; Economía; Ekonomia
    This paper examines the distribution dynamics of regional per capita income in the European Union between 1977 and 1999. To achieve this aim, we combine a non-parametric approach with the information provided by various measures used in the literature on personal income distribution. The results obtained suggest that regional inequality and polarisation have decreased in the European context over the period considered. Likewise, the observed level of intradistributional mobility is relatively low. Furthermore, our findings reveal the important role played by the national component and the spatial dimension in the distribution dynamics.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Distribución, compensación y fondos estructurales: una propuesta metodológica
    (1998) Nieto Vázquez, Jorge; Pascual Arzoz, Pedro; Rapún Gárate, Manuel; Economía; Ekonomia
    Este trabajo tiene por objeto analizar el problema de la distribución interregional de dos fondos de desarrollo: El FCI y el FEDER. Ambos instrumentos, además de satisfacer la vocación compensadora de la política regional, han de ser repartidos de modo que se tiendan a igualar las oportunidades de desarrollo de las distintas regiones. Se identifica el problema distributivo planteado y se enmarca en un modelo teórico denominado “Igualdad de Oportunidades para el Desarrollo”. A continuación, se describen sintéticamente los modos de reparto reales de dichos fondos. Finalmente, se lleva cabo un ejercicio ilustrativo de simulación del método de reparto propuesto.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Clearing the smog ceiling: the impact of women’s political empowerment on air quality in European regions
    (Elsevier, 2024) Ríos, Vicente; Barba Areso, Izaskun; Gianmoena, Lisa; Pascual Arzoz, Pedro; Economía; Ekonomia
    This study explores the impact of female political empowerment on air quality outcomes. Women's stronger environmental concerns and pro-environmental behaviors may lead to better air quality as they progressively break the glass ceiling in politics. To test this hypothesis, we employ a novel data set on regional air pollutant emissions and women's political empowerment for a sample of 230 European regions of 27 EU countries. We apply instrumental variables and partial identification methods to ensure that our results are not influenced by confounding variables. We find that female political empowerment is consistently associated with improved air quality.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Regional specializacion in the European Union
    (2004) Ezcurra Orayen, Roberto; Gil Canaleta, Carlos; Pascual Arzoz, Pedro; Economía; Ekonomia
    This paper examines productive specialization in the regions of the European Union over the period 1977 to 1999 using the information provided by various methodological instruments. The results obtained reveal a process of convergence in regional productive structures during the twenty-three years considered. This has been due to the behavior of regions with high levels of specialization at the start of the period, whose productive structures have tended to shift towards the European average over time. The analysis carried out also highlights the major role played by regional size, level of development and geographical location in explaining specialization in the European context. Finally, the empirical evidence provided suggests that changes in regional productive structures are closely linked to the evolution of the spatial distribution of per capita income in the European Union.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    A centralized directional distance model for efficient and horizontally equitable grants allocation to local governments
    (Elsevier, 2022) Arocena Garro, Pablo; Cabasés Hita, Fermín; Pascual Arzoz, Pedro; Institute for Advanced Research in Business and Economics - INARBE
    This paper proposes a directional distance model for efficient resource allocation when there is a centralized decision maker who oversees all units. The model is designed to allocate grants from an upper-tier government to the municipalities under its jurisdiction. Local governments employ the grants together with levied local taxes to provide services to their citizens. The objective of our formulation is to optimize grants allocation across municipalities taking into account efficiency, effectiveness and horizontal fiscal equity criteria. The model easily allows the setting of alternative priorities of the central decision maker, thus permitting quantification of the trade-off between the potential increase in the provision of local services and its associated cost. The model is applied to the allocation of current grants in the autonomous community of Navarre in northern Spain.