Publication: Spanish adaptation of the Solution-Focused Inventory (SFI)
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El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar las propiedades psicométricas del Cuestionario Centrado en Solucio-nes (ccs) en una muestra española, replicando el estudio original de Grant et al. (2012). El CCS está diseñado para evaluar los pensamientos centrados en las soluciones, compuesta de tres subescalas: distanciamiento del problema, orientación a la meta y activación de recursos. Fue traducido y adaptado al castellano, posteriormente se realizaron dos estudios para examinar sus propiedades psicométricas. El primer estudio confirmó la estructura del instrumento y obtuvo una buena consistencia interna. El segundo estudio confirmó su validez convergente; el CCS correlacionó positivamente con el bienestar, resiliencia, satisfacción con la vida y toma de perspectiva, y negativamente con una medida de psicopatología. El segundo estudio confirmó la estabilidad, a lo largo del tiempo. Estos dos estudios confirman que el CCS es una medida que evalúa pensamientos centrados en las soluciones y puede ser utilizado para población española.
The aim of this study was to examine the psychometric properties of the solution-Focused inventory (sFi) in a spanish population, replicating the original validation study of grant et al. (2012). the SFi, designed to evaluate solution-focused thinking, is a 12-item scale with three subscales: problem disengagement, goal orientation and resource activation. The instrument was adapted and translated into spanish, then two studies were carried out to examine its psychometric properties. The first study confirmed the instrument ́s structure, and its good internal consistency. The second study confirmed its convergent validity; SFI was positively correlated with measures of well-being, resilience, satisfaction with life and perspective taking, and negatively correlated with psychopathology. This second study confirmed the stability of the SFI scores across time. in sum, these two studies provide additional support for the reliability and validity of the sFi as a measure of solution-focused thinking, and open its use to spanish-speaking populations.
The aim of this study was to examine the psychometric properties of the Solution-Focused Inventory (SFI) in a Spanish population, replicating the original validation study of Grant et al. (2012). The SFI, designed to evaluate solution-focused thinking, is a 12-item scale with three subscales: Problem Disengagement, Goal Orientation and Resource Activation. The instrument was adapted and translated into Spanish, then two studies were carried out to examine its psychometric properties. The first study confirmed the instrument´s structure, and its good internal consistency. The second study confirmed its convergent validity; SFI was positively correlated with measures of well-being, resilience, satisfaction with life and perspective taking, and negatively correlated with psychopathology. This second study confirmed the stability of the SFI scores across time. In sum, these two studies provide additional support for the reliability and validity of the SFI as a measure of solution-focused thinking, and open its use to Spanish-speaking populations.
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Copyright 2017 by Sociedad Chilena de Psicología Clínica
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