Publication: Photonic-assisted 2-D terahertz beam steering enabled by a LWA array monolithically integrated with a BFN
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A novel photonic-assisted 2-D Terahertz beam steering chip using only two tuning elements is presented. The chip is based on an array of three leaky wave antennas (LWAs) with a monolithically integrated beamforming network (BFN) on a 50 µm-thick indium phosphide substrate. The THz beam angle in elevation (E-plane) is controlled via optical frequency tuning using a tunable dual-wavelength laser. An optical delay line is used for azimuth (H-plane) beam control. The simulated beam scanning range is 92° in elevation for a frequency sweep from 0.23 THz to 0.33 THz and 69.18° in azimuth for a time delay of 3.6 ps. For the frequency range from 0.26 THz to 0.32 THz, it is confirmed experimentally that the THz beam scans from −12° to +33°, which is in good agreement with the numerical simulations. The beam direction in azimuth scans with a total angle of 39° when applying a delay difference of 1.68 ps. A good agreement is found between theoretically predicted and experimentally determined THz beam angles with a maximum angle deviation below 5°. The experimental scanning angles are limited due to the mechanical constraints of the on-wafer probes, the on-chip integrated transition and the bandwidth of the THz receiver LNA. The mechanical limitation will be overcome when using a packaged chip.
Doctorate program
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