Prevalence of meeting all three 24-h movement guidelines and its correlates among preschool-aged children




Rincón Pabón, David
Martínez-Jamioy, Edwar Nicolas
Rivera-Ruíz, Rosemberg
Castellanos-Montaña, Sebastián
Atencio Osorio, Miguel Alejandro
Carrillo Arango, Hugo Alejandro



Acceso abierto / Sarbide irekia
Artículo / Artikulua
Versión publicada / Argitaratu den bertsioa

Project identifier


The aim of the present study was twofold: first, to determine the meeting all three 24-h movement guidelines in Colombian preschool-aged children, and second, to explore the associations between different socio-ecological correlates and the meeting of these guidelines. This was a cross-sectional study with data from the Encuesta Nacional de Situación Nutricional (ENSIN-2015) in Colombia, 2015–2016. The sample comprised 3002 low-income preschoolers (3–4 years old, 50.7% boys). Data on physical activity, screen time, and sleep time were collected using the Cuestionario para la Medición de Actividad Física y Comportamiento Sedentario, reported by their parents. In total, 18 potential correlates (individual, interpersonal, organizational, and community level) were analyzed. Backward binary logistic regression analysis was performed with the potential correlates as independent variables and meeting all three 24-h movement guidelines as dependent variables. The prevalence of preschoolers meeting all three 24-h movement guidelines or none was 4.8% and 16.6%, respectively. In the final model, boys (odds ratio [OR] = 1.87, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.00–3.50) and those who do not have television in their bedroom (OR = 2.09, 95%CI 1.05–4.14) were more likely to meet all three 24-h movement guidelines compared to with girls and those who have television, respectively. In conclusion, strategies to promote adherence to all 24-h movement guidelines among low-income preschoolers are warranted, and should focus on actions considering the importance of sex and home environment changes to support these movement behaviors.



Lifestyle, Physical activity, Preschoolers, Recommendations, Sedentary behavior, Sleep


Ciencias de la Salud / Osasun Zientziak



Doctorate program

Ramírez‐Vélez, R., Izquierdo, M., López‐Gil, J. F., Rincón‐Pabón, D., Martínez‐Jamioy, E. N., Rivera‐Ruíz, R., Castellanos‐Montaña, S., Atencio‐Osorio, M. A., Carrillo‐Arango, H. A., Alonso‐Martínez, A. M., & García‐Hermoso, A. (2023). Prevalence of meeting all three 24‐h movement guidelines and its correlates among preschool‐aged children. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, sms.14320.

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