Publication: Línea de transmisión cuasi-óptica con modos gaussianos de orden superior para sistemas basados en gyrotrones tecnológicos para aplicaciones cerámicas
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In this paper, a description of a new compact microwave oven system based on a tecnological gyrotron for material processing applications is presented. The whole system has been designed by the Institute of Applied Physics in Nizhny Novgorod (Russia) and nowadays is installed in the Forschungszentrum (Karlsruhe, Germany). It consists ot a technological gyrotron working at 30 GHz giving 10 Kw CW in the TE02 circular waveguide mode, a quasi-optical transmission line (optimized in this work) and the final very oversized cavity or applicator. The original transmission line had a transmission efficiency of about 70%, by using a Vlasov launcher to generate a fundamental gaussian beam from the TE02 mode. The power was driven through a total of three mirrors. The improved design presented here increases the transmission efficiency up to 91%, by using a higher order gaussian beam mode, azimuthaly polarized and conical profile, by using only two ellipsoidal mirrors.
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