Monitorización activa de altas prestaciones mediante la plataforma paneuropa ETOMIC


In this paper we present the first set of active measurements that we have made using the ETOMIC system. ETOMIC is a paneuropean traffic measurement infrastructure with GPS-synchronized monitoring nodes. Specific hardware is used in order to provide high-precision transmission and reception capabilities. Besides, the system is open and any experiment can be executed. Internet measurements with high infrastructure requirements are now possible like one-way delay, routes and topology changing, congestion detection and virtual path aggregation detection. We will explain the results and how easy is to implement these measurements using the tools provided by ETOMIC, specially the API for using the specific sending and receiving capabilities.


ETOMIC, Internet traffic, Internet measurements


Automática y Computación / Automatika eta Konputazioa



Doctorate program

Editor version

Funding entities

Este trabajo ha sido financiado por el Proyecto Integrado Evergrow (contrato 001935) del Programa FP6/IST/FET de la Comisión Europea.

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