A study of the interface of gold nanoparticles conjugated to cowpea fe-superoxide dismutase

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Tellechea Malda, Edurne
Asensio, Aarón C.
Ciáurriz Gortari, Paula
Urra Rodríguez, Marina



Acceso abierto / Sarbide irekia
Artículo / Artikulua
Versión publicada / Argitaratu den bertsioa

Project identifier


The iron superoxide dismutase (FeSOD) is a first barrier to defend photosynthetic organisms from superoxide radicals. Although it is broadly present in plants and bacteria, FeSODs are absent in animals. They belong to the same phylogenic family as Mn-containing SODs, which are also highly efficient at detoxifying superoxide radicals. In addition, SODs can react with peroxynitrite, and FeSOD enzyme has already been used to evaluate the anti-nitrative capacity of plant antioxidants. Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) have been shown to significantly improve the functionality and the efficiency of ligands, providing they are properly assembled. In this work, the characteristics of the recombinant cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) FeSOD (rVuFeSOD) immobilized onto AuNPs were investigated as a function of (1) NP surface chemistry and (2) biofunctionalization methods, either physical adsorption or covalent bonding. The NP surface chemistry was studied by varying the concentration of the ligand molecule 11-mercaptoundecanoic acid (MUA) on the NP surface. The coverage and activity of the protein on AuNPs was determined and correlated to the surface chemistry and the two biofunctionalization methods. rVuFeSOD–AuNPs conjugate stability was monitored through absorption measurements, agarose gel electrophoresis and DLS, enzymatic activity by a colorimetric assay and by in-gel activity assay, and coverage was measured by colorimetric assay. When using physical adsorption, the NP is the most perturbing agent for the activity of the enzyme. In contrast, only the NP coverage was affected by MUA ligand concentration. However, during covalent attachment, both the NP and the concentration of MUA on the surface influenced the enzyme activity, while the coverage of the NP remained constant. The results evidence the importance of the biomolecule and AuNP interaction for the functionality of the hybrid. These strategies can be used to develop electrochemical biosensors for O2•− and for peroxynitrite in biomedical applications.


Biofunctionalization, Gold nanoparticle, SOD, Superoxide dismutase


Ciencias / Zientziak / Institute for Multidisciplinary Research in Applied Biology - IMAB



Doctorate program

Editor version

Funding entities

This research was funded by the Government of Navarra, Department of Innovation, Business and Employment for financial support within the project SABioD. E.T., P.C. and A.C. were funded by SABioD grant. The authors also acknowledge a grant from the Public University of Navarre (Res 309/2022) to J.F.M. M.U. is a recipient of a pre-doctoral fellowship from the Government of Navarre, Spain. J.B. and P.L. have received pre-doctoral fellowships from the Public University of Navarre, Spain. J.B. is supported by the Romanian Ministry of Education and research, grant CNCS-UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2020-2696, within PNCDI III.

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