Protein kinase GCN2 mediates responses to glyphosate in Arabidopsis

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Faus, Isabel
Santiago, Julia
Nebauer, Sergio G.
Serrano, Ramón
Gadea, José



BioMed Central
Acceso abierto / Sarbide irekia
Artículo / Artikulua
Versión publicada / Argitaratu den bertsioa

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Background: The increased selection pressure of the herbicide glyphosate has played a role in the evolution of glyphosate-resistance in weedy species, an issue that is becoming a threat to global agriculture. The molecular components involved in the cellular toxicity response to this herbicide at the expression level are still unidentified. Results: In this study, we identify the protein kinase GCN2 as a cellular component that fosters the action of glyphosate in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Comparative studies using wild-type and gcn2 knock-out mutant seedlings show that the molecular programme that the plant deploys after the treatment with the herbicide, is compromised in gcn2. Moreover, gcn2 adult plants show a lower inhibition of photosynthesis, and both seedlings and adult gcn2 plants accumulate less shikimic acid than wild-type after treatment with glyphosate. Conclusions: These results points to an unknown GCN2-dependent factor involved in the cascade of events triggered by glyphosate in plants. Data suggest either that the herbicide does not equally reach the target-enzyme in a gcn2 background, or that a decreased flux in the shikimate pathway in a gcn2 plants minimize the impact of enzyme inhibition.


Incluye 7 ficheros de datos


Glyphosate, GCN2, Transcriptomic, Shikimate, Translation, Herbicides, Horseweed conyza-canadensis, Sugar-beet leaves, Herbicide resistance, Vacuolar sequestration, Phosphate transporter, Gene expression, Thaliana, Stress, EIF2-alpha, Wheat


Ciencias del Medio Natural / Natura Ingurunearen Zientziak



Doctorate program

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